Image by Debi Brady from Pixabay
This year’s eclipses are ready to generate intense periods that start to manifest a few months before their actual occurrence. Eclipses unfold in cycles involving all twelve signs of the zodiac and usually occur in pairs about two weeks apart. Never fear eclipses—just think of them as opportunities for growth that allow you to release old patterns. Expect surprises that elicit both positive and perplexing feelings and outcomes. The closer an eclipse is to a planet or point in your birth chart, the greater the importance it has in your life, especially if one of those planets is in the same degree as the eclipse.
The year’s first Solar Eclipse occurs on April 8 in Aries and your solar first house of appearance, assertive behavior, enterprise, personality, and self-development. You are consciously aware of your image and are likely to have goals to improve it through better health practices, fitness, nutrition, and counsel with grooming or medical specialists. Sometimes an eclipse here brings a windfall that allows you to splurge on a new wardrobe or invest in education to make you more competitive in your career. Take some before-and-after photos to highlight this phase.
The year’s first Solar Eclipse occurs on April 8 in Aries and your solar twelfth house of charity, visiting the sick, healing from ailments and injuries, regrouping, taking a sabbatical, studying metaphysics, and keeping secrets. If the burden of keeping too much inside starts to affect your health or concentration, it may be time to relieve your mind and work on a strategy that helps you get a good night’s sleep. Don’t agree to anything that goes against your life philosophy. Improve your self-talk and find the courage to discuss issues with any individuals who may be involved. One of them could be your boss. Meditate on what would be the perfect job and then go find it.
On April 8, the first Solar Eclipse of the year arrives in Aries and your solar eleventh house of associates, dreams, goals, members of groups, friends, plans, and professional organizations. This is the second Solar Eclipse to occur in this house in the past year. No doubt you activated more than one membership in an important business or humanitarian enterprise that was looking for the creative leadership you are able to provide. You’re focused now on recruiting members, anticipating funds to build interest in key initiatives, and looking to the future to bring stable conditions to the lives of deserving people. In 2024 you’ll spend more time with cherished friends.
On April 8, the first Solar Eclipse of the year arrives in Aries and your solar tenth house of career, ambition, authority, recognition for performance, and the status quo. An eclipse in this house often reflects a new beginning in some part of your work environment. Your attitude toward the way you earn your living may either bring you rewards or challenge you in some manner, depending on how the economy is affecting your workplace and how well you are able to honor commitments that are in place. You may have a new CEO, for example, and are adapting to a new style. This time period is important to review your personal goals, assess how well your career path fits with any new direction, and what the leadership changes could mean to the level of commitment you can provide. Conversely, you may decide to look for another position.
The year’s first Solar Eclipse occurs on April 8 in Aries and your solar ninth house of the higher mind, advanced education, your in-laws near and far, long-distance travel, philosophy, religion, publishing, relocation, and foreign countries, languages, and cultures. Distant business centers and satellite offices could draw Leos to spend time in temporary quarters this year, possibly to set up the organization, help with the hiring, or conduct program reviews. Some of you may move for a multi-year or permanent assignment. Be sure your credentials are well documented in case an offer comes to you with little notice. Other Leos book their dream vacation and bring the family along for adventure.
On April 8, the first Solar Eclipse of the year arrives in Aries and your solar eighth house of joint holdings, investments, estates, wills, sex, birth, death, taxes, and mortgages. With the economy in a state of flux, you’ll profit from doing a complete review of your budget to analyze what accounts could benefit from proportional adjustments, how you can be sure you are saving enough for taxes and insurance, and how to save more for retirement. If you need assistance, consider consolidating debt by consulting qualified experts.
The year’s first Solar Eclipse occurs on April 8 in Aries and your solar seventh house of personal and business partners, spouses, roommates, collaborators, medical and legal professionals, advisers, therapists, and public critics. Over the past year you have gained greater insight into those you cherish, admire, and work with, and who contribute to your future happiness. If your eyes have opened to conditions that need remedial work, discuss changes you would like to make and seek input from these key players. Be open to change and listen to what partners have to say. If you are engaged, 2024 could be the year you marry.
The year’s first Solar Eclipse occurs on April 8 in Aries and your solar sixth house of work, details of your daily routine, health and nutrition, organizational aptitude, relationships with colleagues, and pets. You could have a major overhaul of company practices to implement if you return to work after a significant layoff or reassignment of duties. Do your homework before you begin making changes. Engage support from coworkers and ask for helpful suggestions. Smile and earn the respect of key workers.
On April 8, the first Solar Eclipse of the year arrives in Aries and your solar fifth house of children and their interests, adventure, entertainment, romance, social encounters, sports, speculation, and vacations. New encounters in your love life may appear out of the blue. You will be bombarded with social invitations and may find it hard to keep up with all of them. Children’s needs could become more demanding due to school and sports involvement.
On April 8, the first Solar Eclipse of the year arrives in Aries and your solar fourth house of home, family, residents living at home base, and the physical attributes of your dwelling. An eclipse in this house often reflects a new beginning in some facet of your intimate environment. Your attitude toward others and the quality of relationships make a difference in how well you take care of household duties, share meals together, and engage in bonding time to enjoy amusements, vacations, and special events as a family. Expect revelations about new directions some family members may be taking. Review personal goals and assess how well they fit the course of action you would like to explore in 2024.
The year’s first Solar Eclipse occurs on April 8 in Aries and your solar third house of communication, community interests, contracts and leases, education, mental acuity, local travel, neighbors, siblings, technology, and transportation. Compare prices and request bids on work or vehicle purchases, and review documents thoroughly before signing. Be sure to update your resume if applying for a new assignment.
On April 8, the first Solar Eclipse of the year arrives in Aries and your solar second house of assets, salary, money you earn or spend, self-development funds, and how you prefer to spend disposable income. If your salary has decreased or you have lost your job, you may be working with a headhunter to identify a suitable new position. Be sure to polish your resume, do your homework related to availability of qualification-matched job posts, and look into new avenues of employment that may bring you more satisfaction. Take a certification course to bring new qualifications to your field of expertise.
Alice Deville –
Excerpted from Llewellyn’s 2024 Sun Sign Book.
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