The Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back

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By Scorpius Aquarii

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

“It is not the last drop that empties the water-clock, but all that which previously has flowed out; similarly, the final hour when we cease to exist does not of itself bring death; it merely of itself completes the death-process. We reach death at that moment, but we have been a long time on the way.” – Seneca

The “straw that broke the camel’s back” means an action or conversation that causes a person to reach their breaking point. It describes an inflection point and causes a change, either in the situation or in the person’s behavior. *

Ever use the expression “the straw that broke the camel’s back” or a similar idiom when referring to an incident that pushes an ongoing situation too far across a line of tolerance? Many of us have likely encountered situations in which something that is baneful to us triggers off a noxious outcome. At this point we may blurt out words we cannot take back or otherwise react in ways that leave some sort of damage. In some cases, the damage is unfortunately permanent because who do these arrogant holier than thou bastards think they are in the first place?

According to Wikipedia, the straw that broke the camel’s back is from an Arabic proverb about “how a camel is loaded beyond its capacity to move or stand”. It is a “reference to any process by which cataclysmic failure (a broken back) is achieved by a seemingly inconsequential addition, a single straw. This also gives rise to the phrase ‘the last/final straw’, used when something is deemed to be the last in a line of unacceptable occurrences.”   A similar proverb is “the drop that makes the cup overflow”. **

You can use the phrase “the straw that broke the camel’s back when you’re trying to describe a tipping point. It defines a situation where you’re letting someone know that you are about to react to their repeated bad behavior towards you or other people.

The straw that broke the camel’s back is the final action by another person or entity that sparks the conflagration of the reaction.*

If you care to contemplate the situation and examine motivations of yourself and the other party, ask yourself the following:

  • What is the situation? What was the “straw that broke the camel’s back” for you in that interaction?
  • What more specifically made that the breaking point?
  • How did you react?
  • What happened as a consequence?
  • What sorts of things had built up for you and between you and the other party that resulted in that outcome? Is it describing the final bad action by your partner that causes you to leave them?
  • At what point may it have been advantageous for you to save the straw from being the one- more-time or one-last-thing in the situation?
  • What could you have done at that time?
  • What stopped you from doing or saying that?
  • When you have observed “the straw that broke the camel’s back” for someone else, how would you describe what occurred?
  • What do you think has to happen in the future to prevent the camel’s back from breaking?**

It is very important for all people to have boundaries and to let others know what they are. Some people you encounter in life don’t respect boundaries and consistently tresspass and transgress thinking they know what’s best for you. That’s narcisstic behavior at it’s worst.

Boundary violators are not only disrespectful, they are downright creepy and often evil. They may deny that they said or told you something and then question your sanity. They may even tell you that you needed to hear it. – Ask yourelf “really?” What you need to do is listen to your inner warning system and remove that individual from your life. Their only purpose is to use you for their own satisfaction of ego.

Just remember one thing – there is something/someone out there who is better for you. Go find it. It’s the best way to take care of yourself.



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