Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
The ego is the sum of our biological and social programming, which creates an AI-like avatar that a portion of our spirit, which is the source of our self-awareness and positive spiritual traits, wears like mask (or inhabits like a game avatar/character) in order to interact with the world in a smoothly functioning way, i.e. that has a human personality and sense of identity.
If the spirit is absent, or too absorbed in the avatar, the avatar does its own thing according to its programming. And so with organic portals or spiritless humans, that’s all they are. The issue is that biological programming is generally selfish unless it’s like mating or raising a child which has a lot of instinctual programming involved, and society also teaches us to adopt selfish traits a lot of the time.
So we end up with this fragile ego whose programming interprets the world in a certain way according to its programming, i.e. in a threat-assessing kind of way, and the programming happens every day in response to our experiences, wants and needs being satisfied or not, how we model our parents and others in our own heads, and all that psychology stuff.
And so any emotional suffering in life, whether it’s from punishment, pain, regret, rejection, alienation, failure, shame, etc. gets imprinted into the ego and its subconscious understructure, and adds to how it views the world. For example, if you get rejected by three girls in a row you will feel the pain, feel shitty about yourself, ego can’t accept being shit so it has to find a way to turn it around to make itself feel better, and therefore reasons irrationally that women are shit, and once that distortion is in place the ego sees what it wants to see and starts cherry-picking observations to substantiate itself.
But fundamentally the ego is just this fragile social-biological construct that has a story, a narrative, a way of viewing the world, and feeling certain ways about certain things.
It can be transformed to positive by saturating the subconscious with positive feelings and correct empowering beliefs, and programming the ego in terms of its self-image, core values, narrative, etc. into one that support a spiritual purpose or mission. The only issue is that, fundamentally, the ego is the source of our feeling separate from others, which leads to specialness and competition and fight-flight reactions, so it’s easy for the ego to dress itself up in saintly clothing while power tripping and trying to manipulate others into making itself feel good.
That’s why we have to distinguish between spirit and ego. Spirit has no selfish ulterior motives, it’s just for truth, balance, rightness, beauty, goodness, wisdom/understanding, and whatever else appeals to true sentience.
The ego rationalizes, fears pain and seeks lower pleasure, is lazy and avoiding, is self-contradictory, hypocritical, cruel, cold, and self-deceptive.
Where it gets subtle is that the ego, being a product if your genetics and social conditioning, is therefore partially ‘designed’ by the spirit in terms of spirit having a say in which body it incarnates into and how its life might generally go. Since the latter shape the ego, the avatar/mask you are wearing was in a sense chosen by you-as-Spirit—but, it’s also been shaped by the choices made by you-as-human, and by the risks you’ve chosen to endure by being human (neg forces, things going wrong, suffering in this crappy society).
So it’s kind of intricate there but the good news IMO is that we can transform our subconscious and our ego to more correctly and harmoniously reflect our true nature which is our Spirit/Consciousness, the latter not being a product of either social or biological conditioning other than what wisdom/growth we’ve gained from prior incarnations.