Thoughts On Sloppy False Flag Shootings

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By Protagonist

Staged shootings happen just prior to import court decisions regarding gun laws and police state stuff, so the shadow elite are just trying to circumvent the checks and balances in place. So they’re trying to set up tyrannies / police states, using these fake events as justification.

But there’s more to it. I suspect that the ultimate agenda for this nation is to create a civil war that balkanizes (splits up) the USA into pieces so that external invasion becomes possible. How do you bring down a nation that is heavily armed? You get that nation to aim those guns at itself. Boom, auto immune disorder. Once weakened, then it wouldn’t be as difficult for Russia/China to sweep in, or for Europe/UN to come in under the guise of humanitarian ‘liberation’ or ‘security’ purposes.

The way the civil war would happen is by crossing enough of a line that armed people rise up. But for that to happen, they need to be angry and well armed, and that’s what all these token liberal threats about gun control are about, because instead of curtailing guns, all the administration has done these past seven years is create a gun buying panic. So they’ve actually increased it. It’s commonly jested that Obama is the greatest gun salesman of the century, based on the sales statistics.

Plus the whole prepper movement, survivalist shows on TV… it’s programming to create a survivalist/insurgent mindset in the public. Not the whole public, just the more right wing leaning folks. Which is what they’d want, since you can’t have a civil war if everyone’s on the same page, so you need a 50/50 kind of division (in actuality it’s 30/70) so one side is the government supporting Joe-coppertops, and the other the increasingly anti-authoritarian / libertarian types. If it ever happens that some kind of round up, detention, confiscation happens, then that would be the trigger for radicalization of the freedom movement. And this, in turn, would lead to enough chaos and decentralization that from such chaos a new order will arise.

Though like I said, as we’ve seen in Egypt and Syria and Iraq, etc. when one dictatorship is brought down, you just get chaos and warlords in their place, and they then justify the invasion by other powers who then set up shop. That’s how one sovereign regime is replaced by foreign ones, first through internal war and revolution, then invasion. I think that’s what’ll happen with the USA.

The rest of the world will have their own thing going on, but all of it plugging into a master plan. Europe will be balkanized and turn fascist when ethnic tensions and fear of cultural annihilation by migrant swarms reach their snapping point. All this, in concert with economic instabilities brought on by climate and resource disruptions, and all this as a prelude to alien invasion under the guise of benevolent intervention.

Despite all this, there will be positive underground support networks, conclaves, and sanctuaries for the spiritually awakened. It’s not all doom and gloom, just collapse of the status quo. It’s only doom if you’re clinging to the past.