One of the tenets of spirituality and one of the most advised aids regarding decisions is to “listen to your inner voice.” Your inner voice is more than intuition as most people think, it is your personal well of discernment. It is unique to you perhaps because it is linked to your individual Soul speak. Often we acknowledge that we understand this idea but then why do we often fail to listen to that little voice in our heads?
After listening to the voice in my head and based upon the mistakes from not listening to it here is what I discern …
Roadblocks …
- Conditioning: In many ways we are conditioned not to listen to it. It’s simply not rational in any way just an impression or hunch that has no concrete value. Further, what if it was heeded and the decision led to a disaster because even if that voice was correct we might have misunderstood it and acted in the wrong way? Simply too risky – best to ignore it.
- Lack of trust in self: All human beings like to be right – unless they are one of those special holy people living high on a mountain top who have overcome such silly human needs. The rest of us spend a good deal of time convincing ourselves of our rightness and this is because we have carefully traced every step forwards and back when rendering a decision.
- Outside opinion: If we have not grown out of our initial conditioning as we are all required to do and consequently have an innate lack of trust in ourselves for fear of looking stupid or ‘wrong’ then we are easily susceptible to the opinions of others. Exactly why we would listen to the opinions of others while our gut instinct is punching us that the input is wrong remains one of the mysteries of human nature.
Removing hurdles ..
- Take a breath: Your inner voice always speaks to you in times of importance. As you are overcoming the roadblocks listed or have at least acknowledged that yes, you have allowed those things to make you stumble, then just breathe. Most decisions don’t necessarily have a time factor attached to them unless they are dire emergencies. Oddly enough, even those who have had trouble listening to their inner voice ARE capable of doing the right thing during an emergency which is the ultimate test (and an epiphany to most). The rest of the time, give yourself a break – allow yourself a chance to resonate with the various info you are downloading regarding a particular issue.
- Body talk: Listen to your body and what it is signaling to you. This is not just a mental issue of logic you are working through. It is the entire enchilada. Physical symptoms of all kinds can manifest when you are not listening to your body so, if discomfort occurs you’re not really listening.
- Honing: Honing is actually an aspect of psychic development. It requires understanding your unconscious biases which does require some work but can be done. As corny as it sounds, practice makes perfect. Your Soul speak is always correct, you just need to hear it and heed it.
Practice exercise:
When you have a question or need to make decision:
- Find a quiet place and get comfortable just as you would if you were ready to do a meditation. The body must be free of drugs or any other stimulants.
- Clear the clutter in your mind. You can imagine you have a broom and are clearing away the cobwebs and dust surrounding your question
- This will sound strange, but ask yourself if you are alone and listen to the first answer that pops up. It should come in quickly, clearly and with resolution. It is perfectly fine if you talk out loud to yourself during this step – alone is alone – who will hear you?
- Propose the question of dilemma. Now everyone will experience logic at this point which may produce ‘choices’ which are potential solutions but they are not without consequences. Here is where you ask your inner voice. It will generally kick in right away and if you are still reluctant, no worries … you’ll get a gut punch.
Well now..
Excellent information~! I appreciate your having shared your experiences and point of view, not to mention writing a piece yourself on the natter~! WELL DONE~!