The Universe As God

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By Frater Josef

The Universe As God

A Challenge to your Imagination

Imagine for a moment you are God.  You exist before time, before the universe, before everything! You have no body you have no shape, it hasn’t been created yet. You are just floating in space. You are pure consciousness without form or shape, it’s as if you were nothing. How would you even know you existed? You have no external reference points, and no internal reference points either for that matter. You have no idea who you are and what you’re even capable of.

You are God, nothing exists outside of you, you are everything. You are pure energy, completely formless and unlimited. You are infinite. Something very difficult to comprehend. Now, you wish to learn about yourself, and who you are and what you can do. So you begin to create, but since you are everything and are infinite you can’t create outside of yourself you must create within yourself. It is impossible for something to exist outside of infinity. So you begin to create dimensions like up and a down, and left and right, you begin to create little objects within your self. These objects are not separate from you, they are you, they are within you.

Now you have established internal reference points and objects and are learning about yourself, and what you are capable of. Yet you are not finished. You begin to create little entities within yourself and give them consciousness, so they can look up at you and say: “Ah that’s God, this is me, and this is what we can do.” The singularity has become a plurality but at the fundamental level it is still a singularity.

Thus the illusion of separation is born. Ultimately there is no separation, but the illusion of separation at the superficial level serves a purpose. Without the illusion of separation without reference points you could not create, you could not experience! You would not know up from down, you would not know there, as oppose to here. The relative framework is setup perfectly to give rise to experience. Without it, it would be as if nothing existed. You could not compare yourself to anything and therefore you would not even know, you existed. Variety and diversity are extremely important because they help to differentiate one part of the whole from another. Time and space are also important so we can locate things relative to something else. In order for there to be even such a thing as ‘pleasure’ its polar opposite ‘pain’ must also exist and be experiential. Something can only exist with reference to its polar opposite. Everything in the universe appears in dualities. These are a fundamental need for existence and experience’s of the given nature.

This is a really important point. At the fundamental level everything is energy, mass is just condensed energy, and we know from quantum physics all energy in the universe and in existence is interconnected. Everything influences everything else at the quantum level. This energy is God stuff. It is consciousness. Energy can also never be created or destroyed only transformed from one form into another. So in essence the energy has always been there forever and ever and will always be there forever and ever; it is infinite, it is God.  The universe behaves like ONE gigantic organism. With every part, equally as important as every other part. No Thing in the universe likewise could possibly be more superior fundamentally than any other thing. The whole being is greater than the sum of its parts. Ultimately everything in the universe is connected and influences everything else. It is impossible to differentiate one part of the whole from another part at the fundamental level because ultimately it is all made of the same stuff and acts and behaves like ONE. This encompasses All That Is.

So what’s the point you ask? The point and purpose of the universe is so that God could experience Itself and come to know Itself through creating within Itself. Remember God can’t create outside itself because God IS everything and always has been, and always will be.

What is the meaning of all this? Meaning is something that exists only temporarily in time. You can do something that will be meaningful to you today, but in a million years what does it mean?? Will anyone care, will you care? One thing is certain about the universe and that is change. NOTHING stays the same, and this gives rise to diversity. The universe even at the most basic energetic level is teeming with motion. There is no stasis and ultimately therefore you can never attach meaning to any one thing eternally. To attach meaning to any moment in time eternally you would have to freeze the entire universe and all of existence. You would have to stop life! And then it would be as if nothing existed.

Now there is no meaning yet there is purpose and the purpose of All That Is, is to experience and create. It’s a self discovery process on all levels of existence. You have been given free-will to create and experience life(God) in what ever way you choose. People often get caught up in a search for the meaning of life and try to artificially impose some sort of eternal meaning on something. It always fails. The point is to create and experience and the process of evolution allows you to learn more and more, and to create and experience with more variety and diversity. This is the true wonder of life.

The purpose of existence of God is to experience reality in all its forms in all possible and probable ways. To experience, birth and death, relationships, life in the physical universe, and then life also in the many non-physical realms. The pool of possible experience is so vast and magnificent, it is infinite. To live life in whatever way you choose is the purpose of life. To grow and sometimes through adversity to really understand all aspects of life. For you to become greater than something you are now. You would not truly understand something unless you experienced it. The goal is to get as much varied experience as possible of your choosing. There is no end to this process of gaining experience and creating. It is an infinite process. It ties past, present and future all together in the eternal moment of now.

The true joy in life is in experience of the NOW. The past and the future in the mind are not places of true joy. True joy is always experienced in the moment. Creativity always springs from the present moment. That is what the purpose of your life is. That is what the purpose of the universe is.

This understanding of the universe as God is not new. It is ancient. These understandings are at the very core of many ancient religions such as the Egyptian religion, Mayan religion, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Paganism, and various tribal religions across the face of the planet. It is only through time and the corruption of men that they have lost their original meaning and interpretation. This deserves an explanation.

Religions can basically be divided into 2 categories.

The first is for example Judeo-Christian type religions where the purpose of these religions are to have a relationship with the divine. This means usually that God is an external separate parent like entity. Most people understand this concept very well. This is the predominant belief among western/European civilizations. In this scenario God is very separate from his creation. God and his creation are irreconcilable.

The second is for example Hinduism, Buddhism, various tribal religions, Gnosticism, Egyptian religion at its core and various others. The purpose of these religions was to establish an identity with the divine. Let me explain this concept a little because most people don’t understand this. In this belief system the entire universe and everything within it, is divine ie.God. God is NOT a separate entity. God IS everything literally. This is known as pantheism. The purpose of these religions was that through life’s journeys and lessons you would become aware of the illusion of separation and come to know and understand your own divinity and experience mystical union with all that is! The purpose is to gain awareness, sentience, knowledge, experience, of the true nature of the universe which is unconditional love. To see past the illusion to see how truly great all of creation and existence truly is. How lovely it is, how intricate, indescribable, and beyond words. Astounding.

In Hinduism for example their books/scriptures have always been regarded as mythological and not as actual fact. Take the Egyptian religion for example what we term ‘Gods’ in their religions are more appropriately known to them as symbolic/mythological/archetypal representations of different aspects of the divine! This is crucial in understanding their type of philosophy and ideology. Ultimately the ancients knew everything was one and everything was God, they just had symbolic representations of the different aspects of the divine such as the divine aspect of fire, earth, air and water which were also sometimes given ‘God’ like names. They were never meant to be viewed as actual real separate God entities, they way we view God in the Judeo-Christian religion.

The ancients mythologies were archetypal representations of man’s journey through life which contained various aspects of the divine. These helped individuals understand various governing principles of the universe and contained moral lessons, spiritual advice and so on. Now over the years, kings and rulers have often twisted these ancient religions so that what was considered different aspects of the divine was turned into actual separate God entities. Through this, kings and ruler stripped away the knowledge of everyone’s divinity and made themselves God so they could accumulate more power and money. So in this regard often these beautiful ancient religions have often been twisted to the greed of certain men and lost their original meaning.

4 thoughts on “The Universe As God”

  1. Imagine for a moment you are

    Imagine for a moment you are God.  You exist before time, before the universe, before everything! You have no body you have no shape, it hasn’t been created yet. You are just floating in space. You are pure consciousness without form or shape, it’s as if you were nothing. How would you even know you existed? You have no external reference points, and no internal reference points either for that matter. You have no idea who you are and what you’re even capable of.


    Relating the knowledge of self only to the awareness of things, and the comparison to those things which are seperate from self, IS a condition that exists in these lower planes, however, they are in no way necessary to be aware of self. Using the imagination to make the point, the view of God, is pure assumption. We are not able to know what God's perception is and canoot therefore compare ourselves to IT. The logic of the reasoning of this opening paragraph insists that none have any internal reference points, and that is a huge assumption and not necessarily true in any way.

    The next several paragraphs make several assertions, these all based on nothing more than mental "logic" and that makes them extremely limited which is the basis of faultfinding of those assertions:

    You are God, nothing exists outside of you, you are everything. You are pure energy, completely formless and unlimited. You are infinite. Something very difficult to comprehend. Now, you wish to learn about yourself, and who you are and what you can do. So you begin to create, but since you are everything and are infinite you can’t create outside of yourself you must create within yourself.


    If God is indeed infinite, then the statement that IT cannot create anything other than inside ITSELF is in and of itself a limitation. How can anyone know that this is inded the case at all? This is the place where many so called "new age" paths begin their error, nearly all of which are based on nothing more than an individual's limited knowledge and experience. Knowing that these forms of knowledge and experience tend to be limited, does that imply that they HAVE to be limited? Or is there any extent to which they can be expanded upon? Thus the mystic begins testing these limitations, as well as the apparent reaches of his knowledge and experience. It is from this testing that all spiritual experience and wisdom has been gained, throughout the entire history of man's existence. No religion is excluded from this, and it must be further expounded that God, being truly infinite, ITSELF has NO religion at all, and therefore all religions are nothing more than a human's ways of experiencing various aspects of the Godhead and those methods being written down so as to be used by others that follow through time.

    The rest continues speaking of God "learning about ITSELF. And therein lies a problem, what gives the indication that God has any need whatsoever of learning about ITSELF? Why would IT not already know all that can be known and to take that even further, understand any and all aspects of ITSELF? Why does the Author drag things repeatedly down to his/her level? This is a mistake in my opinion, and a very limiting one. And then the illusion of seperation.

    And going further all of the talk about quantum physics and what they have taught US (not God) about energy and matter (one cannot forget the vast amounts that quantum physics is as of yet unable to tell us about these things also). L. Ron Hubbard of Dianetics and Scientology fame had a particular way of speaking about such things. He stated that they were all a part of the matter, energy, space and time worlds, or MEST worlds for abbreviation. While a majority of what he taught was purely psychological, his choice of a way to explain these lower states (as opposed to higher states of pure copnsciousness, without form) is one that works well. One problem about those four apparent factors is one that quantum physics has shown to be combined, that being time and space. Those are now understood to be one and the same in all cases and cannot exist seperately. It gets even stickier at the quantum level because particles (which have consistently been broken down further and further, time and time again) have been shown to be able to go both forward and backward in time, and be able to change both the past and the future in varying circumstances. Particles (which are also simultaneously waves) are more often spoken of as probability fields because their qualities are so highly changable rather than solid, constant, and always identifiable.

    While the idea that matter is nothing more than energy that has been condensed in some fashion so as to make it solid, is found to be not so true as it now stands that what appears to us to be solid, is merely GIVEN that appearance by our minds, which is not the same as the physical brain mind you. The idea that seperation is illusion is true in one sense, and false in others, as is the idea that every living being is God or even a God, all of us being the very same thing, this misconception of Oneness that truly does not exist at all in the way implied by this piece (nor by the definitions that many choose to give it. This is why none have any experience with it, it may SOUND good, and easily understandable, but all of those qualities are still only mental. To experience the reality of God, there is no way to do this but to transcend the mental in all ways, to no longer be limited by its perceptions. However, even if interviewing a group of mystics from various paths, one will still find a claimed individuality that supercedes that previous idea of Oneness and connectedness.

    In this area, quantum physics has absolutely no value, as it is wholly unable to test any of these things as they are purely matters of consciousness. Therefore, the individual can only attempt his own expansion of consciousness to attain any degree of experience with it in any expanded states. The thing is, that even these individuals have differences from one another, there is still a quality of individuality that exists throughout.  Quantum physics generally doesn't name this original self, which is given the credit to choosing the experiences in this life, and of course, quantum physics has not yet been able to identify what this entity might be, nor how exactly to find it. I call this the Soul, which in my experience is certasinly not God, but is bothb divine and GodLIKE.

    While science can investigate and test nothing beyond the physical realm, it IS interesting that it has been proving centuries old spiritual maxims as being true, regardless of which spiritual path one looks at, similar concepts exist in a majority of them.

    It is impossible to differentiate one part of the whole from another part at the fundamental level because ultimately it is all made of the same stuff and acts and behaves like ONE. This encompasses All That Is.

    The above statement i have to say is pure assumption, and is not necessarily true. Regardless of whether or not everything is made of the same stuff, this statement assumes that in the first place it has discovered what this stuff is, and it has not. Furhtermore, stating that  it is impossible to differentiate anything is a state that simply does not exist. The statement that all things act together as one entity is also false, they simply do not. This should be immediately apparent from simply watching humans. No other form of life has more problems and disagreements with itself than do humans. Abusing, manipulating and using others for profit is not what a single living organism would do. I assume this is where the assumption that God needs to learn about ITSELF comes from, but nowhere is there any evidence that this is the case. Humanity is as yet unable to step outside of itself and look at the whole of life so as to determine anything, and that is a problem that we cannot blame on a God that has yet to discover or learn about ITSELF. It would be far better to take responsibility for this and then begin moving forward in a meaningful way from that status, but this has yet to happen.

    The purpose of existence of God is to experience reality in all its forms in all possible and probable ways.

    I disagree,and I would like to see any proof this author has that indicates that this is a fact.  

    This understanding of the universe as God is not new. It is ancient. These understandings are at the very core of many ancient religions such as the Egyptian religion, Mayan religion, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Paganism, and various tribal religions across the face of the planet. It is only through time and the corruption of men that they have lost their original meaning and interpretation. This deserves an explanation.

    This is true, however, the author seems to use it as a rather limiting factor that limits God while claiming that IT is infinite. None of the ancient religions explain it that way, they actually go considerably deeper into the subject, and this is especially true for Hinduism, which is also at least as ancient as any of the Egyptian religions, if not far more so. And while there has certainly been corruption of mankind, that alone does not indicate that there are no humans alive that know full well the varities of interpretation of that concept as it existed from the most ancient of times. That is simply a claim that none can prove. I can hardly wait for this explanation!

    Religions can basically be divided into 2 categories.


    The first is for example Judeo-Christian type religions where the purpose of these religions are to have a relationship with the divine. This means usually that God is an external separate parent like entity. Most people understand this concept very well. This is the predominant belief among western/European civilizations. In this scenario God is very separate from his creation. God and his creation are irreconcilable. 

    How is it that so called Judeo-Christian is one type of religion? the very idea is ludicrous. Not only did he leave out Islam, but he also indicates that Judaism is the first monotheistic religion, an idea that is not even remotelt true, and never has been, at the very least, monotheism dates back to Zarathustra, if not back to the earliest days of Hinduism, and this alone demonstrates very clearly the author's unfamiliarity with these religions. A little bit of research is an easy enough thing to do.

    The second is for example Hinduism, Buddhism, various tribal religions, Gnosticism, Egyptian religion at its core and various others. The purpose of these religions was to establish an identity with the divine. Let me explain this concept a little because most people don’t understand this. In this belief system the entire universe and everything within it, is divine ie.God. God is NOT a separate entity. God IS everything literally. This is known as pantheism. The purpose of these religions was that through life’s journeys and lessons you would become aware of the illusion of separation and come to know and understand your own divinity and experience mystical union with all that is!

    I am still not sure how he is demonstrating a difference exactly other than the supposed seperation of God from ITS creation. But now he goes to the other extreme, saying that all that is is actually God. One can adopt this idea, but it is a very egotistical one, and one that has gone rampantly out of control in today's age with those that seek only personal power, and who then go on to abuse it which is not very spiritual or Godlike, nor is that a thing that God would do. Then there is the idea of mystical union, and not just with God, but will ALL that IS! But wait, aren't every one of us already that? I had thought that was the very reason that quantum physics was brought up at all LOL.

    In Hinduism for example their books/scriptures have always been regarded as mythological and not as actual fact. Take the Egyptian religion for example what we term ‘Gods’ in their religions are more appropriately known to them as symbolic/mythological/archetypal representations of different aspects of the divine! This is crucial in understanding their type of philosophy and ideology. Ultimately the ancients knew everything was one and everything was God, they just had symbolic representations of the different aspects of the divine such as the divine aspect of fire, earth, air and water which were also sometimes given ‘God’ like names. They were never meant to be viewed as actual real separate God entities, they way we view God in the Judeo-Christian religion.

    Have they been? This might require a bit of proof actually, for while many might easily consider that to be the case, there are beginning to be discoveries made about so called ancient "mythical" cities….that lo and behold, actually existed, one of which is Dwarka, the city of Krishna, it exists in present day as a sea-side city, but the "myths" say that it existed in the time of Krishna, and that at one point it flodded and was covered with the sea. Now it has been found under the sea and items have been taken from it and carbon dated to 7500 years old, which makes that city, and expre4ssion of civilization, 2500 years older than the cities of the Sumerian culture. There is also another anceint city that exists, also flooded, be miles inland from this ancoient Dwarka. There were a few years earlier, discovered on India's eastern shores, several temples from ancient times that were also called "mythological", that has been flooded and have now been rediscovered and proven to exist, as i recall there is only one that was at the time of this discovery, still on dry land.

    I like the way the author claims that the ancient mythologies were archetypes, and that kings and rulers stripped away our knowledge of our divinity….where is his proof? Was he able to go back in time and witness these things happening, or are they just assumptions? What if these mythologies were not at all mythologies? At the very least, some of them are the plain truth! Not embellishments or just stories or even archetypes, so what do we have to indicate that ANY of them are not true? THOSE are beliefs that we have been TOLD and never shown proof of. Why would people assume that this is the case? Simply because the proof has yet to be discovered? That would leave the question unaddressed, rather than disproven, and therefore, I assert that instead, many times the intelligentsia are the ones who have convinced people that they have no divinity as it is called. Just a few things to consider. 😉 

  2. In My Rant…

    I forgot to mention that Hinduism is generally considered to be a religion that IS monotheistic but give various ASPECTS of Brahma a name and a quality that is called a god or goddess. We all know that the Abrahamic religions tend to consider themselves the ONLY monotheistic religions, but this is not necessarily true at all.

  3. Dwarka


  4. Thanks –

    For adding all the great info. For the most part, I agree as the author has a certain tilt to his thinking.

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