Warrior’s Creed

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By Miyagi

Warrior’s Creed

I have no home:
    I make the present moment my home
I have no power:
    I make the rhythm of nature my power
I have no freedom:
    I make awareness my freedom
I have no skills:
    I make ceaseless practice my skills
I have no authority:
    I make honesty my authority
I have no weapon:
    I make the absence of self my weapon
I have no rules:
    I make readiness and adaptability my rules
I have no enemies:
    I make apathy and carelessness my enemies
I have no friends:
    I make the earth and the sky my friends
I have no plan:
    I make patience my plan
I have no strategy:
    I make unwavering attention my strategy
I have no magic secret:
    I make appropriate action my magic secret
I have no ears:
    I make stillness my ears
I have no body:
    I make unflinching endurance my body
I have no eyes:
    I make intuition my eyes
I have no armor:
    I make courage and alertness my armor
I have no fortress:
    I make quiet-mind my fortress
I have no shield:
    I make reverence for life my shield
I have no sword:
    I make penetrating insight my sword
I have no honor:
    I make gentleness and compassion my honor
I have no victories:
    I make harmony and balance my victories
I have no rewards:
    I make tears and laughter my rewards
I have no life or death:
    I make the tides of breathing my life and death

From Fourteenth Century Samurai Code
Adapted by J.A. Cirie