In some esoteric circles it is believed that there is indeed an insidious Dark Brotherhood. Why wouldn’t this be true? If we believe that there exists balance in the Universe then certainly all would not in reality be a bed of roses. Once in while a thorn must stick us all in the derriere. In my realm walking experiences I have seen essences of both light and dark with entities to boot – the lower astral polarity of which we all tend to believe as if our sanity relies on the ‘good’ defeating the ‘evil’.
How can we equate this in mundane earth terms? Consider the following: They came from all walks of life … those strange European practitioners, who said theirs was an acquired and forbidden knowledge learned in a school presumed to be in Spain. No one knew exactly where the school was but speculation placed it at Toledo or Salamanca. The term of course was five to seven years during which time no one ever saw the students until they re-emerged haggard and grim faced. The headmaster was unseen and unheard; yet, all knew who he was – the only stipulation for entry – a “certain agreement.”
The school could only be reached through a cavern accessed by winding staircases, by which they were led far into the Earth – sealed away from sunlight, sealed away from the outside world by heavy and impenetrable iron doors. Except for their own murmurings, they schooled in silence. Sustenance appeared by an unseen hand that catered sparsely to their bodily needs. No monetary fee was ever charged. They saw no schoolmaster or instructor. They heard no responses to their queries. The answers they sought and asked for each night in their evening contemplations appeared at dawn as letters that seemed illuminated on faded parchment pages or upon the cavern walls. No servants attended them.
Once “graduated” and re-entered into the world, they appeared to have no conscience or any need to show responsibility for their actions. Easily taking all the credit when things went well, they just as easily cast blame on others when it did not. Self-justification was their first and only response to criticism. Now let’s consider a rehash from the old tome of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge which provides an explanation to satisfy an earth mind.
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, organized magical lodges serving the powers of evil were formed. Known as the Brothers of the Shadow or Black Lodges, these organizations were said to be in opposition to the forces of spiritual evolution and to the Masters and the Great White Lodge. In the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor and traditions descending from it, the Black Lodges were associated with a Mysterious Dark Orb and its sinister hierarchy.
The Dark Orb was said to be the place where souls that failed to make contact with their higher selves and so gain immortality, sink gradually into oblivion. It lies by location in the shadow of the Earth in space. There has been much earnest and studious thought given to what the Orb is or was. Some believe it to be tied to the Egyptian conception of spiritual fall and some believe it to be the Lost Orb of the Grecian mysteries while others insist it is the Moon in its connotation of the 8th sphere of death and dissolution. Yet there is another explanation. During the Golden and Silver Ages of the Earth’s evolution, the Dark Orb was in the aphelion of its orbit. Its influence was scarcely felt but was minutely recognized as “animal force” and underdeveloped good. During the Copper and Iron Ages the orb gradually approached Earth and its dark shadows started to become perceptible yet remained bewildering. Around 1881 it passed its perihelion point and began to recede yet its dark clouds were not completely lifted from mankind’s mental horizon, as it remains today – a disturbing factor of our planet’s mental equilibrium.
The orb is said to possess a complete organization of its own. It is governed by defined laws the nature of which is exhibited in the lower animal nature manifested in mankind. The sphere is inhabited by numerous races of spiritual beings neither elemental nor elementary possessing high intellect and cunning. Originating from a dark center in the Astral Realm, “the dark council” of magical hierophants creates the Grand Delusion. They are the producers of human suffering and misery and the procurers of lies, deceit, fraud and religious and spiritual imposture. All these things are constantly reformulated to suit the temper of human times. Its influence is subtle psychological poison projected into the dimensional mental matrix of the human race; the occult current penetrating the inner recesses of the mind and accosting the Soul until finally in the heart of man is found an evil sliver of self-interest. The matter of energy distribution is inversive and used to distort and corrupt every arcane truth into theological dogma always with just enough “error” and doubt to make it acceptable to the logic of the human mind. The favored targeted prey is always those who are half informed of nature’s mysteries. The old proverb … “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” aptly applies here.
Its greatest accomplishment was and is the distortion of theologies, belief systems and metaphysics throughout the world at large through the doctrines of reincarnation and karma and the afterlife which have been twisted. Not all of this was successful because there are certain natural absolutes that cannot be corrupted by the dark magic. Man alone possesses the elements of both life and death. The laws of life have been fully elucidated and the Soul obeys them. There is nothing to fear even though we all are experiencing these influences today via politics and world governments. It is necessary for the balance to be restored.
Pleasant Dreams and Realm Walking!