Water, Water, Everywhere

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By LOGOS - Overseer

Water, Water, Everywhere


Ponderings …

Why are most of us relaxed and at peace when we gaze upon calm water or the rolling waves of the sea? Why are ocean sounds beneficial to mediation and sleep inducement? Why did the Ancients use water as an integral part of their ceremonies? Why do physical therapists use water therapy? Why do some of the most dynamic prophecies of the world often indicate great cataclysm by water? Why are our most profound feelings expressed in watery tears of emotion?

The waters of Earth encompass far more area than do the land masses of our planet – the oceans cover slightly more than 70% of the globe.  No other planet in our Solar System has a water supply like ours. Life as we understand it emerged from the sea. All life forms consist of Water. Water cleanses refreshes and restores life. It also destroys it. Man’s body like the Earth is 70% water.

In most metaphysical circles, water represents the flow of the Universal Ocean of the collective unconscious all the rivers and tributaries that extend from it. Water has transcendental connections and is a Universal solvent for it can dissolve more substances than any other liquid known to man by breaking down the molecular structure of what it contacts and absorb the components unto itself.

To Light Workers, water represents wisdom and a holistic view of life. The Water element governs emotions and our deepest feelings. It is receptive feminine energy and is tied to the Heart chakra. It is secondarily tied to the Third Eye chakra so it is easy to see why the Water element is connected to love, self-healing, sorrow, reflection, intuition, the unconscious, fertility, and regeneration.

To Magicians, water represents self control through the psyche and magical work concerning transformation spells, and shape shifting.  Water magick is often connected with the phases of the Moon and with the ebb and flow of the Earth’s tides. Magickal invocations are often conducted near the ocean or other bodies of water. Ceremonies may also involve snow, ice, or rain and make no mistake – Water magicians are known for stirring up the weather.

Hydromancy is divination by water covering a wide range of lesser auguries such as the color of water, its ebb and flow or ripples produced by pebbles dropped into a pool (an odd number of ripples is considered positive and an even number negative). Tea leave and coffee ground readings date from this form of augury.

The Camenae are a group of prophetic Water Goddesses or nymphs of ancient Rome, considered Goddesses of Poetry as well as Birth-Goddesses Who presided over springs and Who were invoked for healing. Their name is related to the Latin word carmen, meaning “charm, song, poem, magical formula, or prayer”.

In Chinese spiritual teachings, water is often characterized by its ability to take on different forms … heated water becomes steam and frozen water becomes ice. It can be poured into any shape of a container. If it is not allowed to “flow” it becomes stagnant. Water is considered “balanced” because it will always seek and finds its own “level.”

Ancient ceremonial initiations often took place in watery locations – by the sea or other available bodies of water.

Ponder this … The Ancient schools were deeply entrenched in sacred ritual and secret ceremonies. Most of these took place at midnight. One of the sites for these mysterious rituals was the Sacred Lake at Karnak. The Lake was manmade. The schools and healing temples taught many gifted individuals. One of the earliest was Imhotep of the third Dynasty who was a master healer and herbalist at the court of the pharaoh Zoser.


In Astrology, a “Water Person” (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is considered deep, intuitive and emotional.  They change with the tide and have many cross currents. They are “adapters” and “survivors” who can swim through the passages of life with ease because they innately understand the mysterious depth of the waters of life while seeking the “Ultimate Answers” to “Eternal Questions.”  To astrologers, the Fire element is “spirit”; the Air element the “mind”; the Earth element the “body” and the Water element the “SOUL.” The Water OR Occult Houses of Astrology, the 4th, 8th and 12th hold the answers to the Cosmic Enigma of space, time, and non-time and the esoteric foundation of Karma and Dharma,   death and reincarnation and the umbilical effect.  The water planets, the Moon, Pluto and Neptune are the keys to the psychic realms and dream states.

Derivative Images

Ponder this … The Ancients believed water was a natural remedy against supernatural negativity and the unholy. It still is today.

Ponder this … The Persian dream masters believed that if you dreamt of clear water you would have great abundance but if the water was dirty or foul smelling sickness would beset you. Salt water meant happiness but pouring water on a fire meant you would lose if brought before a judge. Cold water meant reconciliation and happiness and hot water meant persecution from enemies. Water falling on your head meant profit.

Psychologically, water represents a good memory whether we are dwelling on the past or remembering our Collective Common Heritage. Some scientists believe that the structure of water is like a nervous system reacting and responding and therefore is capable of recording information. They believe that each memory cell of water contains 440,000 memory information panels.

Ponder this … Water is the simplest element in nature and on the periodic table. Its main component is hydrogen so if water has a memory then so does the whole Universe.

Emotionally, water represents desire, sensuality and possessiveness and obsession AND the green eyed monster of envy and jealousy.

Of the physical senses water represents taste and all that is experienced on the tongue literally and metaphorically including what one needs to “taste” of the experiences of Earth.

Concerning the elemental seasons, some believe water represents Winter and cold and ice, others believe it is Autumn.

By association:

(Note: Opinions on the following will vary)

Water is represented by the Rune Laguz and the god Njӧrd. Laguz by divinatory meaning concerns intuition and psychic ability. The attributes of this Rune are fluidity and the ebb and flow of emotions that affect relationships and one’s reputation. In a spread, this Rune indicates the need for “cleansing” and realigning and transformation. Reversed as a murkstave it indicates a failure to draw upon the wisdom of instinct and lack of acknowledgement of one’s receptive side.

Crystals associated with the water element are used by healers to address unbalanced emotional states such as depression, anger, guilt, lack of libido, phobias, fears  and renewed need for forgiveness. They are Blue Lace Agate (cleansing and detoxifying), Rose Quartz (cleansing and detoxifying), Opal (balance and stability), Amethyst (balance and hormone production), Amber (neutralizer and balancer of endocrine disequilibrium), Jet (negativity absorption), Blue Sapphire (acceptance and serenity), Chrysolite (depression relief), Smoky Quartz (burden lifter), Kunzite (mood stabilizer), Agate, Peridot, Red Garnet (anger relief), Red Jade (constructive channeling of anger), Moonstone (soothing of overreactions), Chrysocolla (clears guilt and fear), Fluorite (relieves lack of libido), Aquamarine (dispels fear and phobias), Aventurine, Green Calcite, Chrysoprase, Iron Pyrite, Tourmaline (alleviate anxiety), Obsidian (brings fears to the surface for release), Rhodochrosite (facilitates positive change), Chrysoberyl, Selenite (facilitate self forgiveness) and Celestite (restores emotional innocence).


The Tarot has many water associations which will differ depending upon the methodology and symbology of the deck. The following Major Arcana cards of Jane Lyle’s Lovers’ Tarot have strong water associations: The High Priestess – (Scorpio) Intuition, secrets; The Chariot (Cancer) – Tenacity, flow; The Hanged Man (Neptune) – Sacrifice, Surrender, fantasy; Death (Scorpio) – Inevitable change, transformation; The Moon (Pisces) – Psychic Awareness, dreams; Judgment (Pluto) – Clarity, wisdom.



The River and the Waves

The river and its waves are one

surf: where is the difference between the river and its waves?

When the wave rises, it is the water; and when it falls, it is

the same water again. Tell me, Sir, where is the distinction?

Because it has been named as wave, shall it no longer be

considered as water?


Within the Supreme Brahma, the worlds are being told like beads:

Look upon that rosary with the eyes of wisdom.


From ~Songs of Kabir ~ translated by Rabindranath Tagore


2 thoughts on “Water, Water, Everywhere”

  1. Hauntings

    Water is a great conduit and is often found near haunted sites either above or below them. It tends to record.

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