Here are 20 Christmas wishes for you, based in the symbolism of the Christmas story with a metaphysical interpretation.
1. May the Christ Spirit permeate your consciousness to become a transformative experience — your inner Christmas.
2. This Christmas, may you move from the inn of your intellect to the manger of your heart, from where the Christ is born.
3. Jesus’ human father, Joseph, represents your intellectual nature. This Christmas, let it guide you to the right state of mind to support a new spiritual awareness.
4. Mary symbolizes pure intuition. This Christmas, may your intuitive insight guide you to accept the birth of new blessings in your life.
5. This Christmas, like a spiritual shepherd, may you observe and tend to your thoughts and feelings with loving care to welcome the Christ within you.
6. Angels represent messages from God as divine inspiration and guidance, which bring “good tidings of great joy.” May angels sing in you this Christmas.
7. May you be like the three wise men–The Magi–who represent the higher wisdom and spiritual insight that comes when we are open to the guidance of the guiding light of truth.
8. The guiding Christmas star represents our higher Christ-like aspirations that always lead to an awareness of our divine potential. May you be open and receptive to the possibilities of your own Christhood.
9. The magi’s gift of gold represents material possessions, which, when dedicated to God, become a force for good. May your treasure become a powerful magnet for everything you truly need in life.
10. The magi’s gift of frankincense is incense–a beautiful symbol of an atmosphere of prayer. May your prayers extend upward, activating your higher consciousness and manifesting your spiritual aspirations.
11. The magi’s fragrant gift of myrrh was highly valued for use in funerals. May it help you put to rest any negative thoughts and concerns to renew your heart, mind and spirit this Christmas.
12. The inner Christ is an unlimited source of light that burns within each of us. Like a burning candle, we can share our light without diminishing our source in any way. May your light burn brightly this Christmas and every day.
13. In this sacred season, I will recognize the hope, peace, love and joy of each wonder-filled day. With faith in my heart, I look forward to a meaningful Christmas season. Thank You, God, for Your presence of hope within me.
14. Camels can be stubborn, but with patience and faith the wise men guided them to follow the light to the Christ child. May you do the same with any negative thoughts to arrive at the light of truth.
15. In the nativity, the donkey reminds us that strength of character and slow persistence are admirable traits. This Christmas, may your spirit be strengthened and your pace be steady as you bring your highest goals into expression.
16. Straw is the inedible by-product after grain is harvested. Everything in life has a purpose, and sometimes an unexpected one. May you have the faith that you are exactly where you need to be, and you are serving your divine purpose.
17. While sheep see only the path, their shepherd knows the goal. Sheep will follow their shepherd over rocky ground or through desert wastelands because they trust they are being led to green pastures and life-giving water. May you to trust that the Christ light within will guide you too.
18. May you give and receive gifts that light your face and your spirit – like understanding, faith, love and gratitude!
19. Evergreens symbolize perseverance and resiliency amidst adversity. May your faith be a steadfast light in the midst of any and all spiritual, economic, political, and social environments.
20. May your faith be evergreen. May you be guided by the inner light of love and trust despite harsh conditions. Hold fast to the inner voice that says the ice will thaw and the sun will return to shine upon your life.
Malayna Dawn