The 9th House of an astrological chart is traditionally the area of the chart that identifies an individual’s psychic receptivity OR how well they receive information from other planes. The sign that occupies the cusp as well as planets and asteroids inherit within defines how psychic impressions are received and processed. It is like having a personal version of the Three Fates at one’s disposal.
How do you receive visionary downloads from the Nether Regions and the Higher Planes? The sign on the 9th House cusp of your own natal chart (NOT your Sun Sign) can give you a good idea!
What sign is on the 9th house cusp in your natal chart?
If it is:
Aries on the 9th … is thought to be the sign that is a pure emanation from the Mind of God so psychic downloads tend to be Divine often manifesting as religious, evangelical, political or social visions. The intuition is very directed and instinctual often producing a crusader type. Poorly directed psychic response can lead to narrow-mindedness or fanaticism.
The sign of Taurus on the 9th … is believed to be strongly connected to the Buddha so psychic receptors often undergo an awakening followed by enlightenment. The Third Eye chakra is wide open and visions or downloads are magnetic in nature manifesting as “beautiful” and “lofty.” If poorly directed shared vision is foisted upon others to gain personal satisfaction.
Gemini on the 9th … represents the pure expression of the mind and when referenced with the 9th House the instinctual mind rules as a psychic vehicle. The Higher mind teaches the lower mind to serve knowledge and this is very necessary since psychic downloads are varied, diffuse and scattered requiring a sorting out before they can be redirected for logical purpose.
Cancer on the 9th … The energy of this sign is totally instinctual and of all the signs it is the only one to represent mass consciousness. The natural vibration of Cancer is to expand consciousness so psychic reception is dominated by collective identification linked to the Divine. The individual will literally feel psychic impressions which manifest with karmic resonance. Downloads are often affected by the sign the Moon is occupying at the time.
Leo on the 9th … The sign of Leo is called the “illuminator” or “Light of the Soul.” Self awareness is multi-leveled and psychic receptivity is extremely sensitive to impressions from all sources – the physical senses, environmental impressions and the Divine. Sensory impact is internally “tested” for its value in bringing about self awareness as well as collective truth.
Virgo on the 9th … is the sign of mental discrimination and is often uncomfortable with information received from the psychic plane. Sensory downloads are sorted through and placed in a frame of reference and then filtered through objective assessment. This sign more than any of the others is the most subject to the Law of Attraction receiving more spiritual information each time it tries to compartmentalize its own psychic ability.
Libra on the 9th … is known as the sign of “flux” and its psychic response is mainly instinctual. It is the sign of harmonious alignment with others and sensory impressions are often of an evolutionary nature which teaches them how to conduct themselves on the Path of Right Human Relations via expanded consciousness.
Scorpio on the 9th … is known as the “disciple” who must experience trial and error to attain Soul evolution. The foresight of Scorpio is direct and purposeful. Psychic response is sensitive, deeply profound, and self initiating on all levels. Scorpio “sees” into the nether regions and the collective subconscious with clear vision. Most psychic information comes from the Astral Plane.
Saggitarius on the 9th … This sign is the natural ruler of the 9th House and is oft considered the “most human” AND the most visionary of all the signs. Expansive spiritual reality is merely fundamental to this sign. Higher consciousness is the norm along with awareness of the world at large. The vision quest of Sagittarius is to experience “The TRUTH.” Sensory input is subjective and intuitive.
Capricorn on the 9th … is a highly mystical sign the energy of which is tied to Soul evolution and the crystallization of spiritual potential that ensues is in reference to Karma. Sensory downloads include the ability to perceive time. Capricorn can see through the veil of the nether regions and look both forward and backward in time and space. Psychic visions are often transmuted into corporal actions.
Aquarius on the 9th … is known as “the heart of humanity” and sensory input is transcendental in nature. The role of Aquarius is to “externalize consciousness” and objectify it into human action for collective evolution. Visions are often received as highly profound flashes of Divine intuition that can only be absorbed in bits and pieces and then finally fit into the larger puzzle.
Pisces on the 9th … is known as the sign of “redemption and resurgence” and is that sign that is believed to be closest to God the Creator. Sensory input is achieved through a series of channelings that externalize as the Expression of Divine Purpose. Visions are spiritual or religious in nature. There is a finely tuned sensitivity to everyone and everything on all levels.
Let’s pay homage to one of the greatest psychic receivers of modern history and take a look at his 9th House signature… the Prophet – Edgar Cayce.
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is known as America’s most renowned seer. Cayce had a high sense of spiritual purpose and his mystical visions carried information about the total human condition – mind, body and spirit that have not been surpassed by anyone else since his life and times. He not only exhibited profound insight regarding the Path of the Soul but also served the masses as a medical clairvoyant. A humble man, he never sought compensation or recognition for his healing skill. Nearly 14,000 of his psychic readings and “prescriptions” have been documented.
Cayce was born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky the son of devout parents who read to him from the Bible every night. He was the top pupil in his Sunday School class who could easily quote Bible passages from memory.
Considered a “poor Speller” in school, Cayce worked out a formula to help himself after he discovered that if he slept on his spelling textbook he could spell perfectly when he awoke. During those early years Cayce aspired to become a minister but always felt something was missing from the information he sought. His life is said to have changed when one day during prayerful meditation he requested the ability to help his fellow man. During that particular incident he was visited by an angelic who told him, “Thy prayers are heard. You have your wish… Help the sick, the afflicted.”
The ability to clairvoyantly prescribe first occurred during a personal medical crisis. Cayce was forced to quit school in the 8th grade so he could help support his family which by then had grown to include three younger sisters. At that time he worked several jobs… as a farmer, bookstore clerk, and amateur photographer. Without warning during this period Cayce mysteriously lost his voice and his condition apparently resisted medical diagnosis. With no other alternative he allowed himself to be hypnotized in an effort to get to the root of the problem. During the hypnosis he fell into a trance describing the particulars of his condition and then went further to prescribe a treatment. The remedy worked and Cayce regained his voice. The success of this feat caused physicians from far and wide to consult him whenever they were presented with a baffling case. Each time Cayce would allow himself to be hypnotized the information from the ensuing trance would provide valuable remedies. He became known as the “Sleeping Prophet.” Cayce was mystified by his own abilities and never had any recollection of what he said during a trance session. He gave medical and metaphysical readings upon request and the profoundly complex and insightful information provided by this modest man continues to inspire thousands to this day.
Edgar Cayce believed he would reincarnate in 2158 AD in Nebraska where he, as a young boy, would catch the attention of scientists who would observe him and question him in order to prove validity of his claims that he once lived as Edgar Cayce. This would lead them to rediscover many records of his work that would be collected and studied once again.
Edgar Cayce’s chart shows the sign of Gemini on the 9th House Cusp. The sign of Cancer intercepts this house and acts as the co-ruler of the energy. There are no planetary bodies “in-house” but the house ruler Mercury is in the 5th House in Pisces conjunct Venus, Saturn and the North Node and sextile Mars in Capricorn in the 3rd House. The co-ruler the Moon is in the 7th house in Taurus conjunct Pluto and widely conjunct Neptune, sextile Venus in Pisces in the 6th House, trine Mars in Capricorn in the 3rd House and square Uranus in Leo in the 10th House.
The Gemini rulership of the 9th House accounts for Cayce lack of waking recollection of the information he received since sensory input tends to be “diffuse and scattered requiring a sorting out before they can be redirected for logical purpose.” For Cayce, the trade-off would be that the information would not be available in the waking state but was capable of coming through in a transcendental trance state. The ruler Mercury is well aspected. The conjunction to the North Node and Venus and the sextile to Mars in the 3rd in particular indicate that he would be a metaphysical spokesperson in this lifetime and receive recognition for it while the conjunction to Saturn indicates that he would be an intellectual leader with amazing “scientific” and in this case medical foresight.
The co-ruler Cancer ties him to both the Divine, the Collective and to Karma. In his metaphysical readings Cayce often spoke about the ramifications of Karma. Individuals with a Cancer signature on the 9th are often capable of looking beyond the veil of time like their Capricorn polarity. This accounts for Cayce’s prediction of next incarnation in the year 2158 AD. The ruling planet, the Moon in conjunction with Pluto and Neptune in an angular house shows extreme psychic ability and openness to the superphysical realms as well as deep insight into matter of life and death. The sextile to Venus in the 5th House shows an intelligent social awareness which makes it easier to communicate with others. This “rapport” always made itself evident during trance sessions between Cayce and his secretary who recorded the information during the sessions. The square to Uranus is one of the indicators of sudden ill health during Cayce’s life. It is also a trigger of mental stimulation and strong insight regarding futuristic trends. Interestingly, the Sun in Pisces in the 5th House (representing Cayce’s ego identity) is square the 9th House Cusp (at Anaretic or Karmic Degree) tying his “essence” to his psychic receptivity which would undergo a number of bumps and hurdles throughout his lifetime with regards to his channeling abilities and the “Sleeping Prophet” role he was to fulfill.
All quotes for this Astro-Historical review of Edgar Cayce from No Soul Left Behind.