Image by Chil Vera from Pixabay
Is morality good or bad for you? The bottom line: For those who like to control the life of others, it is good, for those who do not like to be controlled, no so much.
Morality is said to be the greatest achievement of mankind. Morality gives human beings rules to live by. Rules given by a “God”. Without these rules, it is advanced, we would quickly become derelicts incapable of sustaining a viable society or a cohesive “self”. The citizenry we would be at each others throats and the individual would fall into depravity. It would be the end of civilization.
God has hammered human ways, values, meanings on stone tablets. Good, bad…. right, wrong… evil… valid thoughts… approved behavior… how people must think, want, act, react is set in “absolutes”. Deviation from the dictates of “God” is “sin”. Sin against God… and sin against man. In-born human contradictory “ways” of are to be denied, eradicated, and replaced by morality.
The why behind all of this is known: It is “God’s” will. And “God” is truth.
On the other hand, non-believers, atheists, science’s gymnasts cannot offer any coherent ideas for a philosophy of existence… the why, the truth, hide behind Day One. “Heathen” are left to claim that they are as good, as moral, as ethical as their believing brethren.
Yet morality’s attempts at our de-naturalization is a futile endeavor. All we get is confusion, guilt, incomprehension, submission, and the destruction of our self-esteem. We walk our lives in a daze, in a dream-trance, hating ourselves, unable to make heads or tails of who we are. The spiritual “morality” noise makes us forget that we are natural beings living in a natural universe. We have been made into fake “righteous” beings.
No matter how righteous is our moral compass, we remain sinners. Why are we always sinning? Maybe we have the creation’s “formula” wrong. Could it be that our natural nature dances to a different “pulse”?
Nature inherent cosmic pulse: Life/Death. What creates life is seen as good. What destroys life is seen as bad. Be it a person, a lion, a rock, a thought.
Many say that without morality, we fall. Actually, we rise. We feel a sense of belonging, a sense of oneness with the cosmos, with the earth, with the forms of nature, and with people. We become real.
Albert Forcier –