Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay
When you were growing up did anyone ever tell that there were questions in life for which you would just not receive an answer? Were you ever told that maybe you were not really seeking the right answers but the right questions? Were you ever told that some self enquiry – looking deep within yourself would yield the answers you sought? When you did not get the answers did you feel immobolized and just give up and move on to something else knowing full well that the lack of an answer was going to exist stuck in your mind stuck in some remote corner of your brain waiting to be triggered once again? Were you even told that not being able to find answers was because you lacked faith or self-knowing? Unresolved answers can drive you up the proverbial wall but we keep asking them anyway.
So what does a human do? How about asking a friend or a relative? Who knows they just might have the answer. OR how about an evening searching the internet so the mind can be persuaded to run on endless tangents that only produces more questions? Then there is the “spiritual” factor where you ask to yourself, “Am I even mature enough to appreciate the answers?”
Then there is the “nature” of the questions being asked .. questioning the question and if it should even be asked in the first place. What if a short answer should be received? Suspicion may set in and the rational part of the brain says, “Is this false or true?” leaving doubt and the creation of more questions. Should a lengthy, flowery answer occur engaging the creative aspect of the cerebrum, would it be worth the time to cut through what would in most cases be obvious feel good self-help psychological bullshit? Yes, you have crossed over to the dark side. Run…
Then there is the philosophical aspect of questions that tells us that answers bring resolution and wisdom (or wisdumb depending on how you look at it) which of course varies from person to person. Personally, I have seen that one backfire for many people who lamented, “I wish I never asked,” And “Did I dig too deep?”
It can all be a self-reinforcing loop because life is uncertain and can be a bitch. The challenge of living all wrapped up in a nice box topped with pretty little bow. You are going to open that box and you know it. Is it a Pandora’s Box? Does it matter? Did it ever occur to you that maybe your brain is just amusing itself? It does need constant stimulation you know.
Here’s what I have come down to in this quote:
“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” –
So, where the hell are the answers?
Maybe they are where you left them.
PS – In case you haven’t noticed 17 questions have been presented here.