Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world.
“… might have” – key words here.
It is amazing to me how many widely accepted New Age concepts that are originally presented in books (generally fiction) become hardcore beliefs for some people. Those people who blindly accept proposed theories as fact and worse, truth, are too busy applying “similarities” to themselves to actually do any research into the origin of such things. The popular Starseed concept that has flooded the internet over the years has no basis in anything factual – of course if you speak to one of the thousand strains of Starseeds about that you will simply be blown off as un-evolved or un-realized and still not given any proof of origin … hey, if you believe in the Bible you can certainly believe in Starseeds. The point is all concepts have a beginning, an origin from which the platform either propels or falls short based upon its psychological appeal to the masses.
“… psychological appeal to the masses” – key words here.
Author Brad Steiger, well known for his work and research into the supernatural and paranormal coined the term "Star People" and its link to Native American beliefs in our creation by visitors from the stars. Brad was attempting to conduct some legitimate research into various aspects of a growing phenomena that was mostly spawned from after effects of alleged alien contacts and abductions which were generally unpleasant.
Since then, different authors have also introduced other names like Starseeds and Star Children. The basic theory – our souls all have connections to other realms as our place of origin. In past lives some of us have come to Earth to learn while others experienced on other planets and realms. When Steiger began compiling data on his hypothesis he admittedly had no idea of the effect it would have on people. There must be safety in numbers aye? Many people who read his criteria regarding Starseed characteristics believed it to fit them. The number of people “evolving” has greatly risen since Brad wrote his book which gave birth to offshoots of extra tantalizing articles and websites all over the internet promoting his original research in a whole new light. Some of the “evolved” ideas and concepts in the articles and on these beyond 100D websites have been taken to the nether regions of non-reality devoid of reasonable thought yet people buy into it, adapt and adopt it. I would like to know when discernment left the planet. Anyone?
The natural conclusion for me is that some are making a prolific amount of money but that seems to be the way of the world, isn’t it? After all you can get DNA activations that will speed up your Starseed evolution and consciousness. Cha-ching, cha-ching – T-shirt anyone?
In Sacred Journey to Atlantis, by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich, Starseeds are described as, "Souls from other planets, star systems or universes, who answered a call for assistance and agreed to come to Earth to help with the healing and transformation of this planet. Individuals in embodiment who are presently working with the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Command to help fulfill the divine plan of bringing peace, harmony and love to Earth." Dr. Norma J. Milanovich is a messenger for the Ascended Masters regarding Earth's transition into the Fifth Dimension. That was the only biographical information I could find about her. Maybe she is just a private person as most Starseeds tend to be.
BUT – What if you are “un-evolved” and don’t believe in Ascended Masters or the Galactic Command? Many people believe that Helena Blavatsky made up the whole concept of the Ascended Masters modeling them after human teachers and associates she had. UFO contactee George Van Tassel was the first to have claimed to have channeled a message from Ashtar Sheran about the command. Van Tassel was a colorful character – also an author and inventor of the “Integratron” which was a “cell rejuvenation” machine he was instructed to assemble after a visit from a “Venusian” who invited him aboard his spacecraft. Van Tassel died mysteriously before the machine was finished in 1978. This all gave rise to conspiracy theories at the time. He is considered by some to be one on a long list of UFO hoaxers.
All fine and dandy but what if you don’t put credence into “channeled” message either?
Another influential person is the Starseed movement is author Barbara Marciniak who penned the Bringers of the Dawn series. Barbara is well known for channeling the ever popular Pleiadians. Here is a short clip:
We are your ancient family. We come from the star system The Pleiades. We know ourselves as The Pleiadians and we, eons ago, millions of years ago, were your relatives. The Pleiadian culture is ancient. [It] was seeded from another universe, a universe of love, a universe that moved back to All That Is. The Pleiadians seeded the Pleiadian star system within this universe before the Earth’s sphere transfer became available. We formed a tremendous society. We operate with love. We operate with ideas and ideals that you are totally unfamiliar with. Our technology in your terms would be somewhat similar. We are, in your terms, computerized. We like that term because it represents an overall picture of our abilities. The picture actually only represents one per cent of what we are capable of doing. However, from your point of view, think of us as a computerized society. We are collective energy. We are not of your dimension.
We are your family members who lost contact with you eons ago. We have come to retrieve you. We have come to reestablish contact, to assist you, so that you can now reunite with us, liberate yourselves and choose to come back to the Pleiades or to stay here on Terra and raise the vibration and allow Terra to become what it was originally planned to become, the international exchange, intergalactic international trade exchange center for the universe.
Why not make aliens our ancestors and relatives?!!! ET phone home … Oh wait … what is that? … Earth was supposed to be the international exchange, intergalactic international trade exchange center for the universe? Did the Pleiadians invent Wall Street??? I wonder …
It would not be fair of course to leave out Zecharia Stitchin. For those who are not familiar with him, he was an Azerbaijani-born American author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. He believed our DNA was genetically manipulated by the Annunaki who created various ethnicities. That rapidly led to the belief that we were seeded here from various star nations. Sitchin's ideas have been rejected by scientists and academics. His work has been criticized for flawed methodology and mistranslations of ancient texts as well as for incorrect astronomical and scientific claims. His education was at the London School of Economics, University of London which hardly made him an archeological or linguistics expert. … but damn if I am not hearing that $$$ bell ring again!
Funny how one thing leads to another and people keep believing because all the fantasy soothes the lack of being unable to function in a very real world.
It’s good to have a mission in life, and perhaps the Starseeds can save us all. I do believe in the world of psychology that is called Messiah Complex maybe with a dash of Napoleon Complex thrown in for the ego. Funny word EGO – an old professor of mine used to define that as Edging God Out. Lots of ramifications there … maybe a topic for another day.
OK – so I am a skeptic and a healthy one. I make no apologies for who I am or what I say.. no excuses or fantasy offered here. I only seek the truth of origin. So, I am going to share a great link here, (you do not want to pass up), and go about my de-volved way … after all I admit that I like being a human and living on planet earth.
If my Starseed brothers and sisters are too shy or reluctant or feel it is too lowly “human’ to read, I totally understand. I know you love me anyway.
Twinkle on homies…
This is …
… one of the funniest things I have ever read!
It was high time that this nonsensical madness was adressed by someone! Every youth that finds they are unable to fit comfortably into any segment of society inavariably adopts this belief system, despite the fact that it is literally based on nothing. It is nothing more than a way of convincing themselves that they are special after all, and have such an ilustrious purpose that human kind cannot possibly do without their help EGO anyone???