The Universal Shiva

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By INDIA - Exec. Admin.

Notation: I became interested in the subject of the Universal Shiva several years ago and would like to share a few observations and findings.

Namaste ~ Sanjay


In the Vedic tradition of India, the Holy Trinity of Gods are Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Sustainer and Shiva the Destroyer.  JESUS CHRIST, MOHAMMED, KRISHNA and all great religious masters can be considered to be different forms of the three forces or energies of “BRAHMA”, “VISHNU” and “SHIVA.”

In Hindu mythology the most important form of LORD BRAHMA is the GOD SHIVA.

Lord Shiva is often referred to as the destroyer but that destruction is not negative but necessary to preserve the “Truth” and paves the way for rebuilding to occur. Shiva is also the supreme God in the Vedic tradition from where Astrology actually originates.


Image by adiyogi from Pixabay

 Shiva is represented by the planet Saturn known as the Lord of Karma. Saturn was a great devotee of Shiva which is clearly displayed in the two important myths of Shiva – the first is connected to the sacrifice of his wife Sati and the second with the birth of his son, Ganesha.  Saturn, like Shiva ultimately represents the negation of false identifications that are associated with a limited sense of self. According to the Vedic astrologer Kamilla Sutton, “Saturn which is the most powerful is also the destroyer and rebuilder. Saturn is the death and Saturn is the life. Saturn is the “YOGI” and Saturn is the “KNOWLEDGE” and Saturn is also the one nation Universe. The greatest success and the knowledge is achieved by the power and the discipline through Saturn. Saturn is the spiritual master and also the most non-material effect is come from the power of Saturn. On the other hand the greatest material success of any kind comes from Saturn as well. It is impossible to succeed in life without the direct interactions of Saturn.”

Shiva/Saturn corresponds with the first chakra representing basic survival needs. The fear of survival shows up differently for each individual depending on their early conditioning and circumstances. The nature of those conditions become imprints of behavior that are fear based and fear driven. According to the Vedic astrologer Jim Jarvis, “Fear can take many forms – fear of being seen, fear of expressing emotion, fear of speaking one’s truth, fear of giving or receiving love, or the fear of taking action or asserting oneself. For example, on the personality level, the fear of being seen could prevent a person from truly shining their light and giving their gift to the planet. On a soul level though, this may actually be an opportunity for learning about true self-effacement or humility. The challenge, though, is to see Saturn or Shiva as our spiritual ally rather than our persecutor.”

The seven year cycles of Saturn represent the shedding of false identifications with contracted or limited notions of self. As we go through the seven year cycles of Saturn/Shiva, it can sometimes seem like something that we value or identify with is being taken away from us. Usually though, what is being taken away are false identifications that no longer serve us. This is the true power of Saturn and Shiva destroying or negating what is false so we can be in integrity with our true nature. By destroying whatever illusion of separation we were imprinted with, we discover our true Shiva nature, which is stillness, power and presence.

Shri Shiva

Om, I am neither the mind, intelligence, ego, nor ‘chitta,’
Nor the senses of smell and sight, neither ether, nor air,
I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

I am neither the ‘prana,’ nor the five vital breaths,
Neither the seven elements of the body, nor its five sheaths,
Nor hands, nor feet, nor tongue, nor other organs of action.
I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

Neither fear, greed, nor delusion, loathing, nor liking have I,
Nothing of pride, of ego, of ‘dharma’ or Liberation,
Neither desire of the mind, nor objects for its desiring.
I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

Nothing of pleasure and pain, of virtue and vice, do I know,
Of mantra, of sacred place, of Vedas or Sacrifice,
Neither I am the eater, the food or the act of eating.
I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

Death or fear, I have none, nor any distinction of ‘caste,’
Neither father, nor mother, nor even a birth, have I,
Neither friend, nor comrade, neither disciple, nor guru.
I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

I have no form or fancy, the All Pervading am I,
Everywhere I exist, and yet I am beyond the senses,
Neither salvation am I, nor anything to be known.
I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

Adi Shankaracharya, Tad Niskala


1 thought on “The Universal Shiva”

  1. Shiva…


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