By John Ross
Legend has it that the man who solved Gordian’s Knot would go on to rule the world. Alexander the Great solved the legendary knot with one swing of his sword after finding other solutions evaded him. Alexander went on to many victories and at a young age became ruler of much of the known world. Only one problem, he died young, at the age of 34 under suspicious circumstances. Live by the sword, die by the sword?
The present day Gordian’s Knot is the dark control of humanity’s shared timeline. This control is far more complex than any knot could possibly be and has existed for thousands of years. Humanity eschewed one opportunity to slice through this knotty problem a little over a year ago when we collectively requested that humanity’s timeline for ascension be one where we ascended together rather than splitting humanity into two parts with one part ascending the other part remaining in a dense reality under dark control.
This timeline of an inclusive ascension process is playing out as we speak and unlike the quick solution a la Alexander the Great, humanity is grinding out a solution, slowly unraveling the layer upon layer of darkness that controls humanity’s collective timeline. I am fully in favour of this slow and organic process as quick solutions based on violence and impatience cannot create lasting change. We (humanity) want a lasting solution where the dark control is forever ended rather than a coupe by force where the dark can slip back into the driver’s seat as they have done many times before. History shows that violent revolutions lead to violent regimes without lasting change; whereas non-violent revolutions lead to lasting and beneficial change.
These same lessons are being relived as the Light works tirelessly and largely without violence to unravel the darkness controlling humanity’s current shared timeline. At present it is impossible to tell the white hats from the dark hats as the same institutions that created the dark control are being used to bring Light into our world.
Bastions of dark control are being taken over by the Light using a variety of methods, all non-violent in nature. One of the most effective is containment where people dedicated to dark agendas are suddenly unable or unwilling to achieve their dark aims. In many cases, these people remain in the positions of power which were granted them by the darkness but they are shifted and now work toward the Light’s agenda. You can imagine the dilemma the dark faces as people shift at the level of their heart and the darkness is expunged.
Unraveling the dark control is taking time and happening by degrees. Because the darkness remains in control of all major media outlets the world over, progress toward a Light based shared timeline goes unreported and the occasional dark victory is trumpeted to the heavens. All of this creates the illusion that nothing has changed; but this is an illusion…everything is changing.
It is true that the personal timeline of many of the world’s Lightworkers remains shrouded in scarcity and lacks support from the unawakened masses but at the level of Truth and the level of what is truly real, these Lightworkers simply cannot fail. They have something the dark will never have…something worth fighting for…and they are supported at the unseen levels by legions of angels and legions of extraterrestrials.
On the other hand, the dark support at these unseen levels has evaporated over the past couple of decades and is now almost gone forever. This lack of dark support at the unseen levels means the outcome is no longer in doubt.
Dark control is unraveling quickly.
Humanity will soon birth a timeline based on the Light based principles of oneness and abundance and the dark is powerless to prevent it.
Freedom for humanity…
White hats/dark hats
This started out well but then sojourned into the netherland of New Age babble for me. Dark agendas … light agendas … who's to say that wiping out dark agendas is not a dark agenda? I'm sure the author meant to be a bastion of light heralding good news but this peice lacked common sense and balance. It does exist.