Before I go into the dream which is actually quite short let me explain the circumstances of me sleeping in the afternoon after just woken up.
Enjoying some tea and sitting on the porch enjoying the first sunlight of spring. I begin to feel as if a headache was coming on. I feel as if something is coming over me and in my mind I say to "get off me". Without feeling as if I have a headache I begin to feel as if I just smoked drank and dropped acid all in one. My head has the same dizzy heavy creative good vibes appeal and my tongue tastes as nickel dry and cotton mouthy.
I start to fall asleep sitting on the porch so I walk almost stumble over to my cabin lay on the bed and the cat comes over and cuddles next too me.
I dream that I am in a study. Possibly my fathers, it looks like it is filled with the paranormal and religious strange artifacts. There is a picture of a person with a stretched neck with red electricity surrounding the being. I say I am not really sure what I am supposed to do with all of this stuff.