The Waking Dreamer

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By Drea

The Waking Dreamer

We all know that when we are asleep we sometimes dream…
Hardly anybody knows that we are dreaming when we think we are awake. Now… I am not speaking about day-dreaming. I am speaking about the cosmic fact, that we as human beings are dreaming, when we live our ordinary human life doing what we are doing. Which is, going to work, eat and drink, look after the children, have a bath and make love. Yeah… all of it is done in our sleep!  In this sleep we dream that we are awake and live our day to day human life…

Yes, … human life is a dream… It's a dream from birth to death for most of us. Next time around we do the same thing and sleep through our entire life again. Basically, there is no end to this process unless we finally begin to realize that we live human life in order to awaken from it. The big question is – how do we do this? We do this by dreaming our dreams! Each lifetime is one of them and the more hectic our dreams are, the sooner we will begin to awaken most likely…

Watch it… since I am dreaming, not everything I say is true… Why is human life a dream? This is so, because, we as human beings are unconscious souls in flesh and the soul lives us. In other words, the soul is the driver and humans are the car! However, the soul is an unconscious driver and it has no clue what it is supposed to do while it is living in a human body. Right from birth it is being biased and brainwashed by the world and its institutions. Yeah, this include your parents, Aunt Betty and Uncle Clark…

In this fog of unconsciousness we live and die…
The soul does what it does in a fog of unconsciousness! It does not know that whatever is happening to its body and itself – is a self-created reality! Our body mind or cosmic unit creates our reality and this reality could have been created either in this lifetime or in some other lifetime previously. Ouch!

Yes, that's the way it works. It's called Karma! States of mind do not fit in any grave and we take them with us and return with them in our next incarnations. Our soul is the keeper of these records. It is in the process of learning about the corrections that need to be made in order to eventually awaken to The Infinite Light it is…

We need to become conscious of our thinking and aware of what we are doing… We as a soul have come to this planet in order to become conscious aware! More and more so by each lifetime or dream we live on this Rock. This is what human life on Earth is all about! We eventually will become fully consciously aware. This is hard to do however, and that is why we dream so many dreams. In most dreams we do not learn very much… if anything…

Why do humans learn so little you ask… Well, that's easy to answer. They are born unto a planet and system that immediately begins to brainwash them when they arrive. The parents, the family and not to forget their religions, have great influences on their learning. Also, especially nowadays, children are not taught to learn to think for themselves. They are mostly taught what to think. Which is next to nonsense and has nothing to do with universal values…

Most humans live in an automatic unconscious mode… The next time around they do the same thing again. It's like trying to correct your mistakes without being told that you made any. This is a process we are subjected to until we find the solutions to change our circumstances. Most people live 'unconsciously' and I suggest that eighty to ninety percent of humanity lives that way. Earth is a planet full of young souls and many of them are next to comatose…

Situation like this are the conditions of planet Earth… Human beings need to learn to escape from this default unconscious living. That is their task. They need to become aware of the soul they are! However, no one ever teaches them anything about their soul – most people are taught that they are their body. This is not so! They need to smarten up and begin to think about their patterns of living. The body is the container of the soul. In comparison, it's like placing all your values on your suit and nothing on the body…

The world and its brainwashing machine are a perfect pair…
People need to become aware of what's happening to themselves. We need to catch ourselves so to speak! That is hard to do for the greatest majority of people. Most of them have been brainwashed into the belief that making money is the most important thing in the world. Becoming aware that this is not so – is – the most important thing in the world!  However, some people are catching on and quit their salary paying positions and start acting from the heart. That's where the soul lives…

The world is their distraction… Billions of people are distracted by what's happening in the world. Most distractions are purposefully created by their governments and their buddies. They all prefer the masses to stay ignorant and exercise their power over them. Most of all, they like to make them enlist into the military and go to war. Wars are money makers for them. Billions of people all over the world are lied to and deceived. The 911 affair is a prime example…

In the mean time, all things in our world are exactly as they should be. The global games that are played by the World Rulers are supposed to awaken the people who are ready to awaken. Up to some ten years ago very few of them were ready. More and more people are opening their eyes nowadays and some of them even begin to ask:  Who Am I and Why Am I Alive?

Human life is a process of awakening… What is not known to the public at large is, that the soul we are in actuality is an aspect or an infinitely small event of the creative force or creator itself. That is what we as a soul actually are…!  Living in human bodies is one of the many methods the creative force has chosen to awaken to itself.  Human beings therefore are instruments by means of which the creative force awakens. This is the process we as human are engaged in…

So what am I actually saying here… I am saying to you – and to the world – that all of us are The Universal Creator in human form and are subjected to a semi-unconscious or distorted state of awareness by default. Once the soul we are, lives in this state of awareness, it is not able to figure out immediately that it is The Universal Creator or The Infinite Light! This however, is a temporary condition that is eventually corrected by having more dreams or lifetimes. Sooner or later, The Inner Light will shine through and we will understand that we were brainwashed from birth by the mentally immature…

A human being or soul is a servant to The Infinite Light… This Infinite Light lives within the cosmic-human-unit we are. By means of human souls The Infinite Light is able to awaken to Itself! This naturally is a most important human function. Especially so, since we are The Infinite Light in human form in the first place!  Knowing this is the beginning of awakening…

by Gerardus Grist