The Time Lords And Their Pulses

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Image by Phisigma from Pixabay


We Are The Truth…
We Are The Truth. We are the Living Truth. All so called Truth in Words are at best individual Truth! Please let me explain – all Things Are Consciousness! Within the existence of this Consciousness all happenings from infinity to infinity, are relative or are individual happenings or subjected truths. Truth therefore – becomes a relative and individual thing! Meanwhile, no Being can know all things! So, the absolute truth is – that there is only individual truth – except for the statement: We Are The Truth! Actually we are not only the Truth but we also are the Reality. This is so because our awareness “creates” the belonging reality that goes with it. They go together, because awareness and reality are directly related…

There is no God or Creator as such…
All we can say about the truth of our existence is – that there are an infinite amounts of happenings on this world and on any other world. Meanwhile, there is no possible way that one being or soul can experience them all. One could say that God or the Creator experiences all happening universally – but there is no God or Creator as such. God or the Creator is not a Being! It is an Infinite Energy that is and flows through the Whole of Creation. In my view it is not a consciously aware Being or Unit as such. It is seemingly divided in holographic aspects that combined make-up the Whole of Creation. God or the Creator is like Electricity – it runs The Works and is The Works…

It cannot act or react as One Being…
God or the Creator runs all Beings and Things, but it cannot act or react as One Being. God or the Creator is the Power that runs the universe – without being individually aware of it! The Creator becomes aware of what it is within the Created… as the Created. Remember this Mary-Ann! It becomes aware as you… and I… and as everybody. Speaking about truth – we could say: We Are The Truth and we experience ourselves infinitely – if we assume that we live infinitely. Whether or not we live infinitely as a Soul or as an Energy Being is something I do not want to talk you into. This is something you need to become aware of all by yourself and without words…

The Nature of Consciousness is Love Expressing Itself…
We as the source have expressed ourselves and the human being is a certain aspect of this expression. We as the Source have expressed ourselves in order to experience life in all its facets and modes we may think of. Our human expression is one of the many – the source we are is unlimited. We are able to create and occupy an infinite variety of dimensions and forms of life since the nature of consciousness is Love, Understanding and Diversity. It is capable to divide itself into an infinite amount of holographic aspects. All aspect have the Source within themselves in a miniature form. All aspects are equal…

We are here to experience creation in human form…
This means that all of us are perfect already and do not need to worry about becoming better or holier or even wiser for that matter. We are all wise, divine or perfect already! This is all you need to know and remember… Celebrate This Cosmic Fact! We are the very Creator or Essence of creation in human form. We are this very Essence in aspects or mini-duplicates in order to create realities. These realities sometimes confuse us and at other times bring us to states of bliss or ecstasy. We are here to experience creation in human form and the confusion that arises occurs when we as human beings cannot distinguish the illusions from the realities. Or let’s say, cannot see the forest for the trees…

It’s all down there – somewhere…
Our confusion depends on what particular life or dream we are subjected to. When we are ‘being called upon’ to manifest, we as the source dive back into our creation as an infinitely tiny aspect. This usually takes place as a unit of consciousness in the Mineral Kingdom. This aspect emerges from the infinite reservoir of our subconsciousness or the undifferentiated essence we all are in unmanifested form. The old Sages used to call this The Void. As an emerging aspect we are a unit of consciousness but we are not consciously aware of this. Slowly but surely we grow in awareness. These beginning aspects or images could also be called ‘holographic images’ for they contain within themselves a complete picture of the total reality we are in a subconscious manner. This is why all things can be discovered from within! It’s all down there – somewhere. Eventually we progress to the human stage and become an individual Soul. Our Soul is deeper than we think… it contains the infinite pool of Creation…

We are the Creator awakening…
I would like to clarify this ‘being called upon’. Many individual entities with advanced functions are co-creators and they create new souls and or beings from scratch out of the unconscious reservoir of the creator’s subconsciousness or undifferentiated energy. So, in a sense then, we as mankind are the creator awakening from its own unconsciousness to the self-conscious state of being human. Most of us at this time, have no notion to what level our future awareness can reach. The awakening of the human is a process of human consciousness awakening in time! At the middle human stage, we might be somewhere halfway of the cosmic journey for example. There are many more stages to go past the human beginnings…

We have to learn the All of It…
So within creation then, we as humans are finite beings who emerge from our infinite source in an unconscious manner and experience creation in its many facets. Slowly but surely, we become more and more consciously aware and eventually experience that our creation is an expression of ourselves. In addition, each lifetime we live is new to us, as well as to the source, for we have never experienced the exact situation before! That’s why it doesn’t make much of a difference what we do in our early lifetimes. Anything goes so to speak for we have to learn the All of It in the long run anyway…

Man is an instrument of his higher source or self…
In order to stay put in our physical creation, mankind is made in such a way that he is afraid of dying. Meanwhile, the enjoyments, hopes and pleasures he gets out of life, guarantee his continuation in physical reality. This reality is a pre-arranged plan within a play, while man in his own way has free will or choice. Free will or choice is relative however! If the source was totally present within the human being we could not and would not experience what we are experiencing presently. Man as an instrument of his higher source or self is in the process of discovering that he is the very source in the first place. This discovery is left up to the human in concert with his soul-self…

We are the children or expressions of our source…
The soul-self has no objection to an early awakening and the soul-self might encourage this, but it cannot interfere with the free will of mankind. Mankind’s free will with regards to his creative and destructive abilities have to be taken into account. In very specific situations however, extra-ordinary interventions might have to be arranged in order to bring some individual human beings to other densities or worlds. This might possibly take place in the near future. It depends on the grace of the hierarchal forces or the higher aspects of mankind. Mankind is loved, for we are the children or expressions of our source. Specific interventions also depend on the state of awareness of the people involved. All the different aspects of reality are taking in consideration…

Would you like to skip your nap?
Many people ask – was there ever a beginning? The answer in my view is – No! We are the manifested and the unmanifested simultaneously. We are the manifested when we have reached self awareness (and naturally before – but don’t know it) and we are the unmanifested after we embrace the state of bliss again on the very end of our manifested life cycles. However, I am not completely sure that this “embracing” must take place. Some of us might prefer to skip our nap at the top. Possibly, we would rather chew on cosmic cookies. Or have tea…

Creation is a continuous or ongoing happening…
Individuality begins, when we leave the father’s house by separating from our unconscious source and become the prodigal son. At different intervals, when the need arises, we leave our state of bliss or the unmanifested. Within all universes and all dimensions our creation is a continuous or ongoing happening with difference phases or cycles for specific purposes. The solar system for example, is quite a bit younger than some of the other systems and it is a splendid example of our creative efforts. It was created when God was in a good mood… (Please smile here)

This is for heavy thinkers only…
Big Question here! How can we be the manifested and the unmanifested simultaneously? I am proposing a theory here by which it is possible to be the All and have simultaneous universes. It goes like this: all life or creation in the manifested edition or in the visible as well as in the invisible universes, consist of pulses for existences and gaps for non-existences. See the picture and explanations below…

  |M|         |M|         |M|         |M|         |M| - - Here we Exist!    
  | |         | |         | |         | |         | |                       
  | |         | |         | |         |o|         |o|    We only exist      
  | | A     Z | |    X    | |    Y    | |         | |    physically during  
  | |         | |         | |         | |         | |    the pulses at "M". 
__| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |___                    
         U           U           U           U - - - - - At "U" we do Not!  

The “M” represents the pulse or manifested portion of our existence and the “U” represents the gap or the unmanifested aspect of our existence. This cycle is a continuous pulsating phenomena and we only exist physically during the pulses at “M”. This gives us the impression that we live without interruptions in the physical for we are not aware when we blank out. This method allows the possibility to have our other lifetimes at the “U” duration of existences. Some teachings suggest that these pulses occur every four quadrillionth of a second. One could possibly ‘blink’ a million times in an instant that short…

I am still talking to heavy thinkers here…
So where the letters A – Z – X & Y are, we are not aware of this lifetime. We do exist however, but only as an unconscious energy or as our subconsciousness. Also, where A – Z – X & Y are, we probably live other lifetimes or have manifested existences in other universes. These life forms are out of phase or out of sync with this universe or reality. The “U” gaps could be a lot wider than I have indicated in the picture and literally millions of other parallel universes and their life forms could ‘pulse’ there without our knowledge. We are not aware at these intervals. We becomes aware again at the instant when our pulse comes up. Then we have our tea and other nice things and maybe even have a closer look at Mary-Ann – who knows…

Now, do you see where the o o (ooohs) are? Well, they represent people who live in our reality. They are standing there with their mouth wide open. They, like the rest of us, think that they are real. Which naturally means that we are pulse ignorant – like we should be…

So, the spaces or distances between the pulses of manifested life can be either greater or smaller in order to create additional and/or different universes and their dimensions, in which we live different incarnations and live as other multi-dimensional parallel beings with different jobs and pay cheques. Pass the wine and cheese… please…

We pretend to be different people but are the same Energy…
So what is absolute, continuous or real about all this? All of us ARE the same Energy and only assume different functions at different pulses in order to create different universes and realities. Thus for the sake of playing creation we pretend to be different people, with different functions. Naturally we are walking different paths, but all of us, are the same consciousness or source having or doing our pulse. It’s like shift work without knowing it. Life as a human being in general could be called: peaking and/or peeking the pulse purposefully and persistently…

The question is… who creates all these pulses? Well that question needs to be asked when we become advanced enough to meet the Time Lords and their pulse-machines. They are the Beings who create the Tempic Fields and their energies that keep us synchronized with our neighbors. I suspect that they are very far advanced Beings or Co-Creators who are capable of keeping things neat and tidy. They are the time-keepers of creation and they make sure the right person appears in the same bed every morning…

The entire universe flips on and off…
We could also say or imagine that in any physical universe, between the pulses, the entire physical creation disappears and moves to the center of the creator’s subconsciousness. Since there is no center in the All-Mind – nothing really moves! Naturally all the different universes appear again in their particular places in this multi-parallel universal system at the proper pulse. So, we are constantly ‘seemingly moving’ from the unconscious whole of creation to our own spot in manifested creation. It’s one way of keeping in constant touch. However, we move in an order of energy and speed that is beyond the physical naturally. It’s like teleportation. We move in and out via wormholes. That’s what quantum scientists call these routes. We do all this without a break for tea or anything. Do not forget – physical reality has no objectivity to it. It’s an illusion! We only think that it is real…

We appear and disappear more often than we think…
So, in a physical sense then, everything physical, wherever it might be in any physical universe, seemingly travels from the center of creation to its own place in that particular universe, back and forth continuously, without speeding. Again – no physical matter travels however. It is all done by Mind or Awareness only! We just appear in our own specific pulse-spot. So, traveling in a timeless and spaceless universe is not really traveling. We just appear and disappear from here to ‘there’ while this ‘there’ is not really a place for it is beyond the physical. Actually, all universes are different Holographic Vibrational Patterns which are projected or reflected at different intervals within the gaps mentioned above. It’s all very simple and it’s a very neat way of doing things. And if you are quiet, you can hear the hum of existence – Ohhhmmm – Ohhhmmm!  I have indicated here how the Universal Mind and its Co-Creator might work – naturally it is only a smart guess or fluke. Please do not write to me about it. I am bogged down and mixed up enough the way things are…

Did you read your Cosmic Cookies?
Unless, we read a lot of Cosmic Cookies and other weird stuff – we are not aware of pulses, we just appear to be alive continuously. Cosmic Cookies, pulses or lifetimes have a tendency to wisen us up a bit and sooner or later we begin to doubt ourselves. That’s when we ask the question – What is Real? In any case, welcome to the physical reality in which we think that we are a real person. Hahha… Hahaha… Do not forget though, that living in the physical is a real experience. Sure it is…   It’s so real even, that an enormous celebration is warranted anytime – if not all the time. Whoopee the Whoop! Fill her up and bottoms up…  No, not yours Mary-Ann…

We are Consciousness in Action or the Living Truth…
The question now is: what kind of awareness or agency employs all the Time Keepers and their pulse-machines? Well, I feel, that all of us are in the process of discovering this. We are all aspects of the Evolution of Consciousness. And when we have discovered that, we will understand that all of us are Consciousness in Action and know that we are the Truth. However not any one person or entity in and by itself can grasp the entire scheme. We all make it work together! Yeah, it’s like working for General Motors, nobody knows what’s going on precisely, but the cars keep rolling out of there like crazy…

Is anyone really in command?
Our own Consciousness, in its many varied forms and aspects, does whatever is necessary to create all the different lifetimes we individually experience, while the collective consciousness arranges whatever is necessary to make it work. IOW: not any one really is in total command, but all together it works perfectly! The absolute truth is – who or what we are in a collective sense – while each entity or being only knows its own aspects of this activity or truth. Absolute truth exist when we look at it this way, but nobody will ever get to know it. We are aspects of it and only know our own little song. Naturally, the higher we climb the ladder of consciousness, the more we are able to experience the splendid show of creation and enjoy it even more. That’s what creation is all about. It’s a universal sphere of Cooperation, Sharing, Understanding and Love full of mysterious music with a beautiful beat! Drummers go crazy on it…and so should we. I’d say… a million mighty Thanks to The Time Lords and their Pulses. The entire show of creation is so fascinating because we have distanced ourselves from our own Source far enough to think that somebody else is doing it all – while that somebody really is Ourselves.

Gerardus Grist

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