TikTok – Is It A Black Magic Agent?

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By Hecate

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NOTE: As of April 2023, at least 34 out of 50 states have announced or enacted bans on state government agencies, employees, and contractors using TikTok on government-issued devices. State bans only affect government employees and do not prohibit civilians from having or using the app on their personal devices.

If you are a frequent TikTok user then you are well aware of its multifaceted uses and thousands upon thousands of videos on just about any topic that exists. Some appear to be useful and users claim that it has helped them on their spiritual paths.  But is all that as innocent as it may seem. Besides its capacity for existing as the perfect spy machine into you private life and data as is currently being investigated by the US Congress did you ever consider its other not-so-fine qualities like manipulation via the dark side aka black magic?

Of course there are multitudes of videos on how to perform magic of all varieties and some do take a viewer to the dark side where there is a definitive danger because all magic is a manipulation of natural law and attempts to disavow karma. It is always used for selfish purposes mainly control. Once a user violates natural law they are really asking for it especially if it is an attempt to violate the free will of another human being. Love spells or obsession spells for example are direct violations and filthy attempts to attract what one thinks they desire into their lives to adore them. These attempts often fail due to demonic trickery that has more often than not been easily invited in. So what is being manifested may not be at all what the evoker wanted at all. And now they are stuck with it and the results which in some cases may be deadly depending upon what kind of individual they have summoned into their lives. Instead of Prince or Princess Charming did a sexual deviant with murderous intent get drawn in?

What about the general effect of simply watching these videos for ‘just fun’ and entertainment? Perhaps making fun of the personality doling out instructions or dancing around a circle or mumbling in some undecipherable language? Well, that door is now open no matter if you followed video instructions or simply watched. Demons love folks who think they don’t exist and are cavalier about it. The human mind is like a magnet and it remembers all that has been introduced to it even if it becomes deeply buried in the brain matter – it’s in there somewhere and can be pulled up at any time it becomes triggered for who knows what end. How is that? Ever hear of subliminal messaging? It’s not new at all it is  old and as a matter of fact has been used in advertising for years to plant messages that encourage the consumer to buy products. Be reminded that today there are even more sophisticated mind methods at play. Case in point, a friend’s teenage son after engaging in these videos underwent such a personality change incurring depression, mood swings and  harmful behaviors is now getting treatment in a psychiatric hospital. He was perfectly healthy physically, mentally and emotionally and was happy and moving forward in life before indulging himself with Black Magic Agent TikTok which he was reluctantly introduced to at a party.

Also – Be reminded that there is in reality no TikTok wizard you will be able to contact to pull the darkness off you. You not only need discretion when choosing what to watch on you device but also a whole lot of discernment.

Is it worth it for the thrill?

1 thought on “TikTok – Is It A Black Magic Agent?”

  1. Well done –

    Parents need to do a better monitoring job no matter how difficult it is to get the phone out of their grubby lil hands at times. Kids are inventive when it comes to their privacy but some things should take precedent. Adults are guilty of engaging these videos as well and also make or promote a lot of them. The world can be a sick place and everything is fine until something happens.

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