What To DO During A Void Of Course Moon

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By Skywriter

The transiting Moon spends approximately 2.5 days in each sign of the zodiac completing its total tour of the zodiac in about 28.5 days. There is a period of time just before the Moon transitions from one sign into the next where it makes no aspects to the planets. This is known as Void of Course. The period can last from minutes to up to several days.  Some of you may be aware of the harsh “written in stone” warnings about the Void of Course. These include not making any important decisions, purchases, plans, or engaging major projects. Well it’s time to throw all of the negativity out the window and accentuate the positive! Here are some suggestions:

  • Organize yourself and your surroundings. Get rid of junk; clean up your personal space. Make a list of restock items for home and office. Also make “to do” lists.
  • Revise any written work. Mistakes in editing miraculously show up prominently during this time making correction a breeze.
  •  Engage in creative musing and let your imagination reign!  Many innovative ideas are born during Void of Course periods.  As a matter of fact, an E-Zine I wanted to create was conceived during a Void of Course Gemini Moon (and doesn’t that make sense!). After some time, I coincidentally discovered that I had somehow managed to plan articles during the VOC periods but not write them until the Moon was out of Void. Kind of a natural rhythm…Go figure! 
  • Relax, meditate, or sleep. Engage a bit of “Neptune Time” as I fondly call it! Those of you who meditate and/or channel may find your experiences during a Void of Course to be a bit “trippy.” This is because the Moon is sending mixed signals since it is trying to adjust from one sign to another. What the heck…think of it as a cheap high!
  • If you MUST shop, then go to the dollar store. If an item you purchase turns out to be useless you’ll be less likely to care about having to return it. If, while you are out shopping, find yourself drawn to more expensive stores that you can’t resist, engage yourself in window shopping. Save major purchasing for a better time…and the sales! 
  • File your tax return during a VOC; you’re less likely to be audited.

Need to know how to find out when the Moon is Void of Course? Purchase any astrological type calendar at your local bookstore. Void of Course dates and times are depicted and easy to understand. Go ahead and experiment…you may discover something new and exciting!