Clairvoyant and psychic Edgar Cayce predicted that an extraordinary healing blue stone, a remnant of the lost continent of Atlantis, would be discovered on a Caribbean Isle. Such a stone, the larimar, unique to the island of Hispaniola, came to the world's attention in the 1980s. Larimar is a rare form of the mineral pectolite also known as "Stefilia's Stone." Although Larimar's dscovery dates back to 1916, it was a local artist in the 1970s who rediscovered it washed up on the shores of a remote beach. He named the stone after his daughter Larissa and the Spanish word for sea "Mar."
Larimar is found on a one square kilometer on a mountaintop in the Dominican Republic. It is surrounded and protected by a small range of mountains whose volcanic heritage forged the stone. Acquiring this gem is difficult due to Mother Nature and the local terrain. Millions of years of erosion washed the mineral downstream into a river making its final destination a remote beach in the Caribbean.
Few people have ever seen Larimar, making it one of nature's best-kept secrets. Larimar is a hard stone with a color palette of blue and green, with no two stones alike. It has both volcanic and oceanic qualities. Larimar's mineral and chemical make up is unique and its copper ions help create its beautiful blue color. The exact creation process is unknown however, scientists believe the island's volcanic activity and its unique mineral composition is responsible for the stone's formation.
As a spiritual stone, larimar opens up to new dimensions, stimulates the evolution of the Earth, radiates love and tranquility and promotes peace. In the body it naturally raises consciousness and harmonizes the chakras. Larimar dissolves spurious boundaries that constrain the spiritual self. while stimulating angelic communication with other realms. It is an excellent stone for seeking a soulmate and ita also facilitates the healing of past life relationships or heart trauma. Psychologically, it removes self-imposed blockages and constraints while dissolving self-sabotaging behavior. Mentally it encourages "going with the flow." ~ Judy Hall The Crystal Bible
Larimar is associated with the sign of Leo and vibrates to the master number 55. Master number 55 concerns the extension of occurences to facilitate knowledge with ease. The approach to each event, condition or experience is precise and strategic resulting in beneficial construction. This vibration is conducive to Larimar being successfully used for gridding bring serenity to the environment.
Larimar stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras promoting inner wisdom. It represents peace and clarity, healing and love. Larimar is reputed to be helpful for those experiencing stress and anxiety.
Good blog …
I happen to like this stone and was fortunated enough to get some. I have a 4 inch quartz point with a larimar mounted on the top. I wear it when doing healing work. It is quite powerful.
Sky Blue color it has!