Toxic relationships – we’ve all had them. They come in a variety of forms and can involve one person or a group and can involve love, friendship, group camaraderie or even service. Our brains tell us get away and stay away, our ‘good’ friends tell us to be wise, yet we are inexplicably drawn to them over and over again.
Sometimes we do get away but, after a respite seek them out again. Perhaps we hope something is healed or changed. Perhaps we hope we will be appreciated or loved or at the very least accepted. Maybe it’s karma up in our faces requiring us to work it out now or save it for another space and time. Maybe we are just gluttons for punishment because of some deeply hidden psychological reason.
What is the reality?
Time to think about what that person is providing for you besides making you feel less than. Maybe you enjoy their company – plain and simple. Maybe you admire them for their toxic mouths because Lord knows you don’t have the guts to be like them. Maybe you are idealistic, after all, God’s spark is in everyone and if you hang around long enough your gentler qualities will rub off on them. It might if you were honest with them, but, do you have the nerve? Are you really that noble?
You might do a review and find yourself making excuses like all friends argue or have a bad day, it’s okay not to agree about important life issues, it’s okay for your friend not to support you and be blatantly selfish yet support someone else.
In a group situation, maybe you just want to belong. It’s a group everyone notices so why not? Lots of drama. Drama always has an appeal to most humans unless you live alone on a mountain-top somewhere.
No, No and No.
Truth is you like it or you wouldn’t engage it.
If, if, if only … something would change.
It does.
You change.
Take a look – it’s the best advice you’ll ever get.