Universe Meets (Him) Self In Life

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By Morgana

Universe Meets (Him) Self In Life

Through life, according to the Mest theory of origin and evolution, universe experiences itself.Universe and the observer both are, therefore, whole and the part respectively of the One and the same. The belief of the observer that he is other than the universe, the cardinal principle on what the modern science is based, is the root cause of this ignorance. The truth is slowly dawning with the search of unified theory reaching close to a dead end. ‘Ahm Brahmasmi’-is not the expression of an observer (it will sound utterly foolish if it is so) but that of the Brahm itself coming from its mouth piece, the life. The entrapment of the conscious self ( chetan-tatva) in a physical and material body ( jad-tatva) and the dominance of the latter over the former have lead the mind to this illusion.

The universe is essentially not ‘what we know and what we don’t know’ as in its completeness it is not knowable to its own part. The unchallengiablity of this incomplete knowledge, the mind has about the universe, is the ultimate truth. Science should progress from here, not with a sense of depression but with an enhance amazement that it will not have, can’t have and shouldn’t have a complete theory of the universe.

The eleven organs of knowledge, five of sense (gyan), five of work (karma) and the brain (mind) are the organs universe developed out of its freewill to know itself. In that will lies the genesis of our origin, the origin of life. Life so developed in the process of organic evolution of the universe is by its origin a part of the Cosmic Self. A part is denied and has, in fact, no right to know the whole.

Dr Will Durant makes a candid admission on the first page (To the reader) of his highly acclaimed book “The Story of Philosophy”, when he says that ‘this is not a complete history of philosophy. It is an attempt to humanize knowledge….’ He further admits in his preface to the second edition- ‘the worst sin of all the-though the critics do not seem to have noticed- was the omission of Chinese and Hindu philosophy’.

The two philosophies jointly constituting what is known as Eastern wisdom ,for the linguistic obscurantism or for some other obscure reasons, could never get their due in the process Dr. Durant defines as humanization of knowledge. Even Fritjof Capra in his famous book’ The Tao of Physics’ has made a laudable attempt but has still superficially delved into Hindu Philosophy. The vastness and at the same time unavailability of this unfathomable scriptural treasure of knowledge has limited the scope of such scholarly exploration. To be precise, one finds it immensely difficult to separate grains from chaff as lot of unadulterated crap has found its way into, in the holy name of ‘religion’.

Searching the evolutionary route to life, at some stage, I was convinced that it can’t completely bypass the Vedic Philosophy though the unavoidable incessant gobbledygook always discouraged me. Somehow I embarked on the search to find pearls of knowledge in that vast sea and never looked back.

Reference from ancient books of wisdom have since then become a more or less recurring feature in my articles related to Mest theory and will hopefully continue till my last breath . In my latest deep-diving exercise in those calm waters, I happened to catch some Shrutis from Ken Upanishad which were in perfect consonance with my Mestern view relating to the origin of life in the Universe. Here I go with those; it is for readers to find whether those really make some sense to them.1. Yadvachanbhyuditam yen Vagbhyudyatey : That( Brahm, the Cosmic self) is not expressible by speech rather speech is his expression.
2.Yanmansa na manutey yenahurmano matam :Mind can’t ideate that as that has ideated the mind.
3.Yachchkshussa na pashyati yen chakshunssi pashyati : That can’t be seen with the eyes as that enables eyes to see.
4.Yachchotrenh na shranhoti yen shrotramidamshrutam : That can’t be heard by ears as that makes ears hear.
5. Yatpran na pranhiti yen pranha pranhiyate : That is not a subject of life as life is subject to that.
6.Tadeva Brahm tvam viddhi nedam yadidamupasatey : The Universe you know and acknowledge as universe is not the universe.

To sum up, the universe or the Purush, we worship as God, has not created us but has evolved Himself into intelligent life to find and experience Himself. We are just instrumental in existence. We are not entitled to an independent identity or so to become an observer. We are the part of the observation as well as the experiment. We are here to experience that universe is experiencing through us.

Author: Babu Gautam

About the author or the publisher
Trying to live many lives in one. A village urchin to high-profile media professional,a roller coaster ride.A rebellious school teacher in a desire to do something became a disinterested Intelligence officer in the government.Went against what the heart wanted and excelled in the field. Declined the Presidential honour. Quit at the peak and took plunge in the industry of Films and Television. Writing was always there.A poet,film writer with different view about god and religion and science.

Source: ArticlesGratuits.com – Free Articles
