Universal Chat

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By LOGOS - Overseer

The high planetary Essences were holding court in the Grand Hall of the Universe. The day's agenda as usual, was to discuss a few dilemmas of Mankind. To accomplish this, they would have to do what they had always done from the very beginning, and that was to speak to Man as though they were human themselves in a variation of the "good buddy" system. Mankind, it seemed was perpetually dealing with hardships and challenges that deterred Man from the spiritual. So once again, the Essences decided to engage a little Universal Chat:

Jupiterian Essence:

"It is a common spiritual law that everything happens for a reason. It’s a tough pill to swallow sometimes. The reasons are not always clear, but the events of our lives appear because we deserve them and because they are designed to help us to transform and grow; and transformation brings us closer to a connection with something GREATER which is always good!"

Uranian Essence:

"Instead of meeting every seemingly negative situation with dismay, try to be mindful that there is a lesson in the circumstance and this lesson will take you to a better place ultimately, to a higher spiritual level"

Saturnian Essence:

"In moments of distress, as difficult as it is to see the reason for our hardship, find within yourself the strength to say, 'For now I will accept this challenge, not knowing the reason but trusting the universe has sent this to me for my own good and that someday I will fully understand.'”

Neptunian Essence:

"It is this complete surrender to the Universe that connects us to our GREATNESS. It's all quite magical."

Plutonian Essence:

"Unfortunately, our Desire to Receive for the Self Alone constantly seeks to distract us from having this consciousness. Instead we get in our own way, with worry and fret we make mountains out of hills. We want to fix the problem right now. We want to see the fruits of our work instantaneously. Sometimes we need to stay in the discomfort in order to reap the greatest benefit. It is the way to transformation inside and out."

Chirotic Essence:

"So rather than asking for the pain to stop, ask to see what the pain is here to help you learn. Once you learn the lesson, there is no reason for the pain, right?"

Now, isn't this quite a "spin" that applies to EVERYONE regardless of what path they are walking?

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