The Strange Case Of Astro Twins

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By LOGOS - Overseer

The Strange Case Of Astro Twins


How far can probability be stretched in terms of astrology? Consider the case of astro twins. If the principles underlying astrology are truly valid then it would make sense that two people born under similar astrological conditions would not only have the likelihood of similar professions but also similar lives.

Among the most common and well known cases of those who have achieved eminence in their "similar professions" are genius Albert Einstein and physical chemist and Nobel laureate Otto Hahn, both born on March 14, 1879. Singers Cher and the late Peggy Lee were born on May 20 and both are known for their "husky" sounding voices. "Twilight Zone" creator Rod Serling and Robert Ripley creator of "Ripley's Believe it or Not" were born on December 25 and both dealt with the "macabre and unusual." Literary giants H.G. Wells and Stephen King were born on September 21. Actors Harrison Ford and Patrick Stewart born on July 13, had careers that escalated after they were seen in sci-fi flicks namely Star Wars and Star Trek. Operatic tenors Banjamino Gigli and Lauritz Melchior were both born on March 20, 1890. Prominent Nazi party members Hermann Göring and Alfred Rosenberg were not only born on the same day, January 12, 1893, but died in the same prison on the same day, October 15, 1946.1

Some astro twins live nearly parallel lives. A rather eerie example of astro twins whose lives have many similarities are Queen Elizabeth I and the English poet, critic, and biographer Dame Edith Sitwell. Both of these grand ladies were born on the same day September 7, between 3:00 and 4:00 pm. Queen Elizabeth was born in London and Dame Edith in Scarborough, North England. The Queen was born in 1533 and Dame Edith in1887 some 354 years later. Their charts (both set for 3:30 pm) have many similarities including a Capricorn Ascendant, Taurus Moon, and Scorpio Midheaven. Artistic renderings of Elizabeth and photographs of Edith show remarkable facial similarities. Both wrote verse and suffered from periods of depression. Neither was welcomed into this world when they were born because both respective families were desirous of a first born male. Both were unmarried.

What about events…do prevailing astrological conditions set the stage for uncanny reoccurrence? Here is a scary story that provides food for thought. On May 27, 1817 a 20 year old girl by the name of Mary Ashford was found murdered in the small village of Erdington in England. Mary had been strangled and her body was found near a children's home where she worked as a nurse. On May 27, 1974, some 157 years later to the day, in Erdington, another 20 year old girl by the name of Barbara Forrest, a worker in a children's home, was found murdered by strangulation. It has been calculated that the deaths took place around the same time of day and that the bodies were found within 400 yards of one another. In both cases attempts had been made to hide the bodies.

According to records, the two girls' activities on these dates were uncannily similar. Both had visited a friend and changed into a new dress in preparation for a dance later that evening. In both cases a man named Thornton had been arrested for each respective murder and in both cases acquitted. Even though there are no photographs of Mary Ashford, it has been suggested that sketches of her bear a remarkable resemblance to Barbara Forrest. It has also been rumored that the girls had the same birthday. A co-worker of Miss Forrest told police that ten days before her murder, she told him that she thought the month of May was going to be "unlucky" for her although she didn't know why she felt that way.2

In the event charts for both of these incidences, transiting Mars makes an aspect to transiting Pluto either by conjunction or square. Mars/Pluto involvements signify violence, power struggles, hostility, and often murder. Another common factor was the presence of transit Neptune in the 8th House of Death in both charts indicating a deliberately deceptive situation, sexual vulnerability based upon misconception and the attempts to hide the bodies. In both cases, transit Venus conjuncts the Ascendant setting up an air of attraction that can draw in attention that is not necessarily of a positive or welcome nature. Transit Uranus occupies the 7th House of Others in both charts indicating a destructive and unpredictable event surrounding an intimate encounter. This is another signifier of inappropriate actions based upon the misinterpretation of unconscious signals… a potential lover became an open enemy and the wrong impression led to murder.3

So is this merely a case of strange coincidence or perhaps reincarnation replay? Or, can it be attributed to astrological predisposition? The statistical data says it's possible… what do you say?


1 Some Statistics from Mysteries of Mind Space and Time. Vol 2. Some Statistics from files of STARLOGIC ASTRODYNAMICS.
2 Rehash summary of the Erdington murders from Mysteries of Mind Space and Time. Vol. 5.
3 Applicable Astrological case study by STARLOGIC ASTRODYNAMICS. Chart time 3:30 am.


6 thoughts on “The Strange Case Of Astro Twins”

  1. cool

    It never occurred to me that so many years could pass between astro twins. Mostly when I read about this it refers to people alive in the here and now with the same birthday. So it seems today I have received a little education.

    That murder story is pretty creepy …

    • A misnomer …

      Hi PA! There is a lot of nonsense hype on the net regarding many astrological concepts. Often we see "celebrity" posts where a person can look up a celebrity that has has the same birthday that they do, however the concept of astro -twins obviously goes a bit deeper with more connective considerations. I have had people actually express to me that they would love to meet their true astro twin if possible yet I wonder how wise that would be!

  2. Once again …

    … I wonder how you think of these things to write about! LOL – awesome correlations! I ahd no clue about any of this – what fun!

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