Image by Peace,love,happiness from Pixabay
Typically, astrology provides a good understanding of past life accumulated karmas. It also provides detailed indication of which “change opportunities/possibilities” could arise in a person’s life time.
The play of these two along with Divine grace determine the various life experiences an individual will encounter in their life-time. More a person chooses to live consciously- more he will understand his karmic lessons and clear past baggage. In this manner, he will clear his past karmas and his life course will proportionately deviate from his astrological natal chart.
What I have noticed is that at times, there are certain individuals who are very low in their consciousness but still seem to be “above karma”, i.e. astrological events do not seem to impact them. This is very counter-intuitive! When one is more mired in the Maya and delusion of this world, you would expect them to be under more karmic influence and as such be strongly impacted by astrological events such as Saturn transits, eclipses, etc.
So what’s going on here? Something is amiss! How come these folks seems to be “happy” even though they are living unconsciously? They also seem to be deviating from their natal chart and no astrological event seem to adversely affecting them. How is that possible?
What I have noticed is that such people are in a type of “Karmic Whirlpool”. As we know, when a person is stuck in a whirlpool, they are too caught up in it to get affected by the calmness or turbulence of the bigger water body. It could be stormy seas or high/low tides- all this will be meaningless to the one caught in a whirlpool.
Something similar is at play in the above scenario! Such folks either have a very crucial imminent lesson which they need to learn and/or their lower un-conscious living has got them into a negative energy vortex. Either ways, they need to hit their rock-bottom! Only after that will they start getting “action choices” or start experiencing their other karmas.
So in reality, it is not that these people are above their karmas. Actually, they are “stuck” at a soul-journey juncture and until they rise from it, all astrological event impacts seem to be suspended.