Image by Artie_Navarre from Pixabay
“Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon;
How much it can fill your room depends on its windows.”
What exactly is metaphysics?
“Derived from the Greek meta ta physika (“after the things of nature”); referring to an idea, doctrine, or posited reality outside of human sense perception. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality.
That said: What Metaphsyical topics hold the most fascination for you? Here are some of the top contenders:
- the nature of the soul
- past lives, reincarnation (though many anecdotal accounts have been proven through research, formal and informal, in this country and India, particularly)
- the experiences of the spiritual path, particularly planes 1–7. At seven final samadhi (Nirvikalpa samadhi) occurs.
- group reincarnation
- family reincarnation over many lives
- so-called good vs evil. The apparent usefulness of “bad” actions.
- how many times has the “Avatar” or Christ Soul come into bodily form beyond the historical ones we know about (Ram, Krishna, Zoroaster, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, etc)
- KARMA and its operation through successive lives.
- “Luck” as a form of karma
- creation and it’s many forms, not just human (I.,e. Angels, nature elementals, etc).
- The endless creation of sanskaras, good and bad, and their effect on us, our spiritual growth. (Human actions are based on the impressions (every thought, emotion and act) stored in our mind, based on previous experience.)
- the many forms of ego and their ultimate dissolution on the spiritual path. The ego as a loud statement of separateness, individuality! Ego as an ugliness which needs taming etc.
- The infinite and inclusive spiritual hierarchy.
- “universal mind”.
- the importance of spiritual guides, the five, often reclusive, Perfect Masters on Earth at any given time, those who are advanced spiritually who make themselves available.” 1
Is everything metaphysical?
“Despite the widely accepted, prevailing, physicalist theory: everything is reducible to matter/energy. This position is being insistently questioned ever since the rise of the new physics (the role of the observer, uncertainty principle, etc.). Nobody knows what matter is intrinsically, and why an atom is an atom – its nature is a mystery; scientifically we can only talk about mechanism, ‘behavior’ or function, in relation to physical processes. Thus, everything is metaphysical – including tables and chairs or, rather, the material they are made of, wood (hilos) – which means non-reducible to the physical. Psychology, mind, selfhood are equally non reducible to the physical, nor are they purely mental or purely conceptual, thus they are metaphysical, however psychologists may protest. ‘Man’, ‘personhood’ are metaphysical or philosophical notions.
Metaphysical doctrines are couched in LANGUAGE (concepts, plus logic and reasoning -tarka), which de facto is dualistic, but that is a springboard and a conditio sine qua non for realization or uniting with the TRUTH or REALITY which is indivisible, non-relational, and inexpressible by the mind (anubhava).” 2
If that does not push into the “think zone” I don’t know what will.
“The menu is not the meal.”―
Quoted passages 1 & 2 referenced: Ellen Drager, Alberto Martin –
People lately argue its Non-Christian
And … That’s funny and certainly narrow-minded. Metaphysics includes studies of the various Bibles as well as other holy tomes of various religions. I think the attitude comes from the vast amount of topics Metaphysics covers like the supernatural and paranormal. Also from all the End Times nonsense being propagated these days.