Did you ever try creating a journal that records your life with all its highs and lows – how you stumbled in the undergrowth and how you continually rediscovered your path time and time again? The Divine Spark in you chose to be born, to come back and learn more and grow.
You can start your journaling with some simple basics.
What was your beginning all about?
- What was your family like?
- Did you have a present mother and father? Were either missing? If so, who raised you?
- Did you have siblings and or step siblings?
- Did you have a family pet or two?
- Were you an orphan?
- How do you believe all of these interactions affected you and shaped you?
What were your parents or guardians like?
- What expectations did they have for you?
- What traits do you think they passed on to you?
- How much do you know about them and what their early lives were like?
- What is the first conversation you remember having with both of them or one of them?
What effect did your environment have on you?
- Were you born into a busy city or countryside environment?
- What type of place and areas did you visit a lot outside of where you were born? (if you moved away from the place of birth as an infant, record the first residence you remember BUT ask others about the place where you were born).
- How did you feel or resonate while growing up about these places?
Who was your first friend?
- When we are very young, our parents or guardians tend to pick our friends or playmates for us. What do you remember about the relationship with the friend who was a result of this choice?
- When we grow older, we choose our own friends. Who was your first choice? What attracted you to them?
- As life unfolds different people try to befriend us. How many of these attempts did you accept and how many did you avoid?
- How many people did you try to befriend and how many of those avoided you and conversely readily accepted you?
- What lessons stand out to you about these relationships?
How did schooling and work affect you?
- How did each of our school experiences affect you?
- What teachers affected you the most? Who did you admire? Who did you loathe?
- In what grade or level were you most happy?
- What was your first job?
- What were the circumstances surrounding it?
- What were you co-workers like? What was your boss like?
- Do you feel you accomplished what you wanted to accomplish during your school and work experiences?
How did any religious or spiritual training affect you?
- Was there any particular religious or spiritual training or none at all?
- Did you have to fit into mold that was expected of you by parents or guardian?
- When you became old enough to make your own choices did you stay in the mold or move or branch out into something different?
- Where are you now on your spiritual path and is it satisfying to you?
How did marriage and children or lack thereof affect you? (if applicable at this stage)
- How did/or/do spouses affect you?
- How did/or/do children/grandchildren affect you?
- How did/or/do you affect yourself in these relationships?
- How did/or/do in-laws affect you?
- If there was/is no marriage or children, how does this affect you?
While this all seems tedious, once you compile your findings and read them over, you will discover new things about yourself that you may not have been aware of because you will have gone within. Contemplate these things and continue to record as you move on to live your earth life and add to your skills.