Laws of Wisdom – The laws that speak of Divine Power and how It manifests in the universe.
causation. The wheel of life, which is a factor in the human and spiritual cycles of lives; karma.
ECKANKAR Dicionary, p. 21
The ECK Power is the intelligence which pervades all space and animates all living things; this mental action and reaction is the Law of Causation. The principle of causation does not begin with the individual but in the cosmic power. It is not an objective faculty but a subjective process, and the results are seen in an infinite variety of conditions and experiences.
In order to express life there must be power. Nothing can exist without the cosmic power. Everything which exists is some manifestation of this basic power from which and by which all things have been created and continually are being recreated.
Man lives in a fathomless sea of this plastic ether called the ECK Power; and this substance is ever alive and active. It is sensitive to the highest degree. Thought form takes mold or matrix from that which the substance expresses.
Dialogues With the Master, chap. 20
The other aspect of Spirit, even more important than the Light, is that which we know as the Sound. This Sound Current is actually the Voice of God, spoken of in the Bible as the Word: " In the beginning was the Word….And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." This Voice, the creative current which comes from God, has created the lower worlds. It comes out like a radio wave from a central broadcasting station. It's like a pebble thrown into a quiet lake, causing ripples to go out. These waves go out but they must come back to the center; it's the returning wave that we are interested in. This is what Soul is looking for : to return to the God center. When It returns to the God center, we call this God-Realization, or the God Consciousness.
How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2, p. 156
Consciousness, Law of. The recognition, or realization, of the beingness of self or thing in thought, which manifests external life and form.
ECKANKAR Dictionary p. 84
Everything in the universe has its origin in idea, in thought, and it has its completion in the manifestation of thought through form. Many intermediate stages are necessary, but the cause and effect of the series are the thought and the thing. This shows that in essence the thing already existed in thought….This is consciousness. If it is a true fact that the thing must be in thought before thought can form the thing, then it is plain that the Divine ideal can only be externalized in our objective life to the proportionthat it is first formed in our thought. It takes form from our thought only to the extent that we have apprehended its existence in the Divine ECK….
Soul is the thinker of thoughts. The consciousness responds when directed by Soul, which is beyond all thought, beyond all matter, energy, space and time. The very act of thinking imposes self-consciousness because all thoughts are possible only through self-consciousness. Therefore, that which i am, that which is above and beyond all thoughts, cannot be revealed by the consciousness or the intellect. Even when the consciousness cannot think of it, it is possible for Soul, which i am, to know the whole thing in a complete way.
In the creative process of Soul we become the individual reflection of what we realize the Divine Power to be, relative to one's self. If we realize the Divine as the infinite potential of all that can constitute a human being, this concept must, by the law of creativity, gradually build up a corresponding image in our thoughts, which in turn, will act on our external condition. This, by the law of consciousness, is the nature of the process.
The Flute of God, chap. 9
We each choose our own state of consciousness. It takes awhile for many individuals, even many ECK initiates, to recognize this. We make our own worlds. What we are today is the sum total of everything we have thought or been throughout the ages.
How To Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2, p. 8
God, Law of. Everything has its origin in Spirit; Divine truth is one and unchanging.
ECKANKAR Dictionary, p. 57
The odyssey of Soul teaches us to cooperate with the laws of God. It takes many lifetimes of bumps and bruises before all the lessons of Godhood sink in. And when they do, we are granted the Grace to partake consciously of the highest aspects of Sainthood.
The Living Word, p. 199
The Law of God states that "Soul has existence because God wills it." Thus, God loves all life so dearly that IT allows Soul to exist. If IT did not love life, there would be no life-forms in the universe and all would be barren. Time, space, law, chance, matter, primitive energy, and intelligence are only the effects of God's love for life, and only exist to serve Soul in Its journey to find liberation and freedom.
The Soul is not the cause for the law which brings happiness or misery. Not being free, neither does it act as the prime cause that brings about the opposite. As the free Self It has the opportunity to establish Itself as the prime mover for bringing about happiness andletting life be what it should be. It does not establish life but exists because life itself supports Soul as the prime consideration of God's love for every individual Soul in the universe.
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One, p. 153
Grace, Law of. To be in accord with the ways of SUGMAD for making each a divine channel, through working in the area of nonattachment mainly through the discipline of emotions.
ECKANKAR Dictionary, p. 58
We take our steps on the spiritual path; we climb the ladder to God. Jesus said, " Come unto me and be lifted up." What he tried to explain was simply this: The Grace of God does not descend upon us. This is something religions often do not understand. They feel the Grace of God comes to us merely because we ask. It does in a way, but first we must earn it. We must make at least some effort before the Grace of God comes to us; but when it does, we are lifted up into it.
How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, book 2, p. 8
You have to undergo discipline to lift your state of consciousness to an area where these teachers are, where they can help you. In a sense, we are led to believe that the Grace of God descends upon us, but actually it's as Jesus spoke of when he told his followers to come unto him and he would lift them up.
How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, book 2, p. 48
"Anyone with a sufficient desire for a realization of God can achieve that realization – the Grace of God will guarantee it."
The Key to ECKANKAR, p. 41
HU, Law of. Spirit is the all penetrating power which is the forming power of the universes of HU, the Voice of God.
ECKANKAR Dictionary, p.65
The path of ECK is to lead an individual into a life that is spiritually uplifting and never degrading or depraved in any manner. It's supposed to build. When you get something on the inner – a direction to do something – if it's positive and harmonious, then do it. If you feel upset by it or if it demands that you exercise power over another person – in other words, the command you get means someone else loses his freedom to act as he wants to – then don't do it. It's the negative power, and can even take the face of the ECK Master. Why? For our experience, so that we can learn how to challenge it with one of the sacred words of God, such as HU. You can chant this quietly, and you can have protection. It opens you for this protection from Spirit.
This is one of the functions of HU, and it's a very useful tool. You can do it at any time. If you need help – maybe sombody's gossiping or attacking you – you don't direct it at them but you just chant to uplift yourself spiritually so that you either gain an understanding or to protect yourself or whatever's needed.
How To Find God, Mahanta transcripts, Book 2, p 78
Many of the different religious teachings have initiations. The Masonic order speaks of the lost word. This lost word actually is the sound of HU, or the Sound of God. This is one of the sacred names of God, which is a charged word. Such a word – and this includes our personal word – does not have power in itself. The word which we are given during initiation acts like a key to unlock the protection and spiritual help that is available from ECK, or the Mahanta. We chant or sing this word, quietly or out loud, whenever we have need for this help.
How To Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2, p.89
Hu, the secret name of God….can be chanted or sung quietly to yourself when you are in trouble or when you need consolation in time of grief. It gives strength,It gives health, It opens you as a channel for the greater healing of Divine Spirit.
How To Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2, p. 313
The Sound of God, the Audible Life Stream, is the pruifying element which uplifts Soul, so that one day It may return home to God, Its creator.
How To Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2, p. 314
life. Being; the experience of states of consciousness; life is Spirit, and Spirit is static; the Sound; the ECK.
ECKANKAR Dictionary, p. 87
Each new experience, each new situation of life, widens the outlook of the chela and brings about a subtle transformation within himself. Thus the nature of every chela who is earnest and serious about the works of ECK is changing constantly, not only on account of the conditions of life, but by the constant additions of new impressions, the structure of the mind becomes ever more diverse and complex. Whether it is called progress or degeneration, depends on how one looks at it. But it has to be admitted that this is the law of life, in which the spiritual and the psychic coordinate and balance one another in the world of the spirito-materialistic, where Soul must serve out Its time for perfection.
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book Two, p. 104
Why me Lord? is the age old question we ask God. It is a form of prayer; it covers up our ignorance of the laws of life. Problems with life occur when we don't understand the laws of ECK — the laws of Spirit.
The Golden Heart, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 4, p. 2
" Every issue of life is determined not by external conditions and things, but by one's own consciousness. For example, the body in and of itself has no power, no intelligence, and is not responsible for its actions. A hand left to itself would remain where it is forever. There must be something to move it, and that something we call "I" or "Spirit." That "I" determines how the hand will be used; the hand cannot determine that in and of itself. The hand exists as an effect or as a form and responds to direction. As a vehicle or tool, it is obedient to us, and we impart to it whatever usefullness it has.
"This idea can be applied to other parts of the body. The consciousness that formed the body in the beginning is the consciousness that maintains and sustains it. God gave us dominion through consciousness, and this consciousness, which is the creative principle of our body, must also be its sustaining and maintaining principle.
" Once you have this principle, you have caught the entire principle of life. Literally, this is the Law of Life: the substance, the activity, the intelligent direction of life which is within man. "
The Key to ECKANKAR, p. 19
It is the law of all life to either progress or degenerate.
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book Two, p. 198
Mksha,Law of. Life is only Spirit, and being Spirit it has nothing; it has only intelligence with the peculiar ability to perceive, prentrate, and survive, and have causation, specialization, creativeness, beauty, love, and ethics.
ECKANKAR Dictionary, p. 99
There are fundamental laws that govern this physical universe through Spirit. These were once taught by an ancient ECK sage named Mksha, who appeared on this earth some 35,000 years ago to teach the people of the Indus valley. His first teaching was, " Life is only Spirit, and being Spirit, has nothing." The understanding of this points out clearly that it has only intelligence with the peculiar ability to perceive, penetrate, survive, have causation, specialization, creativeness, beauty, love, and ethics.
Spirit is the all penetrating power which is the forming power of the universes of HU. It is the immortal unchanging source of life which only changes form regardless of what the world may be. It is the causative force which man has studied, written about, and can only know the exacting properties of , never actually acquiring total knowledge. We know that its modus operandi works perculiarly in exacting ways as do the mathematical formulas. Scientists and students of the Holy Works, all know this.
The Flute of God, p. 86
Physical Universe
laws of the physical universe. The Book of Laws; seven fundamental laws that govern the physical universe through Spirit: Law of Attitudes, Law of Facsimiles, Law of HU, Law of Polarity ,Law of Soul, Law of Unity, and Law of Vibrations.
ECKANKAR Dictionary, p. 87
"One must come to realize that creation is finished in the lower universes. Creativeness is only a deeper receptiveness. The entire contents of all time and all space, while experienced in a time sequence, actually coexist in an infinite and eternal now! In fact, all that mankind ever was or ever shall be in these lower worlds exists now! This is what is meant by the statement that creation is already finished. Nothing is ever created, only manifested. What is called creativeness is only becoming aware of what already is. You simply become increasingly aware of portions of that which already exists."
The Key to ECKANKAR, p. 7
Soul, Law of. Soul is the manifested individual beingness of the ECK Spirit. It has free will, opinions, intelligence, imagination, and immortality.
ECKANKAR Dictionary, p. 138
Soul is the manifested individual beingness of the ECK Spirit. The individual Soul has been created out of this Spirit, with the ability to have free will, to make Its own choice, to be able to have opinions, intelligence, imagination, and to postulate and manifest.
The Flute of God, chap. 7
This means that all Souls who enter into the heavenly state must abide by the law which they establish for themselves. This self-abiding law is for the individual Soul to recognize that It is Its own law. First of all, It must love, or give out goodwill to all beings within the heavenly worlds. Secondly, It must make Its own law to abide by, and this must be in harmony with the great law: Love all things.
The Shariat-Ki-Sugmad, Book Two, p. 138
We recognize that Soul is eternal; It has no beginning and no ending. Therefore, when a person leaves this physical body, he continues to exist, usually on a higher plane of consciousness.
How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, book 2, p. 48
Spirit, Law of. Spirit, in Itself, is the principle of increase; future conditions grow out of present conditions; there is always something more to come, another experience to experience.
ECKANKAR Dictionary, p. 139
This only means that God of ITSELF is Being, and Spirit is that extension of IT into all universes, and you, are the instrument, are Spirit made flesh.
Self-mastery simply means that a person has the ability to run his own life according to the laws of Spirit. This presumes, first of all, that you know the laws of Spirit. The understanding of these laws comes through the Light and Sound of God; it is a direct infusion of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad into Soul.
The Golden Heart, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 4, p. 74
Spirit is the all penetrating power which is the forming power of the universes of HU. It is the immortal unchanging source of life which only changes form regardless of what the world might be….
This Spirit, the Voice of HU — HU is often known as the Sugmad — which is the true name of God in the upper realms, has one great quality and that is to create effect. As It flows down through the worlds, from Its fountainhead in the center of all creation, far above this earth world, It needs distributors, and It works through Souls.
The Flute of God, chap. 7
Our name for Spirit is simply ECK. This Eck is what the Bible refers to as the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. This is the same manifestation that came to the apostles at pentecost. They heard a sound like a rushing wind. This is one of the sounds of Spirit. There are many more, such as the sound of a flute.
How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2, p. 40
The Sound and Light are the twin aspects of Spirit. This is the Voice of God. There are three parts, actually, that we are interested in as we step on the spiritual path. First there is thought. We use our mind and imaginative techniques in working with the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. With the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, we consciously try to make contact with this Light and Sound of God. It's a worthwhile goal to experience the Voice of God: It means we have contact with the Divinity.
How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2, p. 72
The Key to ECKANKAR, p. 8
In ECK, the individual is instructed in the Laws of Spirit. How he uses this knowledge determines how soon he enters the joyful state of God Enlightenment, which can be attained while still in the human body.
The Living Word, p. 36
Spiritual Nonperfection
"The Law of Spiritual Nonperfection holds that no one ever becomes a perfect being." There is always one more step in God's plan of conscious evolution. This is all the more true of spiritual things which always seek, but never find, completion.
Child In the Wilderness, p. 250
Three Basic Principles of ECKANKAR
By now he begins to see the wisdom of the three basic principles of ECK. First, Soul is eternal. It has no beginning nor ending. Second, whosoever travels the high path of ECK always dwells in the spiritual planes. Third, Soul always lives in the present moment.
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book Two, p. 243
Out of these principles springs the doctrine and philosophy of ECK. There is nothing more to say and there is nothing less to say.
By the realization of these three principles the chela becomes a transparency for the Divine Impulse. He comes into a greater awareness of the Divine plan in this world, and his part in it. He now rests in the arms of the Mahanta, the Inner ECK Master, and relies upon him to give him his Divine guidance.
As he rises higher in this spiritual realization, the great discovery of life is found. The majestic law of God upon which these three principles of ECK rest is that "Soul exists because the SUGMAD wills it."
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One, p. 155

Spiritulal Nonperfection
This applies very much to me over this past year and I find comfort in knowing that I am a work in progress.