Universal Codex

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By revdrlee777

Universal Codex

I have found several codes integrated into the English language. They are very simple, and easy to understand. I have found that there is an acronym value to every word in the English language such as …

 Anyone believe in, “G.O.D. = Good Old Dad?I do, usually when I, "S.I.N. = Serve Ignorant Nature.Makes me wonder why I'm, “I.G.N.O.R.A.N.T. = Instant Gratification Narrates Our Reactions, A Natural Tendency.” At least I don't commit, "I.N.C.E.S.T. = Ignorant Nature Compels Erroneous Sexual Tendencies.” I always, "P.R.A.Y. = Politely Request And Yearn.” Sometimes I do, "M.E.D.I.T.A.T.I.O.N. = Maintain Equanimity, Direct Intent Toward A Truth In Our Nature.” I truly desire to know the, "T.R.U.T.H. = The Real Untold Temporal History.” I haven't always been, "G.O.O.D. = God’s Original Orderly Design.” I used to, "L.I.E. = Live In Error,” and we all know that an, "E.R.R.O.R. is, Every Right Reactions Opposite Reaction, and sometimes I used to, "S.T.E.A.L. = Symbolizes The Early Attributes Learned.” Then one day I felt, "G.U.I.L.T. = Guides Us In Learning Truth.” I've learned my lessons, now I understand what it means to be, "I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.T = Instinctive Nature To Employ Learned Lessons In Gaining Evolved New Tendencies.” Now I see the "L.I.G.H.T. = Life In God’s Heavenly Tabernacle.” And I understand, "L.I.F.E. =Light In Focused Emanation", and, "L.O.V.E. = Life’s Original Vibration Emanation.” I no longer have any, "D.E.M.O.N.S. = Developed Emotional Manifestations Of Negativity.” I also understand the Grand, "D.E.S.I.G.N. = Developed Evolved System In Garden Nature.” I am happy to be in the, "G.A.R.D.E.N. = God And Reactive Design Evolving Naturally.” And to be a partner in this, "S.Y.S.T.E.M. = Something You Start To Employ Method.” I just need to understand the, "M.E.T.H.O.D. = Makes Everything To Have Orderly Direction.” My "C.U.P. = Contains Unused Portion,” it runneth over, and I must go. I must go talk with our, "G.O.D. = Giver Of Direction.” Our, "G.O.D. = Giver Of Design,” is trying to help me understand the, "C.O.D.E. = Creation Of Deceptive Entries.” It begins with the, "A.L.P.H.A.B.E.T. = A Learning Principle Helping Anyone Better Employ Thought.” I better go I, want to learn what I can before my, "D.E.A.T.H. = Design Ends And Terminates History.”