In the Trenches is property of Adonis – Supervisor and is protected by LightForceNetwork. No copys or reposting of this material shall be made without the permission from the author.
Trent followed the mysterious and attractive Ivy back past the bar and two blocks down, they went into an old 1920’s building and up 2 flights of stairs. She opened double doors and inside where 11 people arguing over what seemed to be him. “It’s too late one man said” while another woman said “it’s never too late!”
Ivy looked me up and down analyzing my outfit and my aura. I could feel her energy all over me.” It’s not too late” she said “he is still one of us”.
“Not yet he isn’t” a number of people in the group said
One of the men approached Trent and lifted the chain from his neck exposing the amulet that Louis gave him being careful not to touch the actual amulet. Ivy looked at him in disgust then looked over at the man who exposed the amulet. The entire room went quiet not only because they were shocked and disgusted by the amulet but because they knew Ivy was about to go off on a tangent.
“For the sake of politeness, Trent, meet Drake, Drake, meet Trent.” Trent and Drake gave each other a half ass handshake.
“I thought you did a background check?!” Ivy screamed at Drake.
“I did” Drake said annoyed by Ivy’s anger.
“Then why the hell did you sell the bar to a hybrid! You know that’s the one thing that could get in the way of getting Trent to stay with us. Either way we have to initiate him. You know it’s his choice after that. There isn’t anything we could do, it was bound to happen but you, oh you, Drake had to sell our bar to a hybrid!”
Drake didn’t say a word. He knew he messed up big time in the eyes of Ivy and the rest of the coven. Trent was confused but he knew he was safe. He had been through fights like this at home, only this one was from a magical perspective. Trent knew he wasn’t going home tonight. So he sat down and made himself comfortable.
Ivy was the leader of the group, but she had a higher authority to answer to as well. Trent took a seat on an old Victorian couch. There was no reason for him to engage in the drama, especially since he had no idea what was going on other than that Louis was some sort of forbidden hybrid of some kind.
Ivy sat next to Trent and took a deep breath. “Are you ok?” she asked
“Yes I’m just annoyed and confused” Trent said honestly
“Can you trust me?” Ivy asked in a loving tone as she gave him her hand.
“Judging from the arguments I don’t think I’m in any danger, it seems you want me alive” Trent said.
Ivy’s tune changed and she laughed “Well that’s good enough” she said to Trent.
“Everyone make your selves scarce.”
The group, including Drake, left the room and Drake slammed the double doors. Ivy was about to explain everything to Trent and make things very clear. She knew he wasn’t going to be sleeping since she had seen his entire day including his herbal drug use. Ivy belonged to a coven of witches and magicians both titles being interchangeable whether male or female. Trent was one of them but there was a difference. Trent had power but he wasn’t trained and he was missing pieces of the puzzle he needed in order to perform the way Ivy’s coven did. Trent was still passive. He could manipulate energy and make things happen but his eyes weren’t open like Ivy’s. Trent wasn’t aware of the magical world as a whole all he knew where spells and herbs and how to use the psychic tools and abilities he had access to.
“This is going to be a lot to take in Trent so just let me do what I do best…Ramble” Ivy said with a lightly serious tone. Ivy got up from the couch and stood up and started pacing and thinking.
“OK”, Trent said as he crossed his arms and legs. He watched Ivy pace and waited for her words of wisdom.
“You know a lot about witchcraft, you practice alchemy you make things happen and you see your reaping’s but you haven’t seen how it happens. You give a reading but you don’t see who manipulates the cards as you shuffle. You don’t see the hands that guide your hands you don’t feel who is behind you guiding you. I have been watching you for weeks and you have mastered things that half the witches in our coven haven’t mastered yet. You are so ahead of the game when it comes to your place on the Board but so behind when it comes to the cards you have collected. Trent, I set up our meeting to tell you, it’s all real. Anything folklore, anything fantasy, anything biblical and mystical. It’s all very, very real.”
Trent’s ego was soaring due to all the compliments he was receiving and Ivy grabbed his interest with all of her talk about seeing how his magic actually worked, Trent believed in the spirit world but he found it funny that she claimed that mythical creatures were real.
Trent laughed “Even vampires and werewolves and fairies?” he said jokingly.
Ivy gave him a brutal stare “yes but you won’t find a werewolf in L.A, there isn’t enough wild animal life. That’s not the point you were supposed to be eased into all this stuff. Now that’s not an option because you are wearing that amulet and met that fucking hybrid.”
She said getting fired up again. Trent was beginning to feel overwhelmed. The entire night had been a whirlwind of emotions. First it was Paranoia, then anger that quickly halted, after that the infatuation for Louis took over. He didn’t really leave the bar mentally. Up until this point nothing had shocked him because he was still the guy being straddled by the handsome lonely bartender. Realizing this Trent began to feel like running or better yet fighting.
Trent stood up and spoke with a loud stern voice “Do you see anything right about this situation! Don’t tell me about me. I know who I am, I know my life, and the magic I practice. How dare you leave ambiguous notes on my door and at bars and expect me to be ok with all of this. For weeks I have been feeling eyes on me, going insane. Now you’re telling me that there is more to the spiritual realm than I know and that fantasy is now reality. Ivy, you may have been watching me for weeks, but I have no fucking idea who you people are!"
“Trent you’re right I’m sorry.” She stated plainly and calmly
“Damn right I’m right” Trent said getting cockier.
“But this is how we have to do things, leaving notes and letting your psychic abilities sense us is as far as we can go. We aren’t a cult that wants followers. We don’t publish advertisements about how we can initiate people and introduce them to a whole new world. The fact that you felt me tracking you is proof enough that you are meant to be here. You had to come of your own free will, not because we enticed you.”
Trent cooled his jets a little “Fine, but before we go any further what the fuck is a hybrid!” Trent asked in an all or nothing tone.
Trent sat back down and lit a cigarette and threw his pack on the coffee table in front of the couch not caring that he was inside. Ivy didn’t mind and followed suit. “Do you want the long or the short version of the story?” she asked as she pulled out an ashtray from underneath the coffee table and took out a cigarette from Trent’s pack. “Do you mind” she asked.
Trent signaled that it was fine and said “The short”
Trent noticed the he and Ivy had similar personalities. They both had Paternal energies about them and they were both very down to business. This made the conversation they were about to have a lot easier. Now that they were both on the same page nothing would really shock Trent. With everything happening so fast it was good that their personalities connected. Trent didn’t really want to be there and although Ivy wanted Trent to join her coven, she wasn’t happy about him already encountering a hybrid.
Ivy began to explain. “What I am about to tell you is crazier than my previous rant so bear with me. “ She said.
“Alright I’m more than ready” Trent said as he twiddled with the amulet hanging from his long neck. Ivy looked at the amulet and quickly looked away.
Ivy continued. “First I need to tell you who we are and when I say we I mean we.” She pointed her index finger at him and back at herself. “You aren’t just some guy who happens to be a magician. Your DNA is different from other peoples. I’ll put it simply, we have angelic blood. The only difference between you and me is that I have had mine activated,” she said with an air of arrogance.
Trent had always felt different from other people. People had always been attracted to him and looked for him to fill the cracks in their lives. Add that to the fact that he had actually reaped the benefits of his magic and he was a believer.
“Ok how do I activate it?” Trent asked intrigued
“A ritual. During the ritual you invoke the rest of your soul and seal it to you forever ensuring that when you die you stay in the heavenly planes, kind of like ascending” Ivy answered.
“When?”, Trent simply asked already knowing the answer. It just occurred to him that his 22nd Birthday was in a week.
“Your 22nd birthday in a week “, she answered.
“Anyway back to the point a hybrid is half Witch and half vampire. A vampire is Half human, half fallen angel and hybrids are muddy blooded god forsaken creatures who are inferior to both clans”
Trent’s amulet turned bright red as she spoke about the hybrids. Ivy’s eyes grew wide at the sight of the glowing amulet and someone started banging on the door.
“Shit it’s that hybrid!” Ivy said as she walked to the door.
She swung the door open and moved to the side knowing there was nothing she could do to stop Louis from coming in.
“You liar!” Louis screamed, “You Witches pretend to be so pure and honest” Louis said in disgust. Ivy just stood by the door looking down at her feet like a helpless child being yelled at by a parent. She was afraid of him not because he would hurt her but because she was inferior to him. Trent looked at Louis while he told Ivy off, he looked even better in the light opposed to the dim bar setting where they had met. His pale skin glowed underneath his facial hair and his furious eyes burned bright blue. He was tall like Trent and broad shouldered. He was a real man well…hybrid.
“It’s either I leave and tell capital HIM about your manipulation’s or I stay and you go upstairs.” Louis said sternly. Ivy stormed off like a little girl being put on a time out. They obviously weren’t as alike as Trent thought they were. Louis sat next to Trent and put his hand on Trent’s leg. “Are you OK?” Louis asked Trent sincerely.
“I’m fine, it’s been a crazy night but I’m a big boy” Trent said.
“I’m sure you are, I can’t believe that woman. Witches are so holier than thou. Hybrids are not inferior to either clan. Hybrids are just different.” Louis said with his sexy British accent as he fixed the arms of his jacket.
“So did she lie about anything else?” Trent asked wondering if everything she said was false.
“She left out a few major details which would explain why her clan hates us so much.” He said with a huge smile. “You really have had a rough night is there anything I can do for you?” Louis asked. Louis was charming and had an edge to him. He was swift and cunning but trustworthy.
“Yeah, actually. Will you spend the night with me tonight?” Trent asked shyly.
“Don’t you think you’re moving a little too fast?” Louis joked “I would be honored, and I’ll tell you all the details the bitch left out. Come here give me a hug handsome”
Trent and Louis stood up to hug each other and as soon as Trent got close enough he stole a kiss. Louis put his arm around Trent’s waist and they got out of their as fast as they could. “Bye Ivy!” Trent yelled as they walked through the door.
Trent and Louis walked back to Trent’s loft in silence they both knew that their conversation was going to be deep and drawn out so there was no room for idle chit chat in between Ivy’s place and the walk home. It was a cold night, they enjoyed being arm in arm together on the way to the loft. When they arrived Trent waltzed in took off his coat and started clearing his dining table of books and pencils.
“Hey Trent, Umm.” Louis said still standing outside.
“Wait a sec I actually have to invite you in before you can enter?” Trent said and laughed
“I’m just joshing yah” Louis said and giggled boyishly. “I love doing that to newbie. If I were an actual vampire you actually would have to invite me in.”
“Oh”, Trent said and gave Louis a glare. He didn’t like being called a newbie.
“Make yourself at home. Do you want some coffee?”
“Yes please that would be lovely” Louis said.
Louis followed Trent to the kitchen. He watched him as he prepared the coffee hoping that this was some kind of preview to the rest of their lives together. He caught himself staring and put his head down and let out a soft laugh.
“What?” Trent asked with a smirk on his face.
“You’re just so beautiful.” Louis remarked Trent blushed and didn’t feed into his flirting.
He grabbed the mugs filled with piping hot coffee and placed them on the table. Trent brought a note pad and pencil as they sat across from each other. He took in a deep breath and prepared himself for their one on one.
“If I am going to believe any of this, A: I need you to put it on paper for me and B, I’m going to have to see you work some magic. Something I can see, feeling, intention and cause and effect are no longer enough” Trent explained simply as any sane person would.
Louis Nodded, Placed his hands above his cup of coffee, slowly levitated the cup and slowly put it back down. “ Now that covers B now let’s get to the heart of the matter.” Trent wasn’t shocked but he was definitely impressed “Yes sir.” Louis grabbed the pencil and pad of paper and drew a strand of DNA and began to explain. “Here is your DNA, when you go through your activation it activates part of the DNA you don’t use as a human. In a vampire’s case the Sires blood would be put into the sired person’s body and that would cause the DNA to mutate, Becoming half human half fallen angel then the sired would be killed only to be resurrected as a vampire. We prefer the name fallen angel but if demon makes it easier for you then so be it. In the case of a Hybrid it gets more complicated. Assuming you go through with your activation you would be bitten by a vampire causing what is left of your human DNA to be infected, making you both demon and angel. No longer human you would technically be full angel, hence why hybrids prefer the term fallen angel. Witches and vampires see us as Impure. We see ourselves as pure because technically there is nothing inferior about us. But when it comes down to it neither clan would mess with a hybrid, they’re all talk.”
More to come
Hi Adonis
Wow. Some intriguing ideas here.
As a writer myself, I encourage you to continue with your writing. It has a lot of potential. Some very good, creative ideas are coming out of you.
If I may suggest though…
I recommend you find an editor you feel you can trust. Editors can deal with the technical aspects of your story. Punctuation, grammer, proper paragraph construction, etc…..they also tend to have the names of several publishers so you have a chance to start making money off your ideas. But make certain its an editor you can trust. Some publishing companies have their own editors on staff. Don't just grab an editor from anywhere. Look around for one that other writers will recommend. Some editors might try to steal your stories and ideas right from under you.
Having said that, you've got the first and most important thing happening. The ability to tell a good story.
First rule of writing…..find an idea, create a good story around it, and learn to tell it well. You've done that.
Go Adonis. 🙂
Thanks Dig!!!
I really appreciate that, I have a quarter of the book written, I am pondering on where to go next. I will put up part 3 soon. Thank you so much for the compliments and I will take the editor into account. I know of a few people who could help out in that respect locally.