Unique Minus Critique

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By Syd Alrruhi

Ask yourself –

  • Have you ever been bashed, put down and left out or down right shunned because you have shared your personal spirituality with others – even in so called metaphysical circles?
  • Did you promise yourself you would never share your experiences again?
  • Did you even begin to doubt what happened to you though deep down inside you know what had happened?

It seems all of us have put up with some sort of mockery and criticism in life for various reasons. It stings, it bites and it doesn’t feel good. It is the prime instigator of other’s needs for conformity – fitting in to be one of the clan.

One’s spiritual life is unique unto each person – like your very own spiritual fingerprint. Even those who have taken and stuck to traditional spiritual mores and modes still maintain a uniqueness because despite what is said or portrayed on the outside there is still a cauldron of questions, doubts and those secret thoughts on the inner that are generally ignored even if not for long. That said, I personally have had some remarkable, strange and logic defying experiences that have pushed me far beyond traditional teachings and even the new theories and proofs presented currently in the mainstream which could justify me as poster child of  the weird. If you would like to know more about those experiences (which the naysayers du jour often find outrageous) please see another blog of mine http://www.lightforcenetwork.com/syd-alrruhi/terms-masters. At any rate, having been there and done that and now immune to the attacks, critiques and attempts to convince otherwise rendered by others, here are a few tips:

  1. The most important thing to realize is that mockery and or criticism is actually a good thing. It shows, even on a spiritual level, that you have discovered something meaningful enough to rattle a few cages. The naysayers often walk away wondering why they couldn’t achieve it be it an OOB or a simple vision. If they didn’t think it was special, they would not mock you.
  2. When relaying your experiences be true to yourself and discern what you have experienced. The best defense against ridicule is self-acceptance from which is born self-truth.
  3. Don’t let imagination take over and cause you to add embellishments or fantasy. Real spiritual experiences are pure in nature. They don’t require you to add a fire breathing dragon as a defense mechanism. Don’t brag either – boastfulness is not part of the experience. Not only will you lose credibility, you will also end up confusing yourself. Newbies often have to do a bit of ego wrestling at first.
  4. Conversely, don’t become a victim to slings and barbs either and think you need to hide your experience, downplay it or change it. People will hit hard when they are knocked out of their comfort zones particularly if they are of a hard core religious mind set. Keep your goal set on your own destiny and evolving spirit – as for others they have their own concerns. You don’t need to convince anyone especially a fool.
  5. In some cases, you will have to take a stand – you don’t have to be spiritually correct all the time and are allowed to throw a psychological shock bomb when necessary by bringing up the emotional reason behind why they are attacking you to their face – envy, jealousy, low self-esteem etc. (you can forgive yourself and them later). Let’s face it, some people are just evil in nature – they are generally the “least knowing” person in the room and are known in the world of psychology as “displacers” trying to dump their lack and repugnance of themselves upon you. While you understand that these people are part of the balance in life – also remember that often, “an un-confronted enemy becomes stronger.” What you have experienced may be of great value to others within their experience so why let that relentless black hearted individual stop the process. And those behind the back so called truth givers? Let them blab, while you act. Remember, no one can dominate you unless you let them.

Know yourself and above all love yourself!

