“All the world’s a stage,” so the man said.
Blithely he asked, “Have you mastered it yet?”
“No,” I answered, “It’s experimental theater.”
“Ah!” said the man, “It’s all in the interpretation …”
“Arrogance will enter stage right to show you how it’s done.”
“What of stage left?” I queried.
“We boo the has-beens off stage left,” he replied.
“But every seat is taken, even the balcony is filled.” I retorted.
“Yes,” the man said as he smiled. “They laugh at the comedy of errors.”
“It doesn’t matter,” I said, “It’s only an audition.”
“No,“ said the man, “It’s a screen test that no one has passed yet.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Because the new genre plagiarizes the acts of old,” said the man.
“No one has made it through the seventh act,” he continued, “because no one submits a new screenplay.”
“We just need to wait for some new talent,” he sighs.
The stage lights go dark.
The man hangs a sign on the theater door …
i want a new script and
i want a new script and better lighting…..
TY ladies …
Hmmmm … perhaps we just need a "new play." …
“Because the new genre plagiarizes the acts of old,” said the man.
“No one has made it through the seventh act,” he continued, “because no one submits a new screenplay.”
This little ditty I wrote isn't as cryptic as it sounds.
Divine inspiration is not constant – when it flows, it flows.
Definitely been feeling a deficit of individually created pieces – the river has been dry for quite a while now.
Without that, without individual creative creations – we are nothing more than human machines copying and pasting; getting nowhere and REGRESSING in our evolution. It makes the whole notion of spiritual seeking a fucking farse.
Thank you, humanity, for starving artists to death – we now know the cause of the plight of our individual and collective souls.
If you want a better world, allow me, and my fellow artists, to work a bullshit job just like everyone else. I have been told, many times, "I am not qualified" to flip burgers or sweep the sidewalk; yet my intellect is immense.
Okay, you want to know why there is a deficit of art?
There is not a worthy audience.
How about you stop treating artists like pieces of shit that should be part of the "sell-your-soul-economic-machine" and let us live our lives.
If you do not, there will be no art, because there will not be an audience worthy enough.
Keep up the bullshit, and never expect ANY works of art from me.
I can guarantee you – you make my life horrible, you make it illegal to practice my peaceful religion, I give you NO art to enhance your lives.
You reap what you sow.
(No subject)
You state,”you make my life horrible”
The only one who can make anyones life 'horrible' or otherwise is one self, for YOU are the one who sows the seeds you are the reaper thereof!
Change those thoughts seeds and reap the benefit!
You have no idea what I am talking about.
What you say is not applicable.
Lord Help Us
"YOU are the one who sows the seeds you are the reaper thereof!"
What a great way to point a finger.
This is a great way to justify injustice.
By your argument, everyone who is wronged deserves it.
That is so wrong.
I am so appauled, disgusted, and ashamed at you.
As a Spiritual Seeker, you should know better than to blame misfortune on the person who receives it; is someone who is politically targeted and made homeless deserve their misfortune? Fuck no. Give me a fucking break.
Absolutely. Disgusting.
“stage lights go dark” “Closed for…..”
While the lights may get dimmer, and the stage seems dark, the light never goes out and the theater cannot close, at least not as long as there is an 'actor' needing to audition.
"There is but ONE life and One Creator. You are a part of this ONE as each drop of water is a part of the ocean."
BULLSHIT! there are billions of lives, each different from every other, all are NOT the same individual, thats a load of utter horseshit from inexperienced metaphysicists, and is useless as well as inaccurate. Try again please…you read the words and assume you know the truth they try to relate, but you have yet to get it, i am NOT you, and you most certainly are NOT me, deal with it, thats the reality of things…and being a drop IN the Ocean is not at all the same as being the entire Ocean, not even remotely.
i was playing nice actually..
i was playing nice actually…
I do hope the theater door is not locked shut!