Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Here is an interesting musing – What kind of questions come to mind when trying to figure out the nature of ETs in an encounter?
Easiest thing is to ask them if there is a negative alien presence on Earth, and if so, who are they, what is their agenda.
Then ask if there are negative aliens that pose as positive aliens. This is the magic question. If so, ask how to differentiate between genuine positive aliens and the impostors.
Ghosts/demons will give bullshit answers that don’t square with research. And negative aliens pretending to be positive obviously don’t want to answer that question, so they’ll deflect or give a set of criteria for discernment that’s laughable.
These questions are similar to sussing out a date or potential friend by asking what do you think about the right to bear arms. If they say guns are gross and should be banned, bye bye.
In terms of whether they are quasi-physical or interdimensional, physical aliens (human-like) that are phased out will (according to contactee Fore, but I’ve experienced some of this too):
- leave a warm seat if they sit on it
- block air or sound from a floor fan if they get in front of it
- seem like a person is there, just invisible
However, energized poltergeists can also be quite tangible. They just don’t have humming ships parked overhead.
What both have in common is that they are near the physical, staged in the etheric realm very close to it. Just that the alien has an actual physical body that’s phased out in that realm, whereas a ghost just has an energy body in the etheric that can affect the physical if they intend it telekinetically.
As for figuring out if they’re from another planet or the future, can’t really tell. It’s not like you can verify it either way.
Main thing is just figuring out their purpose/agenda, and whether they’re astral beings pretending to be aliens, or actual aliens. And if actual aliens, whether they’re messing with you with a B.S. story or outright disinformation, or whether they’re really on the good side. The questions about neg aliens and impostors can help with that, as it gets right to the heart of it.
Image by Angelo Scarcella from Pixabay