A Spiritual Take On Socialism/Marxism VS Captitalism

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By Veritas

What’s your take on socialism/Marxism vs. capitalism?

The ideal system is free market capitalism in which the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government intervene when there are monopolies or predatory practices that infringe on a free market and violate the laws (including Constitutional rights).

This maximizes freewill, liberty, and personal property. The idea is to maximize people’s ability to choose how successful they want to be financially depending on how much smarts and effort they put into it. It’s about equal opportunity, rather than pure equality, as the latter means if you rise you get pounded down and if you don’t try you get propped up, which is the socialist way.

The Marxists make class a big thing, in order to create division. It’s a trap because it makes the lower class think their identity is that class and therefore they can never rise without betraying their kind. So it’s like that crab mentality where crabs in a bucket stay in a bucket because when one tries to crawl out the others latch on to it and pull it back in, so they all stay in.

The perfect system is where lower classes become middle class, and middle class become upper class, in a chain that lifts everyone up through merit, education, and equal opportunity. That way the entire population improves in quality of life and that’s how the world reaches a better state.

What the Marxists want instead is the reverse, take the upper class and demote them to middle class, and take the middle class and remove their private property and make them live like lower class. That way everyone (except the ultra-elite) eventually becomes lower class, workers, and peasants, arm in arm.

The deception is that a group must remain in power to manage it all, and they become the true ultra-elite, so all you ultimately did was turn a free society into a feudal society where a small nobility presides over a mass of serfs. That’s what Marxism is, behind all the propaganda. It’s feudalism.

And once you add in universal basic income and automation (a seeming socialist wet dream), then instead of private property being eliminated and workers owning the means of production, you end up with the workers being eliminated and becoming the private property of the ultra-elites. How is that for irony? That’s why leftists are misguided. They are donkeys following the carrot right off a cliff. “But true carrot tasting has never been tried,” they say. Right, because it’s always a stick’s length away, and that’s the trap.

So just because our system of capitalism has some corruption to weed out, doesn’t mean therefore that capitalism in itself is bad and needs to be replaced with Marxism/socialism. The weeding out needs to restore it to free market capitalism, which is where freedom resides for the time being, given human nature.

There is wealth inequality today, but it’s not as absolute and evil as Marxists say. Bezos can have his billions right up until he uses it to stifle competition and do bad things, then feds as an instrument of the People must intervene. Others must be allowed to fairly build up their businesses until they too are rich. So the issues with capitalism today are those that go against the principle of a free market. But that can be fixed way more easily than the problems that arise in socialism which are systematic, fundamental, and statist.

Now, socialism can work if everyone is selfless, responsible, and hard working. Then only those who truly try but cannot make it get propped up by the rest. This works in small teams, families, groups up to about 150 people (Dunbar Number) where there’s accountability. Beyond that, accountability goes down as anonymity goes up, and then humans, being part animal (or all animal if they have no spirit), economize their energies as any animal does and become a drag on the system. People in power implement policies to help those lazies but do it in a very idealistic, divorced-from-reality, inefficient, and unsustainable way. Therefore the whole thing eventually runs out of wealth and implodes.

Socialism won’t succeed, or be right for humanity, until Dunbar’s number increases to the millions or billions, which would require a social memory complex, to use Law of One terminology. Until then, socialism remains an incredibly inefficient system that keeps everyone poor and stifles innovation. The only way it’s been able to exist in modern times is off the back of capitalist productivity and wealth. China allows capitalism because it can’t survive without it, but the CCP has the final say in business affairs.

In Scandinavian countries, which socialists tout as successful examples of socialism, the tax rate is high and social services are plentiful BUT only because outside of government everything else is capitalist and the people are hardworking, productive, and responsible. But let’s see how long that lasts with all the refugees and migrants they are supporting.

Normally welfare is an investment in that it helps people get back on their feet to recontribute to society. Not so when it’s dumped into demographics who not only refuse to assimilate, but purposely take advantage and commit themselves to destroying the hand that feeds.

Socialism is like a 10 pound tick on a 10 pound dog… if the dog is strong enough, the tick and dog can both survive, but it shouldn’t be there in the first place. There are often lots of resources for inefficient socialist systems to feed off of. California has a strong tech and agriculture sector that grew to maturity in its pre-socialist days, but now companies are fleeing California thanks to the consequences. Socialist Venezuela feeds off its oil production. Once that revenue collapsed, the country ate itself (or literally its pets) because socialism isn’t sustainable or self-sufficient. And yet its proponents are paradoxically obsessed with sustainability in a superficial way with going green and banning plastic straws, as if spraying the perfume of virtue to cover the stench of their rotten ideology.

That’s how China, California, Washington, and other socialist/communist-like enclaves have survived. When the dog gets too weak, the system collapses, like it did in Detroit, Venezuela, and the Soviet Union. No matter how much political sophistry makes Leftism look shiny and just, when applied in reality, it starts to fail and eventually dies but not before the ultra-elites sacrifice the masses to keep themselves afloat.

Therefore, socialism leads to a form of parasitism. It’s also like a cancer, and is modeled after cancer. If you think about how in CHAZ, Antifa took over a section of the city, created a barrier, ate up all the local resources, demanded outside resources, didn’t produce any resources of their own, and operated by their own laws that went against the harmony and laws of the nation. And, if they had established a zone there permanently, they would have expanded it outwardly and required more and more resources from the outside to sustain itself and its degenerate ways. That is how cancer works.

Socialism/Marxism/communism is a feudalist, parasitic, cancerous ideology disguised as justice, equality, and fairness. And the only reason it exists is because there are enough naïve people falling for it. Those people don’t look long term enough, don’t think big enough, and some are actually slaves to their egos and shadows where envy, jealousy, and childish outlooks reside. They point to corporate greed as justification for their petulance, then gleefully follow the golden carrot toward totalitarianism.

It’s okay to have welfare and social services, as long as there is oversight to prevent abuse and a push to get people back on their feet wherever possible. Teaching a man how to fish, versus giving him a fish. Giving him a fish is how you make him dependent on you forever, and so that’s another thing about socialism/Marxism/communism—it’s designed to create dependency, in order to control.

So it’s about parasitism and control, and that’s why it’s ultimately an un-human, demonic, alien thing that exploits flaws in human psychology to sell itself. I can’t believe people are falling for it. Then again, modern human biology with all its backdoors and exploits, was genetically engineered by these very same alien forces that are now using false ideologies to pave the way toward global totalitarianism.

Tom Montalk – https://montalk.net/about/143/e-mail-qa