The Ten Postulates Of The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

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By LOGOS - Overseer

The Ten Postulates Of The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Image by Dorothe from Pixabay

Postulate 1: Hylozoism – All substances and organisms, either organic or inorganic, are imbued with life. This is true from the most microscopic atomic particle to the Galaxy of galaxies.

Postulate 2:What we identify as matter and spirit are the same thing vibrating at different intensities. Matter is spirit expressing in its densest form, and spirit is matter vibrating in it most subtle. The solidity and tangibility of the material world around us is illusionary.

Postulate 3: Space is not empty. What appears to be space is the field of consciousness, the “body” of a great Cosmic Life within which all manifestation lives, moves, and has its being.

Postulate 4: All of the infinite number of parts of this great Life are interconnected through an energy substance called aether. Thus the smallest cell does not pulsate, nor the largest sun emanate, without their vibrations and energies felt throughout the Cosmos.

Postulate 5: Each and every one of these “lesser lives” lives within the body and consciousness of a Greater Life.

Postulate 6: Each of these “lesser lives” is made in the image of God.

Postulate 7:  All of manifestation is energy in differentiating forms. This energy emanates from a Source which reabsorbs it after it has expressed itself through its forms and cycles.

Postulate 8: There is no absolute death. There is only change of form and state. The cycle of birth and rebirth is endless until the Law of Cause and Effect (karma) is satisfied. It is then that unity is reached and reincarnation ceases.

Postulate 9: Our Solar System has a septenary nature. It responds and interplays with seven cosmic emanating sources within our immediate Universe. The energy radiations of these sources are called the Seven Rays, each of which has specific qualities of vibration and manifestation.

Postulate 10: This sevenfold nature is for the purposes of manifestation, divided into three (symbolized by the triangle) and the four (symbolized by the square and equal armed cross).

The Law Of Spiritual Approach

The anchoring of the Law of Spiritual Approach in your life may be facilitated through practice of the following technique:

1. Align yourself by relaxing your physical body. Still the emotions through an inner affirmation that all is peaceful within you and around you. Give yourself the mental image of a still, clear, beautiful lake and identify this lake with your emotions. Focus your mind and quiet any extraneous thoughts. It might help to repeat the words, ” the Law of Spiritual Approach.” Link up and affirm integration of your physical, emotional, and mental vehicles. Breathe deeply and normally while you accomplish this.

2. Link yourself through the heart and through your inner eye of perception to all men and women of goodwill all over the world. Affirm your unity with them.

3. Dedicate yourself to the building of the New City of Humanity with all your brothers and sisters.

4. Open yourself to Soul linkage and say the Mantram of the Soul:

I am the Soul.

I am the Light Divine.

I am Love.

I am Will.

I am Fixed Design.

5. Visualize the Law of Spiritual Approach as humanity reaching up as one group to the Sun, and the Sun shining its rays of Light, Love, and intelligence down into and encompassing humanity.

6. Reflect and meditate upon the unity of Spirit and Humanity and its implications in terms of World Goodwill.

7. Contemplate your own contribution to this Collective effort.

8. Telepathically radiate the Law of Spiritual Approach in all directions around you.

Alan Oken – Passge from: Soul Centered Astrology