Submitted by Starman Abiodun on

Image by Speedy McVroom from Pixabay
One of the most primitive forms of astrology, African Astrology originated in ancient African civilizations and is based on Geomancy. It is regarded as one of the most accurate forms of astrological guides. This post covers African astrology in detail and explains different African zodiac signs characteristics.
The primitive societies of Africa were one of the first groups of people to show a keen interest in the stars and planets, and they even named the celestial bodies while studying them for astrological purposes.
Geomancy – The primary technique used in African astrology is Geomancy, where three bones are randomly tossed on a flat surface. The resulting lines and arrows formed are organized into three levels. The base level is formed by a bone in a vertical line. The other two levels are formed by one or two lines. In this way, a twelve-figure image is created, each corresponding to a zodiac sign in African astrology.
Thus in African astrology, as in many other types of astrology, there are 12 zodiacs, each corresponding to one of the twelve figures created by the bones. *

4 January - 3 February
Element: Air
Sense: Smell
Sensitive body parts: Liver and gallbladder
Favorable day: Thursday
Favorable months: January and May
The Baobab tree is unique and stands tall in stature. It is succulent and withstands severe dryness of the landscapes it is indigenous to. This tree is a symbol of perseverance and is greatly revered. People born under this African zodiac sign are rooted in themselves and cannot be easily influenced. They are honest, thoughtful, and are liberal-minded. Baobabs have mastered the balance between being self-assured and not taking themselves too seriously. Their industrious nature is the reason they are so well informed. However, they usually find maintaining positions of authority rather difficult. Baobabs are entrepreneurial; their practical, persistent, and opportunistic approach usually leads to the success of their business ventures. With a well-defined path, the worry of prompt decision-making is often your main deterrence. They fear losing control and the misfortune of unforeseen setbacks.
4 February - 5 March
Element: Air
Sense: Sight
Sensitive body part: The nervous system
Favorable day: Wednesday
Favorable months: February and June
Amber and Silver are valuable and could be exchanged for assets, dowry, bribes, bets, and so much more. Based on the changeable nature of TWOAAS, people born under this African zodiac sign experience all their emotions. TWOAAS’ have a resolute character so in the face of temptation, they cannot be swayed. They are strongly committed to their beliefs, perspectives, and opinions. Their intellect, sharp wit, and acquired wisdom are helpful to those around them. However, in order for them to counsel others and ensure a life of fulfillment and excitement, they need to invest in the enrichment of their inner selves.
6 March - 4 April
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Sensitive organ: Lungs
Favorable day: Tuesday
Favorable months: March and July
The idea of a harmonious family resonates with the characteristics of people born under this African zodiac sign. The Family are accepting, compassionate, kind, and generous. In general, they genuinely care about others and believe that sharing brings success. They are significantly selfless, especially to those who they share a strong bond with. Their focus is on the greater good and building a sense of community, which makes others consider them wise counsel. It is believed that the Family is destined to achieve at least one outstanding thing in the course of their life.
5 April - 4 May
Element: Earth
Sense: Hearing
Sensitive body part: Medullary system
Favorable day: Saturday
Favorable months: April and August
People born under this African zodiac sign are affectionate and consistently prepared to render their services, meaning that they make friends easily due their dependability. This causes them to have an abundance of romantic and platonic relationships, however not all of these bonds are genuine and long-lasting, so it’s advised to make sure to look out for the fake and inappropriate relationships. Their creativity, strength and reliability have made them experts at handling a crisis. However, procrastination usually prevents their critical decision-making.
5 May - 4 June
Element: Fire
Sense: Touch
Sensitive body parts: Throat and Veins
Favorable day: Sunday
Favorable months: May and September
People born under this sign possess contrasting characteristics that are actually well-balanced. They are optimistic humanitarians so it is essential that they don’t expend any unnecessary energy on relationships that are not growing or have no future. The Market can be a bit impulsive and sometimes react quickly which means they may not always act wisely. However, their fair approach is sure to prevent them from deviating too far from their sensible nature.
5 June - 4 July
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Sensitive body part: Head
Favorable day: Monday
Favorable months: June and October
With a foundation beyond the earthly realm, people born under this sign derive strength and nobility to succeed. The Ancestor usually assumes a position of leadership and governance in their community. They normally have impressive leadership skills, and often approach situations with fairness and a broad perspective. They tend to revere themselves and often get caught up in their own hype, which causes them to be dismissive of the emotions of those seeking counsel from them. However their strong ancestral line redirects them from being self-centered to being self-aware. This causes them to recognize their mortal shortcomings and remain on the right path. When the Ancestor is less self-involved, they are more capable of making their dreams a
5 July - 4 August
Element: Fire
Sense: Touch
Sensitive organs: Kidneys
Favorable day: Tuesday
Favorable months: July and November
From a young age, people born under this African zodiac sign are intuitive and capable of quick decision-making. They let go of child-like wonderment early in life and gain understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Their realistic approach assists in their trajectory, which enables them to consistently put their best foot forward. Even though they are grounded in reality, they invest in their spirituality. Judges are naturally self-assured and succeed, even under pressure. They would be well suited for leadership and strategic roles because they know how to help others overcome challenges. Judges are empathetic, and respect the rights and perspectives of others. Furthermore, their charisma and kindness adds to their allure.
5 August - 3 September
Element: Earth
Sense: Taste
Sensitive organs: Sexual Organs
Favorable day: Wednesday
Favorable months: August and December
People born under this sign are constantly seeking a thrill from life. They are fearless and free-spirited. They seek to take the road less travelled, which repels the faint-hearted and attracts the sensual. Kola Nuts are initially perceived as chaotic and unstable but for them it is only after partaking in the pleasures and adventures of life that they can settle into a controlled balance. Once their thirst for an excess of experiences is quenched, they become a well of worldly wisdom.
4 September - 3 October
Element: Air
Sense: Sight
Sensitive body parts: Feet and Joints
Favorable day: Thursday
Favorable months: January and September
Fluctuation and permanence mix marvelously in people born under this sign. However, they struggle to believe in their intuition due to illusions of their personal journey. What tends to ground them is that the journey will be inwardly gratifying regardless of the outcome. Travelers are complex and emotional beings. Their wandering souls can be overly sensitive sometimes, which they themselves find annoying. The fact that their departure evokes sadness and their arrival evokes hope brings them great comfort in knowing that their absence or presence has an emotional result.
4 October - 3 November
Element: Water
Sense: Hearing
Sensitive organ: Heart
Favorable day: Friday
Favorable months: February and October
It’s all about the heart for people born under this sign. They have an eccentric lifestyle that is spontaneous and driven by instinct. This allows them to be fully present and nurture their bursts of creativity. The Distance are often nonconformists — the dreamers and the revolutionaries. The only surety for them is life’s uncertainty, so they make it their mission to highlight that logic is a relative concept. Impatience often hinders their natural creative flow because some things just take time. When they manage their worries, they can achieve everything they set their hearts to. Their inner strength is in fact rock solid and once they have committed to something, they will fulfill it unwaveringly.
4 November- 3 December
Element: Fire
Sense: Taste
Sensitive body parts: The Viscera
Favorable day: Saturday
Favorable months: March and November
People born under this sign have a divine connection to fortune and good company. Their fresh disposition, kind nature, generous and gentle spirit are all a part of their character. Pride is often the reason for their misfortune. However, when they find inner peace, they cannot lose. They are the grand alchemists of ideas and solutions, turning an unlikely prospect into a golden opportunity. The Child of the Word are often accomplished negotiators, loyal friends, and judicious spokespeople.
4 December - 3 January
Element: Water
Sense: Hearing
Sensitive body parts: Skin and Bones
Favorable day: Tuesday
Favorable months: April and December
The nature of the Harvest in the Granary demands attention and brings joy, which often gives them a false sense of security. Often blinded by this false sense of security, they fail to see their true potential. However, when they are fully aware they tend to be trailblazers. Their success will be determined by a display of a good balance between firmness and leniency, especially when it comes to ending bad relationships**
Posted for informational/educational purposes only.
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