Truth – Sri Paul Twitchell

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By SHABDA - Preceptor


Truth – Sri Paul Twitchell

       Truth – Sri Paul Twitchell
 Truth is perfect and complete within Itself. It is nothing newly discovered for It has always existed. So I say that Truth is never far away from thee. Again I say do not run to It, nor even walk to It, because many times the fact exists that every step you take toward Truth will lead you from It All Truth is here, now. It is up to you to take charge of yourself and to accept it now. This realization of Truth can be instantaneous.
   Divine Truth is One and unchanging. Desire Truth and you will then find the inner meaning unfolding…Truth is within every man as is God, the Omnipresent, working through each and all…The living Truth of which every man and being on this earth is composed. To face Truth is to realize that life is ONE in and through Its manifold manifestations…Each is the way and the Truth…Truth is.
   Absolute Truth is that nectar, that wine of God, that divine melody, the Nam, the Word, Bani, Music of the Spheres, the Qualima…Nad, or whatever word you desire to call It. It alone is Truth. It cannot die or vanish and lives forever, for all ages and times. It is indestructible and everlasting…It is the Truth which was, is and shall be! All Truth is in this world now. It is wholly dependent on the individual to make his way to Truth.
   Before one can give Truth to others, Truth must be known as an absolute need in one's life. We must see Truth always. That each of us is the Truth. We are the living Truth…the very embodiment of God. That is, we are each of God, Itself…rather a part of the great whole of Truth! The Absolute Truth is known only in the heart of SUGMAD. He will lead you into all Truth.
   So you must understand that Truth cannot be spoken in love, and inward peace is not Truth. The way to Truth is simple, but difficult, for the way to know God is to know one's Self, and to face one's Self in one's own consciousness, and to renounce all to let God flood Soul…Look only to yourself to give you the Truth and not depend on any word, book, philosopher or preacher…
   Until we realize that Truth is ourselves, that the individual is Truth ITSELF, we are always seeking after something which cannot be grasped…knowledge of Divine Truth is not a thing you can read about in books, discuss with others or even hear told. It is a thing you must experience alone. Truth is here, in this present moment…the living Truth of which every man and being on this earth is composed.
   So the whole Truth Is….Nothing more. It is that we must find our own way to God. It is wholly dependent on the individual to make his own way to Truth. In Truth alone is there comfort, understanding and courage. The only value that any Truth has is in the degree of Its realization. here is no need to see Truth; only stop having views…for the Truth of God is beyond human thought. The whole Truth IS!