The Wakey Wakey On The Wokey Wokey

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By Syd Alrruhi

The Wakey Wakey On The Wokey Wokey


Don’t kid yourself about it – all this current version of Wokeism is nothing but a by-product of the Lower Astral Plane – you know, the place where anything goes and there is no decorum when it comes to boundaries. It can be Loony Tunes Inc. in there and when a concept forms and leeches its way to earth it certainly rattles a few cages. But hey, in the Woke World it’s always opposite day because in that arena it’s justified.

I never considered myself a liberal type or “any type” for that matter and have always maintained a live and let live attitude about my fellow man but now I have to add an addendum – live and let live but don’t ram your philosophy, feelings or current beliefs down my throat. Why humans find that type of behavior necessary to make a point I’ll never know. Have your say and your protests because you think it’s just. But REMEMBER – It’s not MY thing no differently than it IS YOUR thing to adhere to it. You certainly don’t need my acceptance or even acknowledgement to follow that path. Where you think it’s going to lead you I have no idea but engaging in that type of task force is not likely to work in the long run … never has … It will definitely buy you some Karma, especially if you set out to hurt someone else who is not of your ilk or mindset.

Being self-aware is a good thing. Being socially aware is a sticky wicket because the bottom line is that it all comes down to opinion versus reality. Within that complexity is the problem especially when self-righteousness is the under pinning. Worse yet – the whole thing has become rabidly political now and there-in lies the rub. Politics is a special darling of the Lower Astral and all the delightful entities that live there. Unfortunately they found a way in to the Earth Plane and are reeking their own brand of havoc with this new game of Woke. They helped to create Woke Masters of censoring, blacklisting, scapegoating, de-platforming, ritual humiliation, doxing, cancel-culture, ostracism, and disbarring. It’s fun for them as they punch holes in what is known as the Universal Laws. Perhaps you should look them up.  You might think and deny that it is hard to get people to demonize human beings and lives and history. BUT it’s easy to get them to demonize a word. And doesn’t that seem to always be the problem? WORDS.

But remember, words do have a shelf life the same way societal movements have them.  Defining “woke,” then, requires us to acknowledge the split between progressive emotions and reactionary theories. We can handle that if we extract our heads out of our arses. If you REALLY follow history this has been going on forever in different forms and manifestations, names and words. And for goodness sake (literally) stop playing on that Astral Plane. Those things out there don’t like you and I hate to tell you – YOU created them.

Your fellow realm walker Syd Alrruhi …