In Terms Of Masters

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By Syd Alrruhi

In Terms Of Masters

Image by Rachel Burkum from Pixabay

In 1974, I broke through the matrix of alleged realities. Up to that point I lived in fear of my own spiritual/dimensional potential. My earth life itself was going fine. I had accomplished set goals, was making a more than satisfactory living, was not married and had no extra responsibilities. I did whatever I wanted to do. Spiritually I was a mess. I believed in God/higher source but had always had strange visions since childhood but hid them and they remained unspoken because I deemed them negative. But at age 28, the visions or so I thought broke through with amazing rapidity, uncontrollable. I thought I was insane. I was not. I am not. I’ve had more than my share of naysayers and doubters. People will always try to demean your experience with a variance of labels and reasons, scientific, logical and historical, alleged truths and falsehoods mostly born of fear but, it changes nothing; a personal experience remains a personal experience. The value belongs to whoever is experiencing it.

The next 7 years, I engaged spiritual teachings. I studied every religious text I could get my hands extending from the traditional dogmatic to the obscure lesser known ‘spiritual’ paths. I have no set religion or particular spirituality that would be easily recognized but include all in my scope. I travelled to Tibet, Egypt, Africa, India, Pakistan, Iran, China and various parts of Europe. I learned much and became what was popularly termed an adept coming into full belief that illusions are the nature of the world/matrix and the human mind tends to accept things for what they seem on the surface. As an ‘adept’ (any title is as good as any other), I astral travel. It is all about perceiving and knowing reality be it physical or the realm of the spirit with as much clarity as possible. EVERYTHING I perceive, whether in a state or current time reality is alive and animated. I have traveled via spirit guide and animal guide and quest (dreams) as well as visions that have occurred while sitting alert and fully awake at the kitchen table.

I have experienced many levels of the Astral Plane from positive to negative and have seen myself in other lives,  parallel and reversed,  too numerous to mention here full of “unusual characters” including talking animals. Since we are all capable of creation on this plane, I refer to this as mental construct and in some cases subconscious renderings. From Tibetan, Chinese and Indian practices I was introduced to past life access but it was the Egyptian experience that drove it all home. The information held in your Soul consciousness that can be tapped and accessed via trance. This trance state allowed me to literally be “in” past states but as an observer of actions only not as an active participant. I must differentiate on this gate (space in time) and weigh more heavily on it as a bridge to the next three. There are many types of inter-dimensional and ultra-dimensional beings to be found. I find many to be fakers and liars spinning untruths and confusion. Some call these demons, daemons or facets of one’s own mind. In my case, I feel they were put in my way as distractions which made it easier to side-step them. At this gate (space), a person decides where their truth “is” and whether to attempt to go further. It is a place of refining, breaking down and rebuilding. Residual solace can be experienced here and why would that not be so? If you were to meet up with the first glimpses of the Divine at the next gate why would you not still need much refining? This place is time-less. One can see fore and aft of the Collective with possibilities based upon the single act of a single person. It can be terrifying and enlightening all at once.

At the next passage, I was presented with what we humans immaturely refer to as Masters. As far as I am concerned, the Masters exist but we have rather inane references to them throughout spiritual history which has been incorrectly recorded and used. Plenty of cultures, known and unknown, have spoken of the spiritual Masters. They have gone by a plethora of names depending on who is speaking of them and about them. Mankind has always done the best it could at varying times collectively but, as far as I am concerned none of the existing new age artwork today has captured the essence of them in the slightest. Depictions are more like a rote carry over. I do not say this to demean any artist; in some cases I have seen some minor traits or essences captured on canvas and paper. Unfortunately, for some reason we have not advanced enough as a race of people to get over needing ‘visuals.’ I do not ridicule anyone who claims they have seen a Master (since I have seen them and have communicated with them) but in my experience they do not appear riding a menacing steed looking like the guy next door wearing a robe. If you are wondering if there some sort of essence, for example of Theosophy’s Sanctus Germanus or Eckankar’s Rebazar Tarzs or Kata Daki, there is. There is definitively in my experiences at any rate but not as depicted or named. They are older than earth dirt – timeless. All of that which has come to our literature and greater works has depended upon the human filter determining the info casting a creation into a construct we can grasp like a bunch of first graders. Because we are not advanced enough to comprehend these things without a story or legend or artist rendering involved – the spoonful of added sugar to make the medicine go down and to make the info more readily understood and accepted is the result. It is how we have done it for centuries and there is no blame in it, just baby steps towards greater awareness. I always tell others, “it’s your ride, make of it what you will, just try to look beyond the garden gate once in a while.” No logic, alleged proof, or argument has diminished my experiences in the least way and I have heard it all.

This landscape will eventually change greatly with no other personas available as guides. The landscape will become uncluttered, uncomplicated and more light-filled. The hues will be  felt as a singular presence. This is where my traveling currently stations. There can be a slight religious/spiritual (as we all understand it) underpinning to this place beyond that space of the Masters but it is advanced of earth beliefs/concepts. This is perhaps the first glimpse of Source. People who have died and been brought back to life get a minute tidbit of this. So far as I know this is the ultimate experience for any human. No one has a vessel to sustain it while in human form. No body, no mind, no controlled thought process there. It is the Collective Sea.

Personally, I would not care to be up shits’ creek without a paddle at this time, yet, I journey on. I still have an earth life to finish. It is a requirement.


سيد الروحي



2 thoughts on “In Terms Of Masters”

  1. No Disagreement Here

    Masters is a word I use, but in regard to Eckankar, the names given ARE the current names used by these, however that in no way means that these are their actual names, or that they’ve even been in use before the mid 1960’s, despite some of them being alive in the same physical body for far longer than any human would ever believe (the oldest of these I’m aware of is 60,000 years old which makes 5 or 600 look like nothing in comparison) but since belief itself is a mental and emotional state, that makes it as transitory as anything else.

    Assuming that one accepts that any Soul can live in a physical body beyond the average life span, it makes sense that any who do couldn’t possibly keep the same name forever. If they did, humans might remember and that would evenbtually bring trouble (we being what we are), which makes it far leass complicated to simply disappear every so often as one name or individual only to reappear under another name somplace else, or somewhen else, whichever the case might be. Living a physical existence would require that eventually, and coupled with the human inability to maintain a train of thought for very long, much less to remember names and such, these all work together quite well regarding humans, and aside from our own general misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding most things.

    Some find fault because of these things, such as names etc, but those who do tend to be so wound up in their own erroneous ideas that that situation is likely to keep them busy for quite some time one way or the other. Life rolls on with or without our understanding and always will. And so it is with these individuals that occupy this high state of consciousness working in service to the Absolute as well as to all Souls, whichever form they might take at a given time. There is plenty of room for everything!

    In the end, only the humans that either naturally have and excel at, or put in the time and effort to learn how to leave the body in full consciousness ever move beyond belief into knowing. And even knowing isn’t a single thing or place, it too develops as endlessly as consciousness does. That means there must always be room for more than exists at any given time.

    The ECK Masters certainly existed long before that religion, or any of its predecessors came to be.

  2. Profound

    Excellent piece Syd – both profound and useful. In my life thus far, I have found myself up against both ignorance and less than open-mindedness aka tolerance of the experience of others especially when it has come to my spiritual travels. So be it. I just carry on to Soul Advancement.

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