I am sure the title caught your attention however it is commonly known in esoteric circles that the letters STD are a Latin acronym for sacrae theologiae doctor or Doctor of Sacred Theology. Such doctors did and do exist (as associated with the now defunct ancient Anglican universities, current Canon studies and/or philosophies) but the authentic are rare since the initial sacred intent connected to metaphysics has been long lost.
Think of Socrates who tutored Plato who in turn tutored Aristotle when what we understand now as the sciences began. Mankind was ready for the sciences and it used then but somewhere along the way spiritual ways were lost. This was a failure … a failure that meant there were very few left of the great teachers who were able to sufficiently explain metaphysics as it was meant to be understood. This is because the human mind began to lean on construct where everything had to fit into a pattern of logic and perfect symmetry. If it does not compute, it is merely abstraction that like religion must eventually be relegated to the dust bin of time along with the rewriting of history.
The beauty of the abstract is not to prove it. It has no fact check. Rather muse and extrapolate upon it. Some things are more powerful out of the box rather than in it. We can look to the theologian and scholar Thomas Aquinas for some thoughts on this. He believed theology was twofold. His natural theology thoughts were actually metaphysics in that the premise was that divine things were not the subject of science but rather as the principal or cause of the subject. The second thought was that there is a theology that is based in Sacred Scripture. His theology then was philosophical by nature. The question was then if theology was degraded because sacred teaching should not borrow from lower sciences but receive principles directly from God by revelation. Ever hear a practicing metaphysician say they had received a divine download while meditating? Viola! Aquinas.
Today, metaphysics is considered a branch of philosophy concerned with “being.” Our great teacher Aristotle gave us the three main branches of metaphysics which remain today:
- Ontology – the study of being and existence, including the definition and classification of entities, physical or mental, the nature of their properties, and the nature of change.
- Natural Theology – the study of God, including the nature of religion and the world, existence of the divine, questions about the creation, and the various other religious or spiritual issues.
- Universal Science – the study of first principles of logic and reasoning such as the law of non-contradiction (contradictory statements cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time). What is true? Do we live in an absolute universe or a relative universe?
All of this has been attacked in various ways throughout history. Why? Because we are becoming more and more stuck in the muck of construct. Does it fit? Does it work? Can it be explained rationally? Reasonable but not empirically verifiable, testable or provable?
Or are we stuck?
Not as long as free will and the acceptance of the spontaneous and miraculous, the random and mysterious within the mind’s eye exist.
The choice is made in each individual case because truth is exclusive.
What is your axiom?
Have you received a divine download?