The Trembling Of A Star – Sri Paul Twitchell

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

       The Trembling of a Star

   The seeker and the girl sat under a tree by the river, looking at the millions of stars flung across the heavens like bright jewels. The girl's face shone wondrously in the starlight. The perfume of a field nearby spring flowers wafted away on the soft breeze which rippled the waters that lapped the sandy bank.

   The girl whispered softly, "Look. Look at the star!" He lifted his head and looked to see the marvelous star shining brightly through the top of the willows. He thought that was the star which belonged to them, but he could not speak for her lips held more promise than his words.

   Turning, he spoke to Rebazar Tarzs. "Sire, what of the star?" he asked, loosing his hand from the girl's shoulders. "What of the bright one trembling in the heavens above the hills?"

   "The star of God," replied the Tibetan, gazing at both with eyes shining brightly in the darkness. "The particular star is sacred to the legend of Easter, who's day will dawn in a few hours. It was the star that gleamed so brightly when Jesus was resurrected that wondrous morning centuries ago. It was a herald to the world that death had been overcome. Just as the star of Bethlehem was the signal to all people that a savior had been born, God hung another star in His sky for the resurrection of the Son whom man crucified. 

   "I tell ye that the very stars in the morning sky tremble in heavenly bliss in memory of that glorious day when Jesus showed the world that death could be overcome.

   "Yet man does not know these things. We do not feed truth to the unbeliever, for when it is done man will injure Him who gives the Word of God. Each of us has a duty in this world for God, and those who are able to carry a little part of it, great or small, are indeed blessed.

   "So ye see, man's greatest fight is against his fault for not trying to avoid or overcome ignorance, or the darkness of the world, and to overcome it requires wisdom. The best way to acquire wisdom is by unremitting endeavor. Ye do not get it any other way than by contemplation.

   "The bright star that trembles this morning in the heavens is an ancient symbol of the whole cosmic universe. For when the Lord sent a divine son into this world, He did so to prove that man can overcome death also, as Jesus did; and when the divine Son through the process of death as we all do by practicing ECK the whole universe goes through the process of regeneration. Whatever a great Soul like Jesus does upon this earth affects mankind throughout the whole of the life of the earth.

   "The star represents a divine channel through which the Lord diffuses the rays love upon the world, and those holy vibrations touch all God's creatures and awakens them to their destiny again, which, of course, is the great cosmic plan for man's desire to be aroused to discover his true destiny in eternity.

   "Therefore, I say that every Supreme Son who comes to this plane does so by His own free choice to help His fellow man. He need not assume the mortal garb and suffer, for indeed it would be His privilege to sit at the feet of God throughout all eternity. However, such could serve their purpose in this world, for greater experiences in the service of God, and without thought of reward, and yet their reward is beyond any conception of man's mind."

   "What is a man of God, ye ask?"

   "I tell ye that a man of God is he who is not affected by the changes which may come around Him. He is the same be the weather stormy or hot, dark or light, and who retains His sense of balance and values no matter what can happen. So I tell ye that as long as there is a necessity in thy life for birth, there will be a necessity for resurrection.

   "When Souls evolve to this point they are free from the wheel of life, and no longer need to incarnate upon this earth, and the necessity for either birth or death is done away with. So the greatest knowledge is that of God Consciousness, by becoming "one" with Him, and ye are released from the wheel of life.

   "The star of God trembles this night because the both of ye are reborn into the Kingdom of Heaven. Ye have found thy selves in the farflung worlds of the cosmic kingdom.

   "If ye walk in the middle path of understanding ye will arrive at the end of the worldly wheel of birth and death, and be like the star that trembles in the sky of this early morning, or the river that flows between the hills and down through the valley to empty into the sea!"

   The seeker looked again at the trembling star and wondered. He felt the girl's hand clasp his and felt her against his shoulder. He was thinking that this was the world of his life and nothing else mattered but the three of them — yet soon the traveler would send him out into the world to fulfill their commission.


From the book, Stranger By the River © 1987 Eckankar  – Sri Paul Twitchell