In the Trenches Part 3

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By Adonis



In the Trenches is property of Adonis – Supervisor and is protected by LightForceNetwork. No copys or reposting of this material shall be made without the permission from the author. 


Must be over the age of 18 to read this Installment!! (Sex Scene)


Trent sat in silence for a few moments, he gathered his thoughts and said. “Okay I have a few questions.”

“Shoot” Louis said casually. He was glad that Trent was so open minded and uninhibited.

“All this talk of angels and demons denotes that one god exist and if so how does he feel about the whole gay thing? What makes each clan so different besides the obvious? And what would happen if you bit me?” Trent asked and winked at the ending of his last question.

Louis laughed. “ Yes there is only one god, but no one true god if that’s what you’re asking. All messages get sent somewhere. God doesn’t care about sexuality. Love is what matters in his eyes.”

“Oh good so he’s not shaking his head at you when you kiss me” Trent said.

Louis blushed and continued. “The Clans actually have names. The witches are the Sapiens, the vampires are the Sanguine and hybrids are arrogantly called Arch’s. Each name is self-explanatory. The Sapiens have control over the spirits of nature, they have a direct connection to angels and can travel to heavenly planes but sadly are mortal. The Sanguine are immortal, Worship the demons they come from and can travel to lower planes. Other than that they have the same stereotypical abilities and weaknesses you see in the movies other than the garlic and silver thing, that’s just superstition. An Arch is a free agent who has power over demons and has the help of higher angels. We have access to both spiritual realms and we can use the powers of nature. Our major purpose is to manage chaos which gives us a little bit of leeway to create it as well”

Trent was captivated, fascinated and excited. He was also put at ease by Louis because there wasn’t any pressure to join his clan. Granted he made it sound amazing but he didn’t get the multilevel marketing scheme feeling like he did from Ivy. Everything thing was laid out on the table quite literally. Now things seemed real. What made him feel even more at ease was that he was drawn to Louis unlike how he felt when Ivy was spying on him. Louis coming into his life was unprecedented but welcomed. He wondered if it was ok to fall in love with his recruiter. It must have been considering Louis made the first move. Trent was drowning in his own thoughts.

“I need a minute.” Trent said, excused himself and walked outside onto the balcony and lit a cigarette. He closed his eyes and let the events of the night play in his mind. When Ivy explained why she was magically stalking him the only thing he had on his mind was escaping the situation entirely. The time he had with Louis at the bar was a haze and now that Louis explained everything to him so clearly he finally had an epiphany. Becoming an arch wasn’t only appealing because of the purpose and his sudden feelings for Louis but because he was hungry for power. Everything in him told him that being power hungry was wrong. He wanted to make a decision with a pure heart. The only sure fire way to move forward was to be honest.

Louis walked outside and joined him for a smoke. “Just say it.” Louis said in anticipation

“I want the power, but that’s not a good reason to join you and your clan” Trent answered.

“That’s exactly why we want you, You long for the power but you have integrity. Not many people, especially magicians have that kind of moral.” Louis said.

“I guess” Trent replied

“It’s late let’s get in bed. Maybe we can get a little frisky.” Louis said with bright eyes and a big smile on his face.

Trent slapped him on the chest playfully. They Kissed and stumbled their way into bed. They kissed and rolled around in bed until Trent couldn’t handle the horny angel’s heavy petting anymore.

“Just hold me?” Trent asked softly. Trent wasn’t the cuddly type. If it were any other situation Louis would have been sent home by now, but Trent was too caught up in the events of the night to think about the message he was sending Louis. All he cared about was his comfort.

“Of course lover” Louis said.

“lover huh?” Trent asked now dreading the conversation he would have to have with Louis in the morning. The sound of someone calling him lover made him cringe. He felt like a total ass leading him on. He was so used to people being so fleeting that he didn’t consider Louis’s feelings. He liked Louis and for once he was willing to get to know someone intimately but Louis was moving way to fast. On the bright side Trent’s night ended with a dose of reality.

Louis didn’t answer instead he just played with Trent’s hair and held him until he fell asleep. “If you only knew, If he only knew.” He said as he looked at the stars through the sun roof above Trent’s bed.

The Morning after

Trent woke up alone in the morning. He was extremely grateful that Louis wasn’t there, it allowed him more time to gather his thoughts before he broke the news to Louis that he wasn’t looking for romance. The simple truth was that Trent had never experienced true love let alone intimacy. He had always thought of sex between two men should be a little rough and playful. He didn’t want to feel feminized. Occasionally he would go on a date but the end result was always sex. He would fool around with that person for a while but as soon as he felt that a guy was getting too close he would break it off with them. Although Louis and Trent’s heavy petting was in his comfort zone he was still thrown off by him. If Louis was supposed to be some kind of guide for him why would Louis be so seductive?

Trent reached for a his pack of cigarettes. When he opened the pack of cigarettes he found a rolled up piece of paper rolled tightly so that it blended with the almost full pack of cigarettes. He unrolled the paper and read Rip this up when you are ready. More concerned with having his morning cigarette he put it aside and lit up. Trent had nothing to do except for ponder on the events of last night and talk to Louis. He looked over at the piece of paper said “Fuck it” and ripped it up. Moments later Louis knocked on the door. Trent threw on pants and opened the door for Louis.

“Morning” Trent said with his cigarette still in his mouth

Louis walked in with what looked like a Barneys of New York shopping bag. Trent’s first thought was Oh great now he’s bringing presents.

“Good Morning Sunshine” Louis said sarcastically. He could feel the attitude coming off of Trent.

“Nice magic trick with the piece of paper” trent said as he walked to the coffee maker and made himself a cup of last night’s coffee.

The tension in the room felt odd to Louis. He had spent centuries being a slutty angel but Trent was special to him. He didn’t expect Trent to be so aggressively stoic after last night’s events. He figured he might be a little distant but Trent was acting as if he wasn’t even in the room. Trent didn’t understand the importance of their relationship. Louis didn’t tell him absolutely everything about becoming an Arch because if he had Trent would have been even more uncomfortable around him as he was Ivy.

He had to be very careful with the order of information he gave him. The pieces of the puzzle Louis left out were that Arch’s work in pairs and that those pairs were marriages that were destined to happen. Trent and Louis were meant to be together forever. Louis was the odd one in his clan, Arch’s were always perplexed by the way he was turned and that he didn’t have a partner. Louis was first a vampire before he became an Arch which was strictly forbidden but as with everything in the universe there is always exceptions. His real curse was that he had to wait for Trent to be a reality. Trent wasn’t only chosen to be a witch or an arch he was chosen to be Louis’s. Louis sat on the bed with a smug look on his face as he watched Trent wake up and go about his business.

Trent walked over to him and kissed him on the forehead “I’m going to jump in the shower. Sorry, I’m not a morning person.”

“Ok, no worries mate” Louis said and took a deep breathe. Although there was some real tension in the room he was relieved that not all of it was directed towards him.

Trent’s morning show made it very clear that he wasn’t willing to jump into anything but little did he know that he would be willing by the end of the night. Very willing.

Louis started emptying the Barney’s bag. The bag was filled with crystals and books and a few glowing bottles. Louis made up Trent’s bed and laid out the crystals on the floor at the edge of the bed frame. He placed the books on the bed and put the glowing bottles on the nightstand and waited patiently for Trent to come out of the bathroom.

Trent walked out of the bathroom bare naked. Now that he was showered and had his morning coffee he was in a better mood. He sat on the bed and gave Louis a kiss on the forehead something he had never done to a guy before. Affection wasn’t really his thing. Trent was about to speak, but before he could utter a word Louis began to speak.

“ I really like you and you were quite literally my guardian angel last night, but I feel like you’re getting the wrong Idea about me. I have never been in a real relationship and I can sense that is what you are looking for. As magnetic as you are to me I can’t jump into anything. You can just take the gifts back I’m sorry if I led you on…Is that what you were going to say?” Louis asked

Trent was silent for a moment and then spoke “Yes word for word. How did you do that?” he asked

“You and I are connected Trent. I know it’s weird and isn’t what you saw in the cards for yourself but it’s true. These things aren’t gifts they are already yours. You are meant to have them. I understand how you feel, I was a lot like you when I was human. I just have to ask you one thing. “ He said slowly and thoughtfully and asked “ Do you trust me?”

“Oddly I do. Before I met Ivy I felt like I was being watched by something I didn’t trust and when I met you instead of her at the bar all those feelings went away. I feel like I can Trust you with my life. Around you I feel protected, I feel like you would never harm me or lead me astray. So yes I trust you.” Trent said with a sense of compassion he had never shown before.

“Okay then. Now that that is settled here are your things” Louis said

Louis pointed to the books, there were three books laid out on the bed each of them had no title, instead they had intricate carvings one had the symbol of the Arch’s carved into it, One with the tree of life and the other one had an intricate design carved into it that Trent had never seen before.

Louis handed him the book with the symbol of the Arch’s “Open it”

Trent opened the book and saw that all the pages were blank and looked at Louis confused.

“Now close it and open it again.” Louis instructed

Trent opened it again and it was filled with writing in beautiful cursive.

“Whoa, that’s so cool” Trent said excitedly

“Now close it, put your hand on it and say Hebrew and open it up again” Louis instructed once again.

Trent laid his hand on the book and said “Hebrew” and opened the book once again to see that it was now all written in Hebrew.

Trent was amazed and glanced over at the other book, but brought his focus back to Louis. He waited for an explanation from Louis in silence.

“All three books are like this, each book can be read in any language, the particular book you are holding is only meant for Arch’s and future Arch’s to see. It has the laws that our clan follows which is a short list and has the history of each arch it is constantly being added on to magically each time another Arch is made. The book with the tree of life on it is also very special, It’s a map of the tree as well as a GPS so to speak that shows where each spiritual entity is in our universe whether it be an Arch, another angel or demon etc. Our clan is a breed of a fallen angel and Angel so we don’t show up on the map which is a good thing, considering that our purpose is to intermingle in multiple realms and blend in. Although in some we stand out but for good reason which we can talk about later. The third book is yours and yours alone. It’s your personal diary as well as your book of knowledge, when we are on the earth our connection with divinity is hindered so you simply write a question or a message and you will receive an answer. Each of these books is protected and can be called on when needed when you are on earth it doesn’t matter where you are they can be summoned.” Louis explained

Trent was in awe. There weren’t many times Trent had a loss for words but this was one of those times. He gathered his thoughts and snapped out of the awe he was in.

“This is all so amazing but I haven’t even gone through my ceremony to activate the angelic side of me. Why are you giving these to me now?” Trent asked

“That’s why I asked if you could trust me, I was told to give these things to you and instructed to ask one more thing of you. The powers that be are getting antsy already and in order for you to become an Arch you have to enter into a covenant with me. But in order to do that you…” Louis stopped himself from saying anymore, now he understood why he was instructed by the powers to give Trent the books before he was turned. He reached over to the pile of books and handed him the book to ask the question for himself.

“Just hold the book and ask what you have to do to become an Arch” Louis said in a frustrated tone of voice.

Trent held the book in his hand and looked at Louis for a moment then asked the book “What must I do to become an Arch?” The book jumped out of Trent’s hands and opened up to a long message.

Louis walked out onto the patio and lit a cigarette so that Trent could have privacy and process the information without him looking over his shoulder.

Trent took a deep breathe, picked up the book and began reading.


I have not come to this decision lightly, but the AM that I AM and I have come to a conclusion. You are meant to be an Arch. When I delivered the sentence to the fallen sons of god they begged for mercy. God would not grant it to them. After my ascension into heaven the lord and I sought out a solution for balance after the genocide of the nephelim and expulsion of the sons of god who had broken oath. The fallen could walk amongst the living and the powers that be including me would allow the souls of the nephelim to reincarnate. You are one of these reincarnated souls. It is your right to have the gifts that we have made available to you active. We have decided that you are noble and wise therefore you are fit to wear the crown of the arch.

Louis was sent to be your guide and we hope that you have fallen in love with him as we have. As you may know Louis is meant to be more than your guide, He is meant to be your companion. We only ask that you follow his direction and that you come to your own conclusion.

That being said we must first inform you of Louis’s making and how you are going to become an arch. Louis was first a child of the fallen ones, forced to drink the blood of humans and roamed from coven to coven looking for light in complete darkness. Although Louis was a vampire his conscious did not leave him as it does for most sanguine. The reason he could not succumb to the evil inside of him was because he had a reincarnated Nephilim soul. We saw his troubles and activated his angelic DNA. Louis was the first Arch to become an arch after becoming a vampire.

Your transformation is going to be very different from any other arch as well. Right now the clans are extremely divided. Normally we would have you activated, then bitten by a vampire that we have formed an alliance with. With The war at hand we cannot risk bringing you into such realms without being an Arch.

Instead of being bitten by a vampire you are going to be bitten by Louis. One of the vials Louis will give to you will not only make it so you can withstand the transformation into an arch it will also manipulate your dna so your abilities as an arch will be doubled. As I said before I do not come to this decision lightly. When Louis was changed the balance was shifted. Changing a vampire into an Arch made for a very powerful angel. What Louis has neglected to tell you is every arch has an arch companion, Louis would be yours. Together you and Louis will hold reign over my children as well as be everlasting warriors as kings should be.

Open your heart and your mind and you will be blessed like no other. You have been chosen.




He put the book down, once again Trent was in shock. He laid down on the bed and waited for Louis to come back inside. Louis walked over to the bed hesitantly not knowing if Trent would embrace him or be upset that he had withheld information.                                                           

Instead Trent asked, “Will you just lay here beside me?”

Louis laid beside trent and put his hands behind his head. Trent rolled over and put his head on Louis’s chest. This was a good sign for Louis. Trent contemplated the message he received and was oddly content. He thought about the first time he laid eyes on Louis and how beautiful he thought he was. It was more than a physical attraction, it was spiritual. He was so used to being in control, but with Louis he let him have the upper hand. He knew in his heart that Louis was the one for him and he was preparing himself for an actual commitment.

“So what do you think” Louis asked

“Believe it or not, I’m thinking about you and I. I have always been extremely independent. I have never thought of myself being in a relationship let alone some sort of divine one, But I have very strong feeling’s for you. I don’t even know you…in the real world we would meet you would slowly break down my walls and I would grow to love you. Instead you fell from heaven, literally. I am just trying to grasp the fact that god has not only given me a greater purpose but also a lover that I know I can have for eternity. You know gay marriage isn’t even legal in this state yet?”

Louis laughed “When I was told that you and I were meant for one another I had my own hang ups. I felt so undeserving, when they showed me how beautiful you were I was filled with joy and when they told me about the things we would do together I was actually scared. I have been traveling alone for so long. Up until recently it was my duty to make sure that we had alliances on the other side. I had to consort with demons and vampires and make sure that they abided by the natural laws. Now the game has changed. When we met at the bar and I peeked into your soul I found comfort in the fact that you were strong and pure at heart.”

Trent blushed “Louis, I love you”

“I love you too” Louis said with a huge smile.

Trent let out a loud laugh “Ok can we get to the Magic now? I want to see what all the hype is about.”

“Yeah get dressed and put on your amulet, We have to go to Ivy’s” Louis said waiting for Trent’s reaction

“FUCK” Trent yelled

Louis laughed and Trent got up and got dressed. As soon as he was dressed Louis handed him one of the vials.

“Drink this; it will make the ritual a little easier on the body”

Trent drank the clear liquid and said “Gross, thanks for the warning”

Louis put his hands up and looked at Trent with childlike eyes. “If I told you it tasted like horseshit would you have drunken it?

“Good Point, good looking out” Trent replied

“Ok let’s get going Ivy isn’t going to be happy about this.” Louis said as he put on his coat.

The day passed quickly and it was already dark out. They walked downstairs and outside was a town car waiting for them.

“What’s this?” Trent asked wondering how the town car magically appeared in front of his building.

Louis opened the door for Trent and he slid in the back seat, Louis got in after him. “Sorry Thork” Louis said to the driver.

“You mean to tell me that he has been waiting here this entire time?”

“Yup” Louis answered

“you’re an ass” Trent said

Louis smiled and whispered “He’s a demon for hire, Minion type. He is used to the abuse.”

Trent slapped Louis on the leg “Thank you for your patience Thork” Trent said to the little man in the drivers seat.

Thork grunted “where to master?”

“Ivy’s” Louis answered

Thork started the car and drove to Ivy’s loft.

When they arrived Louis knocked on the door waited less than 2 seconds and Barged in. Louis didn’t have the patience and was too excited about Trent’s transformation to wait for her to answer. The fight to get the coven to do the ritual was going to be time consuming enough. Trent didn’t mind Louis’s rudeness. He wasn’t fond of Ivy either considering how she tried to manipulate him let alone the fact that she was magically him for weeks. Thork followed them inside carrying two Louis Vuitton suit cases.

“Oh Ivy!” Louis yelled , his voice travelled the high ceilings. “Anyone home?”

There was no answer.

“I guess we should make ourselves comfortable.” Trent said

“My thoughts exactly.” Louis replied

Trent finally felt like an equal he wasn’t as dumbfounded anymore. After receiving the message from Metatron he felt more confident. Trent no longer felt like he needed Louis to take the lead. They were partners now. He allowed the more mischievous part of him show. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Ivy’s face when she walks through the door to find Louis and Trent in her home. Trent grabbed Louis by the hand and pulled him close, held him and started kissing him.

Louis snapped his fingers at Thork to put the bags down and leave the room while stillin Trent’s embrace. Trent wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. He rubbed Louis’s back and held him tight slowly moving up his back to the back of his head. He grabbed his hair and pulled it gently. Louis held Trent tighter and began to kiss him faster. Things got harder and faster, Trent put his hands in Louis’s back pockets, took them out and picked Louis up. Louis wrapped his arms around his neck making sure his lips didn’t leave Trent’s. He carried him to the couch and jumped on top of him, he took Louis’s shirt off and began kissing and biting his neck. Louis Moaned with pleasure.  Louis pulled off Trent’s shirt and began doing the same thing to him. They started groping each other and kissing deeper. Finally Trent couldn’t take anymore heavy petting. He unzipped Louis’s pants and pulled out his huge cock and took care of him to say the least. Louis grabbed Trent’s shoulders and the edge of the couch and squirmed with pleasure. And as luck would have it as soon as Louis exploded Ivy walked in. Trent swallowed and wiped his mouth when then door slammed and turned around to see Ivy drop her bags and say

“What the fuck!”

Trent looked up at Louis and said “Perfect timing.”

They both started cracking up. Louis zipped up put on his shirt and put Trent’s shirt on for him. Trent got up and sat next to Louis, Both of them were sweating bullets.

 More to come…