THE TRUTH … Will Set You Free

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By Spiritual Guru

You will be able to recognize the TRUTH because your common sense and intelligence will not be able to argue with it. 
Let's take a look at “Love One Another”!  Have you ever taken the time to be by yourself, in a quiet and peaceful place?  While in that place you take the opportunity to think about yourself, and you find there is a voice in your head, which sometimes tells you what you've done wrong or what is wrong with you?  Guess what, that voice does not belong there and as long as it is, you do truly not love yourself.  And as long as you do not love yourself you cannot truly love someone else.  We have all heard that it is impossible to give someone something you yourself do not have.  Therefore, what most human beings do is try to bury those thoughts by using defensive arguments, liquor, drugs, work, or keeping themselves so busy with these methods that there is no time to listen to those thoughts or ideas.   The unfortunate thing is, these thoughts are negative and without our conscious knowledge they are causing negative things to occur in our lives and our relationships.  Think about this for a moment- we have men and women not really liking themselves going out trying to find someone who will love them.  Deep down they don’t believe they can be loved because that voice has them convinced they are really not worth it.  Or we have a man and a woman that have found someone through ‘animal magnetism’.   They sometimes settle for this because they are unable to like anyone any better than they like themselves.   If the two of them were meant to be together, the Creator, in Its infinite knowledge has set up a system whereby a couple could help each other grow through these negative issues.   Science now knows there is a special hormone that the brain begins to secrete, and this hormone secretes for approximately four years.  Within those four years, if the couple has not created the bond of a friendship, separation of the two is almost inevitable.  If you play this out, you have two people, neither of whom has a good self-image and they could possibly have one or more children to whom they will pass on a poor self-image.

Are you beginning to understand why generation after generation we are finding younger and younger children going so far as killing themselves or one another?  The self-image of the human being on the planet is at an all-time low.  The solution to 90% of all of the human problems on earth can be resolved by improving the self-image of each individual.  None of us are in a position to change anyone else's self-image, but we can start with ourselves.    If you, the reader will do this for yourself, then be sure to pass this on to as many people as you can, asking them to pass it along likewise.  We can begin a movement to benefit all of mankind.  I'm going to tell you how you can improve your self-image, get rid of that voice inside that tells you what's wrong with or bad about you and your life, and you will forever have more fun and enjoyment.  Once you learn to do it for yourself, you can teach others as long as they're willing.  You don't need any special education all you need is to follow the instructions I am going to give you.  

The most important thing you need to realize is that for a human being to make a decision there are four aspects of itself that come into play.  Your spirituality and mentality, your emotional and physical well-being are all in a state of flux.  In other words they are at different levels at different times.  If you feel really well except for a sore toe, the toe may or may not have a bearing on any decision that we make.  Depending on what the decision is about will determine how much the sore toe will have a bearing.  By time we are 18 or 19 we should have learned that even being slightly emotionally upset will tend to block our intelligence.  Have you ever tried taking a test while being emotionally upset?  Common sense will tell you that depending on your age and your schooling, your emotions will certainly have a bearing on any decisions that you make while taking the test.  Needless to say, your religious and/or spiritual understanding is also important in making any decisions. 

Now it's vitally important that you understand the contents of this paragraph.  If there is the slightest bit of confusion or fogginess about the truth of this, then please do not go on; go back to the beginning of this paragraph and read it slowly again and continue to do so until you are thoroughly clear on this.  As you will see it is vital information that you need to understand.

Go back in time in your mind, to the worst thing that you think you ever did.  You need not tell anyone, you need only to remember what it was and what was going on in your life right before you made the decision to do it.  Think of how old you were and how much intellectual knowledge you had.  How about spiritual or religious training, how much did you really believe at that time, (not what you had been told but what you really believed)?  How about your emotional state right before you decided to do it?  How were you physically?  Be honest with yourself now, considering those things, do you now understand that you actually made the best decision you could possibly have made in those circumstances with the abilities you had?  I have gone through this with hundreds of people and all but a few immediately understood that they had made the best decision they could with the circumstances at hand. 

If you were the parents of a child who had done this “evil deed” and you were able to understand what the child’s spiritual, mental, emotional and physical conditions were at that time, would you be mad at that child?  Would you tell that child he/she was bad?  Would you want to punish that child?  If you believe in a higher power such as the Creator/God, do you think IT would want to punish that child or you?  You see you have no right to condemn yourself for what you did, you must continually remind yourself of the truth; you could have done it differently but you could not have done better for you did the best you could with the best you had.  Memorize the part above which is in italics and underlined for it is a tool that you are going to continue to use as you clear out all negative thoughts about yourself from within you.  Whenever your carnal mind brings to your attention something from the past which is negative in nature which you did, go through the process.  Go back to that time right before you made the decision to do it, check yourself out and exonerate yourself.  It is only a matter of time when they will all be gone and you will be set free.  And the beautiful part will be that you have all these tools at your disposal to help you make all of your future decisions faster and better.  When it's all said and done you may come to realize that what you have done is give yourself honest and sincere understanding which led you to have a beautiful compassion for yourself called unconditional love.  There are over 101 different words listed on the Internet to mean, God.  I think the most beautiful two words ever used are, Unconditional Love!  So the bottom line is, by clearing all those negative wrong and unwholesome thoughts and feelings out of you, you and the Creator are more at ONE!

One final note and if you truly give thought and meaning to this in your life you will be much more joyful than you ever imagined.  Our parents and all those in our environment have taught us that errors, wrong doings and mistakes are bad.  They didn't mean to do this, they just did not know better.  It would take a small book to explain how and why this occurred.  Read the next sentence very slowly and get its truth of meaning.  Human beings were created in such a way that the only way they can learn anything, it is through error! If you do not make a mistake it is because you knew the answer.  If you do not do something wrong it is because you knew how to do it right!  Instead of mistakes and errors being bad, what should have happened was – someone should have taken the time and gotten down to our level and simply asked, "So what have you learned from that situation?"  We needed to be taught that errors, wrong doings and mistakes are things for us to learn from and that makes them good, not bad!  Just think, if Adam and Eve had not eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we would all still be in paradise and perfect as we were created, but we would not know it!  I believe eventually every human being will come to the knowledge that this human experience is a gift from our Creator so that we can learn and know how beautiful and perfect we are!

May the Creator of all that is, was, or will be, continue to bless and keep you!