The “Forces of Light” do more to show the door than to force people to walk through it. That is the idea behind the Law of Non-Interference or Non-Intervention. And the door must be shown in a careful way to maximize freewill.
There are some people who either cannot or will not currently choose higher knowledge. What will the Forces of Light do about them? Nothing really, except make sure that those who have chosen the light of love and wisdom are given just enough protection and guidance to pull their own weight and face their own consequencies without unnecessary interference.
The times ahead will see increasing polarization, a turning up of the contrast. When you increase the contrast of a murky photo, rather than everything becoming brighter, dark gets darker while light gets lighter. Likewise, there will be entire segments of the population who will become stronger in their ignorance and darkness as time goes on, while others will rise into spiritual empowerment.
The first will sink into apathy, depravity, nihilism, denial, psychopathy, delusion, and destructiveness. If all you see is that side of the equation, then you may understandably believe we’re all doomed. But that sinking counterweight is paralleled by an equal and opposite rising of those who are open to spiritual growth, those who are engaging their own intuition, intelligence, and goodwill toward the spirit within others. While they may not grow much in number, they will indeed grow in strength and power. Number isn’t everything; sometimes it’s more about quality.
The Forces of Light are performing surgery on our planet… that means a delicate operation that works through us rather than upon us. It appears to involve incarnating into human bodies and turning over the system from the inside while the other half of the team stays in the higher realms and makes sure those below get a fair shot at doing their jobs.
So why don’t they just burst in with phasers blazing, take out the corrupt shadow elite, and free humanity from tyranny and deception? Partly because a large portion of humanity has yet to learn to be responsible, strong, independent, and discerning by going through a collective dark night of the soul. They have yet to be initiated via trial by fire. Consequently, they are weak, ignorant, and complacent.
If dark forces were to disappear right now in an instant, one half of the problem would be solved. But the other half, people’s freewill decisions to support the Matrix Control System and their vice for suffering abuse and manipulation, that half cannot be eradicated. Even if aliens came down right now and provided evidence of the shadow elite’s manipulation of human history and what the negative aliens have been up to, it would be ineffective at the current point in time. People seeing that on a television screen isn’t the same as living through it and being forced to fight it due to having nothing left to lose.
Look how scared and pacified Americans are today; protests are symbolic gestures rather than fights for survival. So long as the internet works, television glows, grocery stores are filled with beer and potato chips, and roads are open for travel, nothing will change collectively because people will always have a cozy shell to withdraw into and thereby ignore the problems of the world. It’s only when their backs are up against the wall that their mettle will be tested.
And for that reason, even if the “New World Order” went poof, the weakness, ignorance, and complacency would remain. Within three or four generations, a new generation of psychopaths would be in power again because a nation of sheep begets a government of wolves. So the dark presence on earth serves an educational purpose up to a point, and until that point is reached, total open intervention by positive forces would be detrimental to mankind’s spiritual evolution.
The other issue is that things are proceeding along a curriculum that benefits multiple sides, thus neither positive nor negative forces seek to shortchange that progression. For instance, if free energy technology were unleashed upon the world this very moment, that would change things so drastically that a lot of the learning lessons or world events that masses have yet to go through will be denied. It’s like a movie whose dilemma is suddenly resolved halfway through, then the rest of the movie is a waste of time.
That is why free energy inventors who are too overzealous in getting their stuff out there receive preventative assassination from the dark powers, and why the forces of light do not have much authority in helping them prematurely end the world script.
It’s been said that alien disclosure or free energy release would crash the economy, lead to wars and famine, and undermine civilization due to all the chaos it would case. But if the world has already gone through economic collapse, wars and famine, and an overturning of civilization due to chaos, then alien disclosure and free energy dissemination can happen because it simply can’t get any worse. And by then, the lesson will have been learned.
Thankfully, in parallel to the destruction of the old, there will also be an arising of a new positive civilization based on gnostic, spiritual, meta-technological principles. But that, too, takes time.
So… everything in time. It takes faith. Forget the ignorant people, put aside the darkness, focus on what is lightening up within you, focus on what is awakening within the few people that you know to be waking up. Strength matters more than number. There is a plan, and it is being implemented, but it must also be subtle and delicate and sophisticated, and it must be executed with masterful timing. We know from personal experience that synchronicity and destiny work with masterful timing in our own lives. Can this force of synchronicity not also work globally? Perhaps the positive intervention is so sophisticated that not even we, the foot-soldiers, are always aware of its workings.