State Of The Union

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By Gamanesque

how long till my soul gets it right can any human being ever reach the highest light

“Galileo” – the Indigo Girls

the less I seek my source for some definitive the closer I am to fine

“Closer to Fine” – the Indigo Girls

Note:  This article is written from personal experience on all levels… mind, body, and soul…the experience of realizing the imbalance through the experience of it all coming back together.  As you read, visualize your mind, body, and soul relating to what’s being said as it pertains to your life… your surroundings… and your experiences.

 What better time than to check the status of our being than right now … to tend the garden that lives within, let innate and environmental nature nurture, and let the blossoming begin anew.  The garden that is us, of course, is our individual mind, body, and soul composite… each component making significant contributions and each component having the propensity to, well, need a little “tend”erness from time-to-time.   The dynamic natures of internal and external conditions definitely influence the mind, body, soul garden and its equilibrium necessary for sustained flourishing. 

copyright Shari Moss all rights reserved

Mind, body, soul.  Who presides over whom, if any?  If you believe the soul knows what the soul wants, what gets in its way… when / how does the soul get what it wants… and how does it know?  Is it that soul stimulates the mind which then directs the body (or any variation of the three)?  How does the mind, body, soul let us know that something’s outta whack?  How much of the soul is revealed in the body/mind after we believe the mind/body is restored?   Does the physical release as the emotional shifts its perception of experiences?  Is the shift a shift in the mind’s perception or is it more the soul’s acceptance of experiences causing a shift in the body and mind to achieve equilibrium.  Just how do they all interact?

These are questions we all ask ourselves, perhaps subconsciously, at some point.  Questions the psyche continually attempts to seek answers to as we, as humans, assimilate ourselves into our own garden… to figure out what to weed, what to sow…

Imagine your mind, body, and soul each has a voice; that each is its own entity with thoughts, feelings, and agendas… some harmonious, some conflicting.  Mr. Herbert Benson, M.D., of The Benson – Henson Institute for Mind Body Medicine, says “The mind and body communicate constantly. What the mind thinks, perceives, and experiences is sent from our brain to the rest of the body.”

Now imagine your mind, body, and soul sit down to a meeting… a “state of the union”, if you will, to check in and see how things are going and what needs to be done.   Each one, then, presents its perspective of its own status as well as the affect of the others on itself. 

Like the mind, body, soul – everything about our human form is interwoven.  You got your ligaments, your bones, your nerve endings, all jockeying for their proper position.  Toss in a few organs that need proper nourishment to function properly.  Then sprinkle some mind altering external influences that ultimately impact our internal influences and, well, it can all get thrown it all into a tailspin… literally!

So I say, let’s conduct a State of the Union summit, right here right now.  The attendees?   Mind, Body and Soul.   Keep in mind that since this is the first State of the Union meeting we have a lifetime of catching up to do.  Future meetings will be much shorter and require less intensity as we’ll mainly be doing some housekeeping and fine-tuning.


“Look, I came into this universal dimension with a purpose.  You might say I didn’t ask to be here, you might say I did.  You might say I chose my family, you might say they chose me.  You might say I chose my experiences, you might say I was a victim of them.  You might think I was brought here to right some karmic wrong, you might say I started with a pristine and pure clean slate.  It actually matters not what you might say or which side of light or dark you might be on, because any perspective will always bring you right back to ‘I came into this world with a purpose’.  The rest is just what I’ve had to navigate through and around in order to stay on course. 

You see, I was told that I would not have to fulfill this purpose on my own… that I’d have you guys, Mind and Body, to work with… that we’d all work harmonically as a unified team.  And, well, I gotta say, sometimes you guys don’t make it easy.  From where I sit, we all came together as a package:  Mind, you were totally devoid of any preconceived (and I use the term loosely) notions; Body, you were in perfect working order.  I thought we were all good to go! 

And then I saw it happen!  I’ve seen what you guys have gone through… family, relationships, career, social life, economics, car accidents, sports injuries, and then some.  I don’t know how you do it.  And, I sit here wanting you to notice me… wanting you to know what I want.  And I watch how frustrated you get when you try so hard to figure it out and you can’t; when you start questioning yourself, your decisions, your choices, who you are, etc.  You want so bad to know what I want and I want so bad for you to be as pure as you were when we first met.

And, yes, there are times when I’ve felt like I’ve been murdered by what you’ve had to endure; when I’ve felt absolutely crushed and defeated.  I’ve watched as you’ve struggled to overcome the hardships inflicted upon you… and those you’ve inflicted upon yourself.  I’ve heard you as you pleaded to let me take the lead… as you pleaded for the strength and support to keep going.  Frankly, I don’t know how you do it!

I’ve seen you off-track, side-tracked, and on the third rail.  I’ve felt when you’ve caught glimpses of me – even as a child… and wow, the things you accomplished when you did.  And I know you want us to all join forces so we can fulfill our collective purpose. 

I know I know… you guys are probably a little upset because it seems like I keep this whole “purpose thing” a secret.  Hey, it’s just as frustrating for me!  You see, I don’t know what it is either.  It’s like, well, ya know that “I don’t know what it is, but I’ll know it when I see it” kinda thing?  It’s like that. All I can tell you is I know when we’re all working together ‘cause it just “feels right”.   I’ve felt us click from time to time… deep down I know you know what I want… and we will get there!  Call on me whenever you need to, I’ll remind you why we’re here.  Push yourself just hard enough to keep forward momentum; just don’t overdo and please be mindful, as you let me wander, to not let me wander too far.

And, don’t be surprised if I pop in from time to time just to let you know I’m here and why you’re here… I got your back!”


“I can almost remember the day we got here.  It was a tad of a rough ride, seemed like it took forever to get here, but oh the love I felt as everyone awaited my arrival.  And oh how pure I felt when everyone first saw me.  Others looked at me in awe and wonder; wondering who I’d be, what I’d be; they treated me with such loving-kindness and tenderness.  The smells, the sounds, the smiles… well, they just all seemed like promises of good things to come. 

I explored the possibilities as I took in everything around me.  It wasn’t long, though, that things just didn’t seem right.  I was hearing things I knew just weren’t right and I seemed to have no ability to make it stop.  Oh sure, I’d ask questions, I’d ask for explanations and I’d ask to just be heard… to no avail. 

The strange thing was that I was hearing these things from people who, I was told, were the ones who knew things.  In fact, some of the people were the ones who oohed and aahed when they first met us; and now, it seemed, they were contradicting themselves.  Sometimes their words and actions were so harsh; towards me and towards others close to us.  But what did I know.  I was told what to know.

But it gnawed at me.  If I tried to make it stop, it got worse.  Sometimes when I asked for explanations, I watched you, Body, take the hit.  And Soul, it seems as if it did something to you too.  It was almost as if I had to squelch whatever you were telling me and whatever I truly believed because when I “spoke my mind” Body and I took the hit. 

You know me, though, I’m like a sponge; I soak up everything, and well, all that made my filters not work properly and I believed things that weren’t true.   I trusted what others said and not enough in you, Soul, or even myself.  As you can see, I became quite conflicted between what I thought I knew and what I was told to know from people who were supposed to know.  So I figured I was just confused and began to adopt their thoughts as my own. 

You don’t even have to ask; yes, that made me even more conflicted… because I knew I knew better and I knew that you, Soul, just went into self-preservation mode.  And it seemed that the more I believed that stuff, the more I attracted stuff that supported those beliefs.  Of course, the more I believed what I knew, the more I attracted stuff that supported those beliefs as well, but that seemed more difficult.

That’s what trips us all up.  I know as well as you guys that when I’m conflicted, it gets all of us out of balance and it affects everything.  It affects our energy levels, it affects our nutritional choices, it affects our relationship choices, and it affects our whole chemical make-up, which, in turn, affects you, Body, and your ability to maintain proper functioning of all your parts.  My weakened state makes us all weaker.  And, well, your weakened states make us all weaker too.  And it becomes one big vicious cycle.

I tried masking it all with synthetic substances that were supposed to help me, but, I now know that I was only making things worse, especially you, Body.  Eventually, I caught on to this and found some folks and material to help me make sense of it all.  I learned how to reset the filters, how to reconnect with you, Soul, and how to use both of us to “check in” and make sure we’re only believing what’s in our best interest.  But sheesh, it’s rough stuff.  We had to almost go back to the beginning and apply these new filters to everything that we’d already soaked up.

I thought things were back in balance between all of us, but then you, Body, you started to speak up loud and clear.  And it wasn’t until you began zinging me did I realize that you had been letting me know when things were out of whack and I was ignoring you.   Sure, I believed all that stuff that Louise Hay says in “You Can Heal Your Life” and I would nod in agreement when I’d look up an ailment and read the associated emotional foundation, but evidently I’d not paid close enough attention because ultimately you broke down as well… in spades.  You knew that none of the temporary fixes worked… more of that synthetic stuff, whether designed for you or me, only seemed to make things worse. 

Given that my support system totally broke down, it’s no surprise that your support system totally broke down as well.  I mean, I know there were other factors involved, but it just all makes sense metaphorically, doesn’t it?  We’re all supposed to work together, that all the stuff I feed you through beliefs, thoughts, perspectives, nutrients or lack thereof, foreign substances in the form of synthetic drugs that you, Body, are not designed to process… well, it all just settles in our innards.  We feed each other so it behooves us to pay attention to what each of us is doing.

I’ll let you review that with us, Body.  Before you do, though, I just want to say that once I started paying attention to you; once I found folks to help you get back in alignment; once I started changing up what I was feeding you… wow, what a difference!  It seems that as I go through the process I find myself becoming more and more clear; I find myself getting more and more glimpses of you, Soul, and I literally feel the hold on my chakras releasing as they’re given the freedom to open up and spin in the right direction one by one, and in concert, from the ground up!   I’ve learned how to manage the “triggers”… new stuff that reminds me of the old stuff.   We’re working together again as a team and I love it!

Hmmm, isn’t it funny, Body, that when things are knotted up with you, they’re called “trigger points”?  And things I need to pay attention to so I don’t backslide are called “triggers’?  Ya think there’s any correlation?  But I digress… it’s your floor, Body…”


“It seems like I was the last to know.  Who knew that while everything else was breaking down so was I.  I mean, I did give you hints from time to time, which I thought were important.  I feel like I failed you.  I tried to hold you up until I no longer could, but I had to let you know the only way I knew how… through pain.  I know, for years, you tried to get others to listen yet they dismissed your literal cries for help.   Oh sure, a shot here, a pill there, all of which only seemed to make things worse.  All you were doing was trying to take care of me, wanting to make sure you kept us in line but they wouldn’t listen. 

Mind, sometimes it even seemed like they were blaming it on you.  It seemed, at times, that you almost believed them, against your better judgment.  But I know you, and I know you know that we affect each other and I know, for a fact, that you made sure you were okay and I know you used to do all kinds of things to make sure I was okay… so it wasn’t that.  But I sure made it difficult to really believe that, huh.  I mean, I watched it affect every facet of your life… it seems like the more I was feeling crushed, the more I crushed you.  At one time we were all very active; we were all getting’ ‘er done and then things seemed to really slow down.

If I remember correctly, it all started with that synthetic drug that was supposed to make me stronger.  And I understand why.  You know all about that heredity stuff and you just wanted to do a little preventative maintenance.  But, that’s when we totally shut down.  And I am so sorry, guys, how it affected you.  I mean, I’ve barely recognized you for years.  I’m so glad you stopped giving me those. 

Your taking those got me thinking, though.  I realized that we are all getting older, that you took those to keep me strong, but I knew I wasn’t strong anymore and I knew it had been building up for many years, and I knew that I just had to let you know what was going on in here so you could figure out how to help us… ‘cause well, you always do when you’re, excuse the expression, “in your right mind”.  Making you think it was the pill’s fault was the best way I could think of to make you take notice.

But, remember those car accidents?  The ones where you didn’t really think I was hurt ‘cause there was really nothing to prove it?  Remember those times you fell, either playing sports or working around the house or just being a kid?  Remember how you used to contort me into all kinds of positions doing who knows what?  Remember those traumatic events that really sent you guys into a downward spiraling vortex? 

Well, all those things… they pushed me around a little.  A bump of a bone here, a nudge of a nerve there, a muscle malfunction, a chemical shake-up… I’m telling you, all my innards were just all shoved out of place and didn’t have the proper nutrition to keep going like we should. Isn’t it eerie how, as you mentioned before, that as your support systems were breaking down, so was I?

And ya know, Mind, I never quite understood what I witnessed as you were going through your cleaning out process.  I mean, I would watch as you experienced such pain, such frustration, such, well, despair.  I never really understood how real that all was until all the focus was on me.  But, OH MY GOSH, I sure do understand now!  And I also now understand how you never really thought much about one individual incident, but there was that, excuse the expression again, “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. 

But enough of that sad stuff, let’s talk about the day that the moon and the stars “aligned” with you guys, and synchronicity sent us the right folks who were going to help get the rest of the toxins out and let us ‘straighten up and fly right’!  

The folks who know how to do the right things, from the inside out, with our bones and muscles; the folks who know what our innards are supposed to look and feel like; who know where all those parts are supposed to be and can gradually put ‘em back there; who know how all those part are supposed to work together. 

WOW, what a painful process it’s been as I get my parts shifted back to where they’re supposed to be.  And Louise Hay was right.  I’m highlighting the pain in areas of me emotionally associated with the metaphysical aspects of those parts.  Think about those folks and traumatic events and how you realized how they were affecting us from being our true self.  Now think about the parts of me hurting the most through this process and how it moves around as we clear it out. 

Even more, think about how much better we’re all feeling as everything opens up.  Mind, I see you’re being more active again as you, Soul, are more often allowing us to remember why you’re here.  And the way you guys have been taking care of me… wow… I love it when we all work together!  We’re such a good team!

I’ll use the Chakras to help illustrate…

My hips:  The hips are associated with the Root and Sacral Chakras which relate to family of origin, fertility, and creativity.  Mind, you’d have to agree that some shrapnel has been hanging out there.

My torso:  The torso is associated with the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras which relate to your personal power, relationships, and love.   Mind, Soul, again you’d have to agree there was massive toxin build-up there too.

My shoulders:  The shoulders can be associated with the Heart and Throat Chakras which relate to relationships, love, and communication.  Not to mention shoulders are also used in metaphors relating to burdens.  You know, “shoulder the burden”.  Well, there’s been lots of burdens haven’t there?  And, we all said earlier how folks wouldn’t listen, and how sometimes communication just didn’t work the way you thought it would.

My neck:  The neck is associated with the Throat Chakra which relates communication and being able to express oneself.  No need to review this one, huh!

And, not to leave any Chakras untouched, we all know how all those affect our Third Eye and Crown… our ability to trust in our own intuition and that connectedness to our soul and the energy around us.  It’s also interesting how my left side and right side have been affected vis-à-vis their relative maternal and paternal aspects and influences therein and thereon.

But WOW, what a process!  It’s downright mind – boggling (oops, another excuse the expression) to feel us all coming together again… to literally feel all of us shifting to our rightful places… to literally feel the shrapnel and toxins being released… to literally feel all our Chakras opening up, clearing out, and energizing… to literally experience every aspect of mind, body, and soul alignment!!!

And that is the essence of Quantum Psychology… to become the experience and let the experience become a part of you, let the experience reveal the soul’s desire.  And, as you experience each experience’s contribution – past and present – to align your body and mind with your soul.  It is then that YOU create your future and more balanced experiences.

So, there you have it… the first State of the Union meeting of mind, body, and soul.  With that, I urge you… take a leap… do some “house” cleaning… tend your garden… the house and garden of YOU.  Sit quietly and listen to your soul… visualize what your soul is telling you about you.  Then listen even closer to what your body and mind are saying / doing about it.  Let the cleansing begin.  Allow yourself to “feel” the emotional and physical release as you feed your body and mind with the right fuel to keep things aligned and tuned!

And as you’re doing that, listen to the songs that introduced this article:  Galileo and Closer to Fine.  It’s always good to have a little music to “clean” by.


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