There Is No Single Universe: The Illusion Of Continuous Matter And Time

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“Space and time are not conditions in which we live. They are modes in which we think.” ~ Albert Einstein

By Jonathan Zerbin

In a recent Google Tech Talk – The Quantum Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don't Want You To Know, Ron Garret makes the case for the “Zero-Worlds” theory. What I like about it is how it destroys our notion of an absolute materialistic universe and makes it appear as if our universe really is a construct of a matrix like quantum computer.

He makes the case that that human brain is classical, like a turing machine while fundamental reality is quantum.  We are not a quantum computer, however we are made out of a quantum computer.

We like to think of ourselves as existing in one objective universe. However this is impossible based upon what we know from quantum experiments. There either is no universe (zero-universe) or there are an infinite number of universes.

My personal opinion is that both quantum views are correct. However this requires a paradigm shift in how we think about reality. More on how this works later.

Briefly here are some selected key points from Ron Garret’s presentation:

The Zero-Universe interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

  • The Classical universe is not “real”
    • There is no (single) classical universe
    • There is only they quantum universe (which can be viewed as an infinite collection of classical universes)
  • This is not (quite) as strange as it seems
    • Even classical reality is not as we perceive it
    • “We” are not made of atoms, we are made of (classical) bits (“Correlations without correlata” – David Mermin)
  • …. the particle-like behavior of quantum systems is an illusion created by the incomplete observation of a quantum (entagled) system with a macroscopic number of degrees of freedom.
  • “The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible” – Albert Einstein
  • “Spooky action at a distance” is no more (and no less) mysterious than ‘spooky action across time.” Both are produced by the same physical mechanism.

He goes on to say:

“One classical universe is really untenable.”

“We are our thoughts.”

“We are a simulation running on a quantum computer.”

“The universe I exist in is a good high quality simulation.”

“What you perceive as physical reality is not actually real; it’s actually an illusion.”

4 different mainstream Interpretations of QM

  1. Copenhagen (scientifically untenable)…. there is no collapse
  2. Relative-state (“multiple worlds”, “Decoherence”)
    1. Scientifically tenable but intuitively troublesome, math supports this; universe continually splitting
  3. Transactional (Cramer)
    1. Physically real waves moving backwards in time (predicted by Maxwell’s equations)
  4. Quantum information theory (“Zero-worlds”)
    1. Extension of classical theory with complex numbers


My personal thoughts on the subject.

So how can it be there is no absolute “real” universe and there are multiple universes simultaneously? This is because none of the universes are “real” to begin with.

First we need to dispense with conceptions of inanimate matter. The universe according to QM theory is like a holographic construct. The key question then is WHO or WHAT is then creating the hologram? The answer is that the universe is fundamentally a psychological gestalt. In those terms it makes the quantum madness much more understandable. The universe is literally continuous self replicating psychic energy. That psychic energy then dreams physical universes and it’s inhabitants into existence.

But why the infinite universes? Why the continuous replication?

The reason is as follows. The universe is novelty seeking. The replication of psychic building blocks and thus universes is a fundamental aspect of reality and how it creates itself. It seeks to know itself through creating itself and multiplying itself. It is the psychological burden of the universe.  It is also said that all reality doubles with every moment. Forever….

The psychic building blocks replicate like pieces of Lego. The Lego pieces are then used to build new forms and shapes. The universe is like a piece of origami that continues to unfold constantly creating new things. Quite simply this is how novelty is achieved through a basic self-replicating process. It is the principle of emergence, how complex things arise out of simple interactions. It is the very basis of life.

The thing is every new form that is created, then also replicates itself. And this works it’s way up from the tiniest thing to the scale of the universe.

So where do we fit in? We are specialized consciousness that bridge the gaps between universes. All universes replicate forever, our consciousness chooses which replication that it wants to experience and be aware of. Consciousness therefore has the ability to superimpose itself and straddle multiple realities simultaneously. Every previous moment goes on to create it’s own reality, that we are unaware of. Our consciousness is setup to maintain a type of linearity to give a sense of durability out of a universe, that is constantly moving and replicating. This gives rise to the unique type of experience of time which itself is also an illusion. Consciousness has durability, physical reality does not.
