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The following is from the files of Holbrook PSI.
QUERY: What do you know about areas where a compass would point true north rather than magnetic north? I understand the Bermuda Triangle is one of these areas but I read that mostly the compass will just spin wildly there. What do you make of this and what about any other areas where this happens?
The difference between true north and magnetic north is an angular difference that is called magnetic declination.
The needle on a compass aligns itself to the local geomagnetic field which varies all over the earth’s surface. You will need to visualize the earth having a magnetic field that runs through the center and out at two ends. This field starts at the north and is pulled south covering the entire earth. This is very similar to how a stick magnet is; there is a positive side and a negative side of each magnet. The earth’s magnetic field is the same, the positive is the north and the negative is the south. The reason that the magnetic field is varied over the surface of the earth is that there are minerals, magma and all types of things that can affect the magnetic field. When looking at the magnetic field and how a compass lines up to true north there is a zero line of magnetic declination. This is where true north and magnetic north are the same on a compass.
Here in the United States the line starts at the North Magnetic Pole through Lake Superior strait down through part of the panhandle of Florida. I think that it is on the west side of the panhandle and the Triangle is on the east side of the panhandle. I have seen several different maps of where the Triangle is supposed to be and very few of them are the same. Some have the Triangle not coming close to land others have it well over the panhandle almost in the gulf. With an area that is over the ocean it is hard to put boundaries on where it is located. You can take your pick of theories on what is going on out there from the lost continent of Atlantis, time vortexes and inter-dimensional rifts… the theories abound. I do not know for sure what is happening out there but something is happening in this area. Further, I have had my compass spin without being in the Triangle. At that time I was in an area that held a large deposit of iron and there was an electrical storm occurring. When events like the compass spin happens and you can see that there are some outside influences that may contribute to this you can see how the power of nature is truly awesome. Also, I have seen compasses on investigations of paranormal events not register the proper readings of north. They may not have spun, but they were not pointing to magnetic north. This may have been due to the high EMF readings that we had during the same time that we were mapping out the site. Areas that have a large incidence of paranormal events like the Triangle seem to have many different types of events. There have been hauntings reported, UFO’s, and disappearances all with in this area. This area has strange weather and time seems to work differently there.
We may never know what has happened too many of the missing ships, planes and people that have been lost in the Triangle. I can safely say that for an area to have so much activity of all the different types that occur within this area that there has to be some type of energy there. This would be an amount or type of energy that does not occurs naturally in any other location. Also, it does not happen all the time so there must be a combination of events and situations for there to be an occurrence in the area.
Our world is a mysterious place with many things that cannot be explained or classified as one thing or another. Discussion and the bringing to light any idea that we may have of why something happened is a good thing. Just like many great discoveries over the years they all start with an idea or a theory. Many ideas and theories cam be proven when science catches up with what we dream. So why does a compass spin in a certain area? There are too many variables to consider to say for sure, but the safe bet is energy has to be induced into the situation.