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By Anon I Must

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TREACHERY is defined as a violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence. The man who betrays his country in any manner, violates his allegiance, and is guilty of treachery. This is treason. The man who violates his faith pledged to his friend, or betrays a trust in which a promise of fidelity is implied, is guilty of treachery. The disclosure of a secret committed to one in confidence, is treachery. This is perfidy.*

Scorpion image and symbolism:

A known symbol of treachey is the scorpion. The scorpion is on of the symbols of evil. Because of the treachery of its bite, the scorpio became a symbol of Judas. As a symbol of treachery, the scorpion appears on the flags and shields held by the soldiers who assisted at the crucifixion of Christ.

According to

Scorpions are often thought of as formidable, intimidating creatures, prompting people to assume that they are a negative symbol or bad omen.

In some cultures and belief systems, such as that of the ancient Egyptians, the scorpion was the preeminent symbol of darkness and evil. Greco-Roman mythology also tells the tale of Artemis using a scorpion as a weapon, stinging Orion’s foot and causing his death.

In modern times, the interpretation is slightly more evolved and much less intimidating. The energy of the scorpion involves the fusing of life and death. Death is a necessity for rebirth, an event that is crucial to the continuation of the life cycle.

Although this does not refer to the actual death of a person, change must be proceeded by death. Rebirth can be applied to a variety of factors, from relationships with the self and others to ideas and beliefs. On a large scale, rebirth means a complete change in one’s way of life.

A scorpion symbol may cross your path in a dream or in reality, depending on where you live. The scorpion promises a transformation, but it is up to you to determine whether the change is a chaotic or calm one.

The scorpion is most relevant to strong individuals who have the ability to inspire passion but typically withhold and conceal it for long periods of time. Because of this, scorpions are often thought of as representing sexual needs and desires.**

Treachery and Betrayal –

"Treachery and betrayal, they belong hand in hand, like a married couple, for they both ultimately lead to misery and sorrow." –

People often confuse treachery and betrayal. Although treachery is considered worse, treachery and betrayal often work together and cause destruction on both the personal and worldly collective levels.

More collective reading – Treason, Treachery, and Betrayal of Trust: The Psychological Search for the Why PDF can be found here:

Betrayal is the sense of being harmed by the intentional actions or omissions of a trusted person. The most common forms of betrayal are harmful disclosures of confidential information, disloyalty, infidelity, dishonesty. They can be traumatic and cause considerable distress. The effects of betrayal include shock, loss and grief, morbid pre-occupation, damaged self-esteem, self-doubting, anger. Not infrequently they produce life-altering changes. Betrayal can cause mental contamination, and the betrayer commonly becomes a source of contamination.***





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